L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emVCGeneral-08 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 010120F5	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I don't like heavy armor... It makes me feel so... fat.	
__Heavy Armorは好きじゃないわ。だって…その…すごく太って見えるでしょ?
FormID: 01007CB2	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Once I was attacked by a giant mud crab!	
__一度だけ、巨大なMud Crabに襲われた事があるわ!
FormID: 0102A037	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I've been reading [QUOTE]Overview of Gods and Worship[QUOTE]. I'm not sure if I like it yet.	
__[QUOTE]Overview of Gods and Worship[QUOTE]を読んでいるけれど、面白いかどうか判断がつきかねているわ。
FormID: 01007CB3	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Have you met Azzan at the Anvil Fighters' Guild? I think he is cute!	
__Anvil Fighter's GuildのAzzanに会った事はある?彼って可愛い人よね!
FormID: 010F9207	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	My mom always said I should stay away from girls like you. But I can't say I agree with her.	
FormID: 010F9208	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	My mom always said I should stay away from guys like you. But I can't say I agree with her.	
FormID: 01007CB4	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	My mom always said I should stay away from guys like you.	
FormID: 01007CB5	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	My mom always said I should stay away from girls like you.	
FormID: 0102A039	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I've been trying to finish [QUOTE]Brief History of the Empire[QUOTE]. It's a lot to take in!	
__[QUOTE]Brief History of the Empire[QUOTE]を読破しようと頑張ってたけれど、これ、嘘がたくさん書かれているわね!
FormID: 01007CB6	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I've tried so hard to get better at spellcasting. But I just don't seem to have that in me...	
FormID: 01007CB7	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I've heard that the Count of Skingrad is a vampire. Do you think that is true?	
FormID: 01007CB8	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Do you think I look fat in this outfit?	
FormID: 01007CB1	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I don't mind daedras, I don't mind scamps. And I don't mind ghosts. But those slaughter fishes are really scary!	
__Daedraも、Scampも、Ghostもへっちゃらよ。でもSlaughter Fishだけは本当に恐怖だわ!
FormID: 01009EE3	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Last year I tried to dye my hair chestnut brown. But something went wrong, and it looked all greenish.	
FormID: 01007CB9	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I used to feel so lonely. But since I met you that has changed completely!	
FormID: 01009EE4	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Other girls my age dress up in silk and velvet. But me... Oh no! Hey... have you ever heard of the expression [QUOTE]sharing the loot[QUOTE]??	
FormID: 01009EE5	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Of all the provinces in Tamriel, Morrowind is my favorite.	
FormID: 0110E11C	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I've heard that it's no problem traveling from the Imperial City to Leyawiin... if you're a wizard and can walk on water, that is.	
__Imperial CityからLeyawiinへの旅はお手軽だって聞いたわ。…もっとも、自分が水上歩行の出来る魔術師だったらという限定付きだけれどね。
FormID: 0110E11B	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	There's islands in Niben Bay that no one ever visits. 	
__Niben Bayには、前人未踏の島々が浮かんでいるのよ。
FormID: 011621A0	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Do you remember when we first met? I was so happy when you said I could tag along with you. Who would have thought then that we would stick together.	
FormID: 0110E120	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Watch yourself around goblins. Some of the nastier ones will toss spells at you.	
FormID: 0110E11F	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You can't be too careful out in the wilderness. Almost any creature you find is liable to give you a disease.	
FormID: 0110E124	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I don't like to think about zombies. Missing arms, legs, heads. They smell awful, and they're hard to kill.	
FormID: 0110E11A	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I've heard that Blackwood isn't so bad, once you get used to the flies. And being lost all the time. And the zombies and will-o-the-wisps.	
FormID: 0118E353	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Next time you kill a boar, tried to save the bristles, will you? I found an old scroll that tells you how to make toothbrushes!	
FormID: 0118E354	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I am sure the pitcher plant acid would have a lot of uses if we put our minds to it.	
FormID: 01009EE6	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Last time I was in Chorrol, I met this nord guy and we got so drunk that I danced on the table. He? No, he was under it...	
FormID: 01128FCA	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Last time I was in Chorrol, I met this nord guy and we got so drunk that I danced on the table. He? No, he was under it...	
FormID: 01113330	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	We are a good team. Don't you think so, too?	
FormID: 0111330E	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	The Cyrodiil deers are so beautiful and so full of life. I can watch them for hours. 	
FormID: 01113311	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I love the Cyrodiil deers. They are so beautiful - and they taste delicious.	
FormID: 01009EE7	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I think the Countess of Anvil misses her husband quite a lot. She always looks so sad, poor woman.	
FormID: 01009EE8	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I don't feel like talking. Why don't you talk for a change??	
FormID: 01009EEA	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I saw the Countess  of Leyawiin in the Imperial City, and I could swear that she was flirting with one of the guards!	
__Leyawiinの伯爵夫人がImperial Cityにいるのを見たわ。彼女、絶対に衛兵と浮気をしているのよ!
FormID: 0117ECE0	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Have you seen Grayrock Cave? Very nice to visit if you can jump. If you don't know how to jump you learn very, very, quickly… or else!	
__Grayrock Caveには行った事あるかしら?ジャンプが得意ならとても楽しい場所よ。あまり得意じゃないなら、一刻も早く練習して上手くなるべき!
FormID: 01188A55	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I'm a bit puzzled over what they say about Black Rock Cave; there's an entire ship down there, miles and miles from the coast. 	
__Black Rock Caveには船がまるごと放置されているそうね。海岸から何マイルも離れているのに、ちょっと不思議だわ。
FormID: 01188A56	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I have tried the echo in Echo Mine; it doesn't work.	
__Echo MineでEcho(こだま)が鳴るかどうか試した事があるわ。上手く行かなかったけれど。
FormID: 0117ECE1	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I feel sorry for the legionaries I see on the road, especially since they have rubbish armor and have to live on mutton. 	
FormID: 011A7FA3	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I don't know... Magic might be good, but I don't quite understand what a spell can do better than a mace.	
FormID: 0117ECE2	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	The legionaries are so rude! Honestly, you would think we are criminals! It makes me glad that we don't pay our taxes.	
FormID: 0118EA3C	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I would hate it if you became a vampire, but I would be supportive even if it meant having to wear nightdresses and looking languid all day.	
FormID: 0102A038	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I read [QUOTE]The Real Barenziah[QUOTE] recently. Quite a piece of work.	
__最近、[QUOTE]The Real Barenziah[QUOTE]を読んだわ。あれは本当に労作ね。
FormID: 0116B8A7	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Have you noticed that little pond west of Chorrol? It even has a jetty! And a lantern! Why do you think that is?	
FormID: 0116B8AA	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I think that wizards have a very silly sense of humor. Frankly they are rather cruel people - aren't they?	
FormID: 0116B8AB	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I'm not sure I like wizards, nasty arrogant show offs! They always want other people to do their dirty work.	
FormID: 0116B8A8	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Doesn't it seem to you that Skingrad guards are a very pompous bunch?How dare they tell us to hurry up!They never hurry,unless it is to look pompous!	
FormID: 0118D5A4	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Do you think we could buy a cow? Milk is very nourishing, you know.	
FormID: 0118D5A5	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I think my mother might object to some of my clothing, but of course I have a very modern outlook.	
FormID: 0118D5A6	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I see that some bandits live in tents.Do you think we might give that a try?I quite fancy the idea of the great outdoors, well for one night at least	

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