L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-15 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 01117E6A	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Make sure not to eat Nightshade. It's very poisonous.	
FormID: 01117E69	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I'm so fed up discussing goblins and mudcrabs. I can't understand why people are so interested in them?	
FormID: 01117E68	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Everyone is talking but no one has anything to say.	
FormID: 010388CA	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I see no reason to talk to you.	
FormID: 010C01BF	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	You don't seem at all as stern as other dunmers, Neeshka!	
FormID: 01177F21	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I really like your teddybear, Ramy. I had one, myself, when I was a little girl.	
FormID: 010C53D7	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Sometimes, I feel embarrassed over my accent. You have of course an accent, too, but I find yours really sweet.	
FormID: 010C53D6	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	One of these days, I would love to hear more about your childhood, Saerileth. I think I heard you say something about the temple of Tyr...	
FormID: 01190C8C	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	One of these days, I would love to hear more about your childhood, Fergus. I think I heard you say something about being born in Senchal...	
__いつかあなたの子供時代の事を教えてちょうだい、 Fergus 。たしか Senchal の生まれだと言ってたと思うけど…。
FormID: 010F2B67	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Could you please stop practicing your weapon skills on the furniture? It makes me nervous!	
FormID: 010CCEF5	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I really like your outfit - it matches your eyes so well.	
FormID: 010CCEF3	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	You look very pretty in that outfit, do you know that. I bet it wouldn't look half as good on me.	
FormID: 010CA5D0	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I wish I was better at spellcasting. One of these days, maybe you would care to show me some spells, Rhianna?	
FormID: 010C3199	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	One day, when we are finished here, maybe you could come with me to Morrowind? I'm sure you would love it!	
FormID: 010CA5CB	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	This place is a mess! We really ought to clean it up, instead of running around playing heroes!	
FormID: 0118E357	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	When I relax I try to put on something reasonably attractive or at least sensibly utilitarian. But you - you always slob around in your armor! 	
FormID: 0118E35A	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Okay, of course we scavenge even the clothing of dead bandits, but for goodness sake do wash them before you put them on!	
__確かに私たちは Bandit の死体から衣服を剥ぎ取るけれど、着る前にはちゃんと洗濯しているんだからね!
FormID: 010F2B69	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Viconia, I'm bloody fed up hearing you talking about how all except drows are so idle with their time. Do you really think I am lazy?	
FormID: 010BFAE3	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I wish I had met you back in Morrowind Neeshka! I bet we would have had lots of fun together!	
FormID: 01188376	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Valtierro, could you please stop breathing? You really shouldn't have had that bear... it stinks!	
FormID: 01188A51	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I told a friend that [QUOTE]Ten Commands: Nine Divines[QUOTE] was the worst piece of crap I ever read.But she said a book called [QUOTE]Silken Flames[QUOTE] was even worse.	
__友達にTen Commands: Nine Divinesはいまだかつてないぐらいの駄作って批評したら、[QUOTE]Silken Flames[QUOTE]もいい勝負よ、って言われたわ。
FormID: 01188373	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	That little poetry I heard you read the other night really made me giggle. Such horrible rhymes! Wonder what lunatic wrote it?	
FormID: 01188A50	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	You know, Valtierro, you're not at all what I had expected. After the rumors I heard about you at The Bloated Float, I thought you were a lunatic.	
__ねぇValtierro。私、まさかあなたと一緒に旅をする事になるとは想像していなかったのよ。あなたがThe Bloated Floatで起こした事件の事は耳にしていたから、最初は狂人かと思い込んでたし。
FormID: 01188A57	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Are also you writing a diary? I've seen you scribbling in a little book quite a lot.	
FormID: 01188377	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I think it's great that you explore Cyrodiil with us, Valtierro. To think that you had hardly been outside the city walls... That's terrible!	
FormID: 010B344E	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I find the Imperial City a bit noisy. I'm not sure I would like to live here for a longer time.	
__Imperial Cityはちょっと騒がしいわよね。あまり長い間住みたいとは思えないかも。
FormID: 010B3450	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I think Rena Bruiant may actually love dogs more than her husband. Strange couple, those two.	
__じっさい、Rena Bruiantは旦那さん以上にワンちゃんを愛してるわよね。…変な夫婦。
FormID: 010B344C	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I read one of Casta Scribonia's books not long ago. But I must admit that I didn't understand a thing!	
__ちょっと前にCasta Scriboniaの書いた本を一冊読んだ事があるわ。正直言って、全く理解出来なかったけれど!
FormID: 010CCEDE	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I forgot what I was about to say.	
FormID: 011CDB41	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Strange, isn't it... I never thought I would fall in love... And yet it happened.	
FormID: 010CCEDD	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I bet I could run faster than you. If I really try, that is.	
FormID: 010CCEDC	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I never have time to write in my diary.	
FormID: 011200A9	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Honestly, some bandits are so silly! They always hang around in the same old places! You might as well have your bow ready when you walk up to them!	
__正直、野盗って馬鹿だよね…いつも同じような廃墟にたむろしてばかり。通過するときにちゃんと [QUOTE]挨拶[QUOTE] してあげてね。
FormID: 01170419	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	My mom always says wizards are a nuisance. Can't live with them, can't live without them, can't tie them to a stake without people complaining!	
FormID: 0117041B	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	It's good to see new stores springing up in Cyrodiil which also cater for the female figure. However, I've yet to see a good daedric corset.	
FormID: 011409FF	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	There should be some kind of security block on scrolls. Once I activated one by accident. Lightning bolts can be really devastating inside a shop.	
FormID: 0111F9CB	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I think the best place for swimming is that little Creek behind Pells Gate.But you sometimes have to teach a few wizards a lesson first.Peeping toms!	
__泳ぐなら、Pells Gateの裏手の小川が一番だと思うわ。まぁ、のぞきが趣味の不届きな魔術師さんをこらしめてあげないといけない事がたまにあるけど!
FormID: 0111F9C7	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but in my opinion, the girl's best friend is a fiery sword with soul-trap.	
FormID: 0118E367	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Do you know, there is a cave called un-marked cave? It is called that on the door, which I think is a philosophical conundrum.	
__Un-marked Cave ( 地図に記されていない洞窟 ) っていう洞窟があるのを知ってる?扉にそう書いてあるんだってね。思うにこれはきっと哲学的な謎々なんだわ。
FormID: 0118FEBC	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	It makes me so sad to see an guard horse wandering alone, and then see a dead guard in the road. It is upsetting.	
FormID: 0111F9BF	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I know my braids seem old-fashioned, but I think the effect is quite charming. And once I was able to use one braid to strangle a spriggan to death.	
FormID: 01170420	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Leather armor, in my opinion, flatters everybody, what do you think?	
FormID: 01170421	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't like glass armor. What a horrible green! And it chafes!	
FormID: 01170AF5	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	A girl can look good in fur armor, right until she meets a bandit with a halfway decent weapon! I know fur doesn't chafe, but an axe certainly does!	
FormID: 01174193	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I hate wearing a helmet. It ruins my hair completely.	
FormID: 01174194	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't understand why any girl would want to wear a daedric helmet. They are downright ugly, don't you think so, too?	
__どうして世間の女の子はDaedric Helmetを喜んで被ろうとするのかしら?理解出来ないわ。どう考えたって不恰好でしょあれ?あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 0111F2DE	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't know, I see a lot of ships, but I can't find herring anywhere.	
FormID: 010B3446	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Wilbur at the Count's Arms knows a lot about fine wines. When I was working there, he tried to teach me a little, but, honestly, I still prefer mead!	
__Count's ArmsのWilburはワインの銘酒にすごく詳しいわ。あそこで働いていた頃、少しだけ私に教えてくれようとしたけれど、それでもやっぱり私はMeadの方が好き!
FormID: 010B3452	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	Aleswell has such a lovely view over the Imperial City!	
__Aleswellから眺めるImperial Cityの景色って、本当に素晴らしいわ!
FormID: 010B0B46	1emmQuest1	INFOGENERAL	0	It's so good to be here in Anvil. I so enjoy looking at all those beautiful ships.	

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