L10N/DemonBane/1.0.1/Books/SLRDHKillOrderAshwing のバックアップ(No.3)


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Ysabel Ashwing, Kvatch. Sword for hire. Destroy her body.
Your target is Ysabel Ashwing, a highly active member of the Fighter's Guild in Leyawiin, Bravil, and Skingrad. She has been offered by one of our clandestine agents a freelance contract to find a missing hunter north of Kvatch. You will wait for her in an unoccupied hunting shack, and kill her when she arrives.
Beware, for she is a keeper of the gift. As with the other targets, our seers have divined that she was born with the power to harm Daedra. The master therefore considers her a hindrance and a danger to our cause. Conjuration magic should be avoided at all costs in your ambush. In addition, she is a fighter of great skill. For this reason, two of you have been sent instead of one. Do not underestimate her.
The death of Ashwing has become especially urgent. We have learned that she is seeking the Demon Bane, which according to legend is a weapon with great destructive power over Daedra, forged by the ancient Ayleids and hidden in a secret resting place. This artifact likely does not even exist. But if it does, for a born Demonhunter of her skill to unite with such a weapon would be catastrophic. She must be stopped at all costs.
She is well-known throughout southern Cyrodiil. Therefore, it is imperative that her body be destroyed. After her death, only two Demonhunters will remain.
Dawn is breaking.

訳文 Edit

Ysabel Ashwing。Kvatch。戦士ギルド員。死体は確実に処分すること。
目標はYsabel Ashwing。Leyawiin、BravilそしてSkingradの戦士ギルドの極めて活動的なギルド員だ。彼女は現在、我々の潜入工作員によって、Kvatchの北で行方不明になった狩人を捜索するという偽の単独任務に従事している。無人の狩猟小屋で彼女を待ち伏せ、到着次第殺害せよ。

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