L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emVCGeneral-21 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 011D20AB	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Look at that statue - he reminds me of a mead-drinking nord warrior. 	
__あの像を見ると、蜂蜜酒を飲んでいる Nord 男性の姿を思い出すわ。
FormID: 011D20AC	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	There's something suspicious about a Daedra who is dressed like an imperial noble-man taking a stroll in the city. Don't you agree?	
__ひょっとしたら Imperial の貴族のような格好をして街を散歩してる Daedra がいるのかも知れないわね。あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 011D20AD	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	What a truly beautiful place this is. I think Vaermina's worshippers must enjoy coming here	
__ここは本当に綺麗な場所ね。きっと Vaermina の信者もここに来るのを楽しみにしてるはずよ。
FormID: 011A6AFA	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	HOSTILE	
FormID: 011A640E	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Infested mine is good for a day out,don't you think?Lovely picnic area outside, you can swim,and the bandits will cheerfully give you weapon practice	
__Infested Mine はお出掛けにはもってこいの場所だと思わない?泳ぐ事も出来るし、 Bandit たちが喜んで戦いの稽古をつけてくれる、まさにピクニックにぴったりの場所よ。
FormID: 011E70B7	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Be careful, there are often other adventurers in here.Weekend tourists from the big city, I guess. And you can get into big trouble if you kill one.	
FormID: 011AFAF2	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I wonder if there's a Slowwater cave as well?	
__ここは Quickwater Cave って呼ばれているけれど、同じように Slowwater Cave っていう洞窟もあるのかしらね?
FormID: 011AFAF3	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Redwater... Do you think it means that the water is full of minerals - or is it full of... blood?	
__Redwater (赤い水) ね…。赤い水っていうのはミネラル分が豊富って意味なのかな?それとも血がたくさん流されたっていう意味なのかも…。
FormID: 011ABD44	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Breakneck cave? Hmm... you better watch out so you don't fall and break something.	
__Breakneck Cave (首折り洞窟) ね。うーん…あなたも何か壊したり怪我をしたりしないよう気をつけた方がいいわ。
FormID: 011A640F	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Wellspring cave is a really nice place isn't it, I mean once you have had time to enjoy the scenery, that is.	
__Wellspring Cave は本当に素敵な所だと思わない?もっとも、ゆっくり景色を楽しめるだけの余裕があればの話だけれど。
FormID: 011A71E6	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Red Ruby cave? Hah. Give me a bandits stronghold any time!	
__ここ、 Red Ruby Cave っていうの?まぁいいわ。私にかかれば Bandit の根城くらい、いつでもどんと来い!よ。
FormID: 011A641D	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I'm a bit puzzled over what they say about Black Rock Cave; there's an entire ship down there, miles and miles from the coast. 	
__Black Rock Cave の噂の事を考えると少し戸惑っちゃうわ。海岸から何マイルも離れてるのに、洞窟の中には船が丸ごと一隻あるんだって。
FormID: 011A641E	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I have tried the echo in Echo Mine; it doesn't work.	
__Echo Mine (やまびこ鉱山) っていうからやまびこが聞こえるか試してみたけれど、駄目だったわ。
FormID: 011A63F4	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Isn't it weird to call a place Un-marked cave? Especially as it is called that on the door, which I think is a philosophical conundrum.	
__この洞窟を Un-marked Cave (記されぬ洞窟) と呼ぶのは妙だと思わない?扉にそう書いてあるのにね。哲学的な謎かけか何かかしら。
FormID: 011A71E5	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Memorial Cave is a very interesting place to visit, if you approach it in the right frame of mind, which is to say, with heavy weaponry.	
__Memorial Cave は面白い場所よね。しっかり装備を固めて踏み込むだけの正常な精神の持ち主にとっては、だけど。
FormID: 011A63F1	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I hate the smell of sewers.	
FormID: 011A71E8	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I really don't think this is a suitable place for Ramy. Don't you feel at all responsible for her?	
__こんな所に Ramy を連れてくるべきじゃないわ。あなたにはあの子に対する責任感ってものが無いの?
FormID: 011A6410	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I have always enjoyed mining, but it is more of a pleasure to do it when I don't have to worry about goblins jumping on my back!	
__採掘作業は楽しいわよ。でも、背後から Goblin に跳びかかられる心配がなければもっと嬉しいのだけど。
FormID: 011A63F3	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I don't find goblins very scary compared to some of the creatures I have seen in Solstheim.	
__Goblin なんて、 Solstheim で見た恐ろしい怪物に比べたら大して怖いものではないわ。
FormID: 011A71DC	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Why do all goblins carry weapons even indoors? It's not as though the rats put up much of a fight.	
__どうして Goblin たちは屋内でも武器を構えているのかしら?そう頻繁にネズミと戦っているようにも見えないし…。
FormID: 011A640A	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Why don't we ever see the Goblin mothers and babies?	
__今までお母さん Goblin とか赤ちゃん Goblin を見たことがないけれど、どうしてかしらね?
FormID: 011A71EC	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I can't say I'm afraid of Goblins - but I hate the smell of them.	
__Goblin なんて全然怖くないけれど、奴らの臭いは嫌いよ。
FormID: 011A6408	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Why don't they try to tidy up the place a bit. It's so easy to make soap with fat and ashes, and I suspect they have a pretty good supply of both.	
FormID: 011A640B	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Goblins... I know they are a nuisance but... how would you like it if people walked into your home?	
__Goblin は厄介なものだけれど、立場を替えて考えてみると他人が自宅にずかずか入り込んでくるのはあれな気分かもね…。
FormID: 011A71DE	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Goblins don't have very much conversation; as far as I can tell, the only the word they know is ARC! and they use that for everything.	
__Goblin はあまり会話をしないのね。私が聞いた限りだと、彼らが使える単語は「アー!」って鳴声だけ。それで全ての意思疎通を図ってるみたい。
FormID: 011A6419	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Watch yourself around goblins. Some of the nastier ones will toss spells at you.	
__Goblin に気をつけて。魔法を唱えてくる厄介な奴もいるから。
FormID: 011A71EB	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Urgh... The Goblin smell is really ghastly.	
__うう…Goblin の臭いがひどくて…。
FormID: 011A6409	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Personally, I don't think a cauldron of skulls in the kitchen was ever going to make the guests feel at home.	
FormID: 011A71DD	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	You know, it's just as well we don't see goblin women; I don't think there is a goblin word for lingerie.	
__そういえばメスの Goblin を見かけた事がないわね。まぁ、 Goblin 用のランジェリーがあるとも思えないけれど。
FormID: 011A6407	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Maybe it's just as well that we never see any goblin mothers or babies. I would hate it if you killed the little ones.	
__今までお母さん Goblin とか赤ちゃん Goblin を見たことがないけれど、あなたがもしもそういう Goblin を手にかけるような事があったら嫌だわ。
FormID: 011A63F0	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Somehow, Aylied ruins are beautiful... in their own scary way.	
__どういうわけか、 Ayleid の遺跡って恐ろしいけれどそれでも美しく感じるのよね…。
FormID: 011A6404	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Aylied ruins are creepy, don't you think so?	
__Ayleid の遺跡って不気味だと思わない?
FormID: 011A71D1	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	If the Ayleid people were so clever, why didn't they make locks that couldn't be picked?	
__Ayleid 達はすごく賢かったと言うけれど、それならどうして絶対に開かない錠前とか作らなかったのかしらね?
FormID: 011A71D0	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	While we are here, maybe we could look for more Shadowbanish Wine for Nerussa at the Wawnet Inn?	
__ここなら Wawnet Inn の Nerussa に頼まれてた Shadowbanish Wine が見つかるんじゃないかしら。
FormID: 011A63F2	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Well, I do prefer bandits to vampires and undeads. And there's usually some good loot at places like this.	
__うーん、 Vampire や Undead 達に比べたら、 Bandit を相手にする方が私は好きね。それに、こういう場所では値打ち物の戦利品が手に入るものだし。
FormID: 011A640D	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Why don't bandits ever have enough food? We go into the cave and all they have is a loaf of bread and  one measly carrot. No wonder they can't fight!	
FormID: 011A71E4	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Honestly, bandits! Why don't they just take their loot and go home, instead of hanging around in the cave?	
FormID: 011A71E3	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Honestly,some bandits are so silly! They always hang around in the same old places! You might as well have your bow ready when you walk up to them!	
FormID: 011A6405	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Aren't you horribly afraid of those vampires? I am...	
__あなたは Vampire が恐ろしくないの?私は怖いわ…。
FormID: 011A71E9	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Vampire lairs are really creepy. Aren't you afraid of those vampires? I am.	
__Vampire の住処は本当に気味が悪いわね。あなたは Vampire が恐ろしくないの?私は怖いわ…。
FormID: 011A6420	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I don't like vampires! When you get right down to it, they think of us as food!	
__私、 Vampire は嫌いよ!奴らは対峙した相手を食べ物だと考えているんだもの!
FormID: 011A71E7	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Wonder what it is like to sleep in a coffin.	
FormID: 011A640C	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	The only good zombie is a dead zombie, if you want my opinion.	
__良い Zombie は死んだ Zombie だけよ。私に言わせればね。
FormID: 011A641A	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I don't like to think about zombies. Missing arms, legs, heads. They smell awful, and they're hard to kill.	
__Zombie の事を考えるだけでも嫌だわ。腕やら足やら頭やらが失くて、酷い臭いを発するの。それにしぶとくてなかなか倒せないし。
FormID: 011A71D2	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Imagine... I used to think that pink was beautiful. But, of course, I didn't mean this kind of pink.	
FormID: 011A71D3	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I hate the realm of Oblivion, all those dreadful towers, all those fiery tunnels called wormfart or something, and there is nowhere to get a drink!	
__Oblivion の領域は嫌いよ。どこに行っても恐ろしげな塔や Wormfart とか何とかいう灼熱のトンネルばかり。それに、飲み物を買える場所がどこにも無いのよ!?
FormID: 011A71D4	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	This place is not only hostile... it's downright ugly as well.	
FormID: 011A71D5	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	I can't wait to get out of this place. If we survive, that is.	
FormID: 011A71D6	1emVCGeneral	4emmC6PlaceThoughts	0	Compared to this, goblin mines seem almost pleasant.	
__ここと比べれば、 Goblin の住む鉱山なんて快適そのものね。

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