L10N/Companion_Vilja/3.0.1/QuestStages/1emmQuest3 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	10	0	Vilja's sister Melinda has written. She needs two more Melting Daedra Hearts, and she wants Vilja and me to find them for her. Vilja suggested that we should ask Heneri again. But I told her the truth - that I couldn't stand the smell of those stinking hearts again. Oddly, she didn't seem to understand my refusal - she just said that she would ask me again in a few days.
__Melindaからの手紙によれば、Melting Daedra Heartsがどうやらあと2つほど足りないらしい。Viljaと私に補充して欲しいと頼まれていた。ViljaにHeneriともう一度会ってみてはどうか、と提案された。しかしそれでは私はまたあの鼻につくような臭いとおぞましい気持ちの悪さを訴えて彼女の気分を害したのに再び頼まなければならないことになる…。
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	20	0	Vilja's sister Melinda has written. She needs two more Melting Daedra Hearts, and she wants Vilja and me to find them for her. Vilja suggested that we should ask Heneri again, and I have agreed to her suggestion. I hope these Melting Daedra Hearts will be less smelly than the previous ones!
__Melindaからの手紙によれば、Melting Daedra Heartsがどうやらあと2つほど足りないらしい。Viljaと私に補充して欲しいと頼まれていた。ViljaにHeneriともう一度会ってみてはどうか、と提案された。私は彼女の要求を受け入れた。Melting Daedra Heartsが前のものより臭くなければいいのだが。
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	25	0	In order to give us two Melting Daedra Hearts, Heneri wants Vilja and me to convince her husband to return to her. I told her I wouldn't want to get involved in any such business.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	30	0	In order to give us two Melting Daedra Hearts, Heneri wants Vilja and me to bring back her husband to her. Obviously, he is now in the company of her sister, probably somewhere in the Bruma area. 
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	32	0	Vilja wants us to go to Bruma as soon as possible and have a word with Heneri's sister Sereni. 
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	35	0	I have talked to Heneri's sister Sereni. She seems to be quite bored with Heneri's husband. In fact, she said Heneri could very well have him back - if we instead brought her a tamed wolf that she could have as her pet.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	40	0	Vilja was not too pleased that I had promised Sereni to find a tame wolf. She thinks the Cyrodiil wolves are much more hostile and unreliable than the Solstheim ones. After a small argument we decided to ask for advice from some dog-trainers we know of - Ganredhel in Cheydinhaal and Rena and Rimalus Bruiant in Chorrol. Vilja will also write to her father and ask for advice, as he is good at taming Solstheim wolves.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	45	0	We have been told that a Nord man from Solstheim with a tamed wolf in tow has been seen in Anvil. Maybe he could give us some advice on wolf taming?
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	47	0	We found the wolf trainer, Terje, in Anvil. However, it seems that he, influenced by  an excessive amount of alcohol, has given away his wolf to a strange redheaded woodelf. That guy really has a drinking problem!
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	50	0	We found the wolf trainer, Terje, in Anvil. However, it seems that he, influenced by  an excessive amount of alcohol, has given away his wolf as well as his wedding ring to a strange redheaded woodelf. He says that if we can bring back the ring and the wolf, he will let us buy the wolf for 100 Gold. We'd better ask around for the woodelf!
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	55	0	It seems our redheaded wood elf has left Anvil and is on his way to the Imperial City. However, he was obviously tired when he left, and talked about resting at an inn along the road.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	60	0	We have found the redheaded Wood elf, but he didn't have neither the ring nor the wolf anymore. He had sold both to an adventurous Breton, on his way to explore a hidden Ayleid ruin in the neighborhood of the Imperial Bridge Inn. The ring, the Breton was intending to give to his girlfriend on the way to the inn.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	65	0	Davela Hlaren at the Imperial Bridge Inn told me the Breton Adventurer and his wolf had left in order to investigate the Sage Glen Hollow, located north of the inn. The Breton had claimed there is a hidden Ayleid ruin buried deep down under the cavern.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	70	0	I have found the corpse of the Breton adventurer. I should search his body for the wedding ring, or for clues about the missing wedding ring.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	75	0	On the body of the Breton Adventurer, I found a letter from his girlfriend who obviously is staying at Two Sisters Lodge in Skingrad. Maybe she has the ring. We should try and find her... but first we must search this ruin for any tracks of the wolf.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	80	0	On the body of the Breton Adventurer, I found a letter from his girlfriend who obviously is staying at Two Sisters Lodge in Skingrad. Maybe she has the ring. As we have already found the wolf, we should now try and find her.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	85	0	We have found the wolf. Now it is time to head for Skingrad, in order to ask around for the girlfriend of the Breton Adventurer. Maybe she has the missing ring.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	90	0	It turned out that the woman in Skingrad wasn't the girlfriend of the Breton Adventurer. In fact, she was quite happy to give us Terje's ring, as she didn't know what else to do with it. It's time to return to Anvil with the ring, the wolf and the good news!
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	95	0	The wolf trainer Terje was so happy for the wedding ring that he decided to give us the wolf, Wolfgang, as a reward. Time for us to pay a visit to Sereni Hlaalu and see if she'll accept the wolf in exchange for Hereni's husband.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	100	0	Sereni wasn't even interested in the wolf! She had a new pet, a scamp, and obviously it was more important to her than Heneri's husband. Without any further discussions, she handed over Heneri's husband to us. And he turned out to be... a skull!
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	105	0	Heneri seemed very happy to have her husband - or the remains of him - back again, and she gave us the Melting Daedra Hearts, just like she had promised to do. I'd better show them to Vilja.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	110	0	Vilja wants us to leave the Melting Daedra Hearts at The Bloated Float in the Waterfront. She thinks that if Thordar isn't there, he will soon pick them up, and until then the tavern owner will probably look after them.
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	115	0	We met Thordar at the Bloated Float. He took the Melting Daedra Hearts in order to deliver them to Vilja's sister Melinda in Vivec. Our task has been completed - now we can continue to enjoy our life in Cyrodiil - Vilja, I and our new pet, Wolfgang!
FormID: 010CE38B	1emmQuest3	120	0	Vilja has received a letter from Melinda, who was very happy over the Melting Daedra Hearts that we arranged for her. Strangely, she had slept with them under her pillow... and dreamt about Thordar. I guess he is the love of her life!

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