L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-16 のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 010B0B44	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	This is such a beautiful city. Don't you think so, too?	
FormID: 010B0B42	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	What a horrible weather we have today!	
FormID: 010B0B41	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I really enjoy the snow here in Bruma. Don't you?	
FormID: 010D90E5	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I never forget the first potion I made. It was supposed to restore health. But my father almost died of it.	
__初めて作った魔法薬の事は忘れもしないわ。Restore Healthのつもりで作ったけど、それを飲んだパパは危うく死にかけたの。
FormID: 0103A42F	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I'm not too sure about my weapons... Back in Morrowind, I always used a spear, but here in Cyrodiil I haven't been able to find one. Why is that?	
FormID: 0117041A	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	My mom says it's very important to keep your teeth in good shape. I think she would be most impressed by your tusks!	
FormID: 0103A430	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Can you explain to me why on Nirn an axe would be considered as [QUOTE]blunt[QUOTE]? It beats me for sure! If I am to use an axe, I definitely want a sharp one	
FormID: 0108222B	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Everyone is talking, but no one has anything to say.	
FormID: 0117041F	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	You should hear some of the songs my father sings after a schnapps or two. They are naughty!	
FormID: 0108222A	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't feel like talking. Why don't you talk for a change??	
FormID: 010AE1D5	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I really like your outfit - it matches your eyes so well.	
FormID: 0108222C	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I think you should change your outfit. It isn't becoming at all!	
FormID: 010388CB	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I might swim more if it weren't for the slaughterfish. Sharp teeth, and some carry disease.	
FormID: 0107F903	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you met Azzan at the Anvil Fighters' Guild? I think he is cute!	
__Anvil Fighter's GuildのAzzanに会った事はある?彼って可愛い人よね!
FormID: 0107F902	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you met Azzan at the Anvil Fighters' Guild? I think he is cute!	
__Anvil Fighter's GuildのAzzanに会った事はある?彼って可愛い人よね!
FormID: 01082229	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	They say that black horses are the fastest, but I always preferred the white ones. They are stronger, I think.	
__Black horseが最速だと人は言うけれど、私はWhite horseの方が好き。だって、こっちの方が丈夫だろうから。
FormID: 01082228	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Last year I tried to dye my hair chestnut brown. But something went wrong, and it looked all greenish.	
FormID: 0107F8FB	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Aren't you horribly afraid of those vampires? I am...	
FormID: 0107F8F9	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you heard the story about the ghost who walks the shores of Niben Bay at night? The people in Bravil call him The Forlorn Watchman.	
__夜のNiben Bayに現れるっていう亡霊の噂は聞いた事あるかしら?Bravilの人達は彼の事を「The Forlorn Watchman」と呼んでいるわ。
FormID: 0107F8F8	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I seriously believe that you need to take a bath!	
FormID: 0107F904	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I seriously believe that you need to take a bath!	
FormID: 0107F8FC	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	When I was a child I used to dream about going to Cyrodiil. And now I'm here. Strange, isn't it.	
FormID: 0119FD01	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't think too much admiration is healthy. People get big-headed from it, and I'm starting to get concerned over a certain friend of ours.	
FormID: 0119FD03	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	To be perfectly honest, I think a certain friend of ours has had just about as much admiration now that anyone can handle in one day.	
FormID: 0107F8FA	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	You should taste my strawberry pie! It's absolutely delicious.	
__私のStrawberry pieは絶品よ!あなたもぜひご賞味あれ!
FormID: 010E798E	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I have always enjoyed swimming. But in Solstheim the water is way too cold.	
FormID: 0107F901	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I've tried so hard to get better at spellcasting. But I just don't seem to have that in me...	
FormID: 0107F8FD	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I like swimming. But those slaughterfishes really scare me!	
FormID: 0107F900	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	My mom always said I should stay away from girls like you.	
FormID: 0107F8FF	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	My mom always said I should stay away from guys like you.	
FormID: 0107F8FE	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't like heavy armor... It makes me feel so... fat.	
__Heavy Armorは好きじゃないわ。だって…その…すごく太って見えるでしょ?
FormID: 0110E11E	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	You can't be too careful out in the wilderness. Almost any creature you find is liable to give you a disease.	
FormID: 0110E11D	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I've heard that it's no problem traveling from the Imperial City to Leyawiin... if you're a wizard and can walk on water, that is.	
__Imperial CityからLeyawiinに行くのは大した手間じゃないって聞いたわ。…水上歩行が出来る魔術師だったら、の話だけれどね。
FormID: 0110E119	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I've heard that Blackwood isn't so bad, once you get used to the flies. And being lost all the time. And the zombies and will-o-the-wisps.	
FormID: 0110E121	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Watch yourself around goblins. Some of the nastier ones will toss spells at you.	
FormID: 0111331A	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I find the Imperial City a bit noisy. I'm not sure I would like to live here for a longer time.	
__Imperial Cityはちょっと騒がしいわよね。あまり長い間住みたいとは思えないかも。
FormID: 0111331D	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Hammer and Tongs is a good place to get your armor repaired. Just don't go early in the morning. Agnete usually isn't feeling so well then.	
__武具を修理するならHammer and Tongsはいいお店よ。でもあまり朝早くには行かない方がいいわ。朝のAgneteはあまり機嫌が良くないからね。
FormID: 0111332C	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Don't you think it is horrible how the Blackwood Company is stealing all the Fighters Guild work in the Leyawiin area?	
__Leyawiinの方ではBlackwood CompanyがFighters Guildの仕事を根こそぎ横取りしているそうね。恐ろしいわ。
FormID: 0111332B	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I have heard that Ganredhel in Cheydinhal is so good at acrobatics that she can jump between roofs. I think she is training people, too.	
FormID: 0111332A	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Davela Hlaren who owns the Imperial Bridge Inn knows how to deal with trouble-makers. She just knocks them out, with her fists.	
__Imperial Bridge Innの女主人のDavela Hlarenは、困ったお客さんの扱いに手馴れているわ。ええ単純な事よ。拳に物を言わせて追い出すの。
FormID: 01113320	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Alga has a lot of good tales to tell. I wish I could tell a story like she does.	
FormID: 0111331F	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I've heard some strange stories about Count Hassildor. I'm sure they couldn't be true, though.	
FormID: 0111331B	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Somehow, Ayleid ruins are beautiful... in their own scary way.	
FormID: 0110E125	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't like to think about zombies. Missing arms, legs, heads. They smell awful, and they're hard to kill.	
FormID: 01113310	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I love the Cyrodiil deers. They are so beautiful - and they taste delicious.	
FormID: 0111330F	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	The Cyrodiil deers are so beautiful and so full of life. I can watch them for hours. 	
FormID: 010388CC	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Try combining Aloe Vera leaves with some venison. It's said to have some restorative properties.	
__Aloe Veraの葉っぱとVenisonを錬金してみて。この2つは両方とも回復効果を持っているそうよ。
FormID: 010388CD	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	It's said that eating Taproot can bring you good luck.	
FormID: 01182A88	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't think Mr You-Know-Who is listening right now, so please tell me... What do you really think of him?	
FormID: 01182A89	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't think Miss You-Know-Who is listening right now, so please tell me... What do you really think of her?	

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