L10N/Companion_Vilja/3.0.1/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-22 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 0101FBF9	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	2	Vivec, where I used to live with my sister, is a strange city, built on platforms in the water. We stayed in the Foreign Quarter area.	
FormID: 0101FBF9	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	3	There, strangers are welcome, also outlanders! Else, the residents can be a bit... less happy... about having Cyrodiil people around.	
FormID: 0101FBF9	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	4	The nature is very special in Morrowind. There are swamp trees, grasslands and the powerful sandstorms of the Red Mountain.	
FormID: 0101FBF9	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	5	Morrowind isn't as pretty as Cyrodiil, but it has other qualities. It's wild... it's beautiful... One has to go there and experience it to understand	
FormID: 0101FBF9	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	6	I think you would love it - you seem to be the right kind of person to fit in there instantly.	
FormID: 0101FBF8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	Have you seen that waterfall close to the road between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal? 	
FormID: 0101FBF8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	There's a hill with a cave at the top of it, and there are often minotaurs in the area. Do you know that place?	
FormID: 0101FBF8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	2	I think it's one of the prettiest places in Cyrodiil. If I decide to settle here, I'd like to own a house there some day.	
FormID: 0107A018	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	One thing I enjoy here in Cyrodiil is to be able to swim in the waters. That for sure was no joy in Solstheim! The water was icy!	
FormID: 0107A018	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	I just wish there hadn't been so many slaughterfishes. I find them horrible!	
FormID: 0107A018	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	2	There is like a little pond outside Skingrad. Bathing there is very nice! We should do that from time to time, you know!	
FormID: 0101FBF1	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	Actually, there's something I'd like to ask you instead: Am I a burden to you? I mean, do you find me useful? Do you enjoy my company?	
FormID: 0107A016	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	You know, rather than becoming an alchemist, I would like to work with animals. I wonder if I could work as a horse whisperer?	
FormID: 0107A016	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	I am quite good with my horse Bruse, you see. And my wolf Hagbard and I were a great team!	
FormID: 0107A016	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	2	Maybe I could learn how to make potion that would cure sick animals? I think I would love that!	
FormID: 0101FBEB	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	I've never been a very good alchemist, to be honest. My mother taught both me and my sister, but my sister was so much more talented than I.	
FormID: 0101FBEB	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	You know, since you and I started to travel together I have discovered something - I'm actually quite a good fighter. Don't you think so, too?	
FormID: 0101FBEA	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	I think you probably already know me better than anyone else... I'm a bit embarrassed over what I last said to you.	
FormID: 0101FBEA	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	I mean... I wouldn't ever want to be a burden to you. If you want to leave, it is up to you, really. But I do want us to stay together!	
FormID: 0101FBE5	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	It's strange... For such a long time, I have been homesick. I have longed to go back to Morrowind, I have longed for my friends and my sister.	
FormID: 0101FBE5	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	I wanted to go home, but I was ashamed... I left my sister and ran off to Cyrodiil like an idiot, for the sake of a man who didn't really love me. 	
FormID: 0101FBE5	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	2	Strangely, things have changed now... Since I met you, I no longer feel like a lonely and homesick outcast.	
FormID: 0101FBE5	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	3	You have made me see Cyrodiil with new eyes. I have started to appreciate the beauty and atmosphere of this country. 	
FormID: 0101FBE5	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	4	To be honest... I am so glad that you are here with me. And I hope that our friendship will last for a very long time to come.	
FormID: 01072B7D	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	When I was a kid, my friends used to tease me and call me Vilja the Stomper! They claimed it was because I always made so much noise!	
FormID: 01072B7D	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	I suppose they were right! I was clumsy - but it was because my feet were so big! When I was nine, I had as big feet as my mom.	
FormID: 01072B7D	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	2	But luckily that changed... my feet stopped growing, and the rest of me started to grow instead. I don't think I have that big feet today. Do you?	
FormID: 0107A017	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	I've never been very good at spellcasting, but during our time together, I have certainly practiced healing spells quite a lot!	
FormID: 0107A017	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	At this point I am so good at it that I might even be able to heal you. We could try it some time if you like! Just tell me when you'd like my help.	
FormID: 010724A8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	I've always loved animals. In Solstheim, I had a tame wolf, Hagbard. I got him already when he was a little puppy. 	
FormID: 010724A8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	You see, my father had been out hunting, and then he found both Hagbard and his mom in a trap-hole. His mom was badly injured, dad had to shoot her.	
FormID: 010724A8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	2	But little Hagbard was not injured at all. So, he brought the puppy home with him. Oh, how I adored him! He was so tiny, I had to feed him with milk.	
FormID: 010724A8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	3	But he grew fast, and as he got older, he became my steady companion. Wherever I went, Hagbard was at my side.	
FormID: 010724A8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	4	Then one day, when he was seven years old, he disappeared. I searched the forests for him for many, many days. 	
FormID: 010724A8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	5	Finally, I found him. Dead. He had been shot with poisoned arrows. Oh, how I wish that I had found him earlier! Maybe I could have saved his life!	
FormID: 010724A8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	6	I never had another dog... well, wolf, I mean. As I told you, I moved with my sister to Vivec, and that's hardly a place for pets.	
FormID: 010724A8	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	7	But if you would like the idea, I surely wouldn't mind having a dog or some other pet!	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	0	It does make a difference to have a horse, doesn't it? With Bruse, I have traveled over big areas in Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	1	We left Anvil and traveled all the way to Chorrol. That's a nice place, don't you think so?	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	2	In Chorrol, I was hired by Rena and Rimaldus Bruiant to help them look after their dogs, Bailey and Kezune. 	
__あのね…Chorrolにいたときなんだけどね、私はRena Rimalus BruiantのところでBaileyとKezuneっていう犬の世話するために雇われたの。 
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	3	Especially Bailey is a sweetheart! If you feed him with meat, he will bow to thank you! Kezune is a bit dumb - and drooling all the time!	
__Baileyは特にとっても優しい子だったわ!餌をあげたらお辞儀してくれるぐらい! Kezuneは少し聞き分けのない子でずっとヨダレを垂らしていたわ。
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	4	Rena is spoiling them completely! Their food was better than ours! She could serve us sausage and potatoes, whereas the dogs...	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	5	...they got calf filet with herb sauce and mushrooms!	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	6	One day I couldn't resist any further... We had had potato soup for supper and the dogs were eating tournedous...	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	7	When Rena wasn't looking, I snatched a slice of their food!	
__Renaが目を逸らした隙に、一切れ [QUOTE]味見[QUOTE] させてもらったの!
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	8	That was however a mistake! The dogs started to bark angrily, and Rena instantly appeared. I was still chewing!	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	9	Guess what happened? I got fired! For stealing dog-food! Isn't that ridiculous?	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	10	After Chorrol, we continued to Cheydinhal. We took the road over Aleswell. From Aleswell, you get the most wonderful view over the city!	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	11	We continued to Cheydinhal - it's a pretty town, don't you think so! I worked for a little while at Newlands Lodge, but then I got restless.	
FormID: 0105BAA7	1emmQuest1	4emmC1You	12	And then one day the letter from Melinda arrived, and I realized that I had to find a way to help her!	

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