L10N/Companion_Vilja/3.0.1/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-20 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 010E8E18 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I ran into some drunken sailors the other day. I think I prefer goblins.
FormID: 0112CD6D 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 Have you noticed how many mudcrabs carry money? What are they saving up for, that's what I'd like to know.
FormID: 01080D8D 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I can't stand the sight of those creatures.
FormID: 01117E6B 1emmQuest1 MQ00KvatchResponse 0 Hmmm...
FormID: 01081B52 1emmQuest1 MQ00KvatchResponse 0 I don't know... first the emperor and his sons murdered, now this... yet I fear that the worst is still to come.
FormID: 01004C9D 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet1 0 Yes.. my sister Melinda, owner of Melinda's Beauty Shop in Vivec. You are from Morrowind, aren't you?
__ええ、私のお姉さんのことなの。 VivecにあるMelindaビューティーショップのオーナーをやってるの。 あなたはMorrowindから来たんでしょ?
FormID: 01004C9F 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet2 0 So you're not the one then. Oh dear... I'm starting to get really concerned over this.
FormID: 01004CA1 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet3 0 No..Or... Maybe you could. You seem to be more of an adventurer and fighter than I am. And I really do have a problem. Or, my sister has a problem..
__いえ…あ…でも… あなたでも出来るかも… 見た感じ私よりも冒険も戦闘も得意そうだし… でね…困ってるの! お姉さんのことなんだけど。
FormID: 01005A49 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet4 0 It's a long story, I'm afraid. You see, my sister has an alchemist store in the Vivec city of Morrowind.
FormID: 01005A49 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet4 1 She has specialized in making creams that will smoothen the skin and make women look prettier and younger, dearly needed by Dunmer upper class ladies
__彼女は肌をすべすべにして肌を若々しくみせる美容クリームを作る専門家で 主に上流階級のちょっとその…Dunmerの御婦人方に大人気なの。
FormID: 01005A49 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet4 2 The business has been quite a success, but then my sister couldn't resist buying cheap ingredients from a shady Khajiit trader.
FormID: 01005A49 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet4 3 This was a disaster! You see, those who have used her cream have now developed a furry face with whiskers!
__これがとんだ大失敗なの!! わかる? その安っぽい材料の入ったクリームを使った人たちからは髭が生えてきて毛むくじゃらになっちゃったのよ!
FormID: 01005A4D 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet5 0 My sister has been thrown in prison on bread and water, and the mob wants her head on a plate! She has written to me in desperation.
__姉さんは水とパンしかない檻の中に閉じ込められているの。このままじゃ死刑になっちゃうわ!! 手紙にはそう書いてあったの。
FormID: 01005A4D 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet5 1 You see, there is a cure for these horrible symptoms. But to make that cure, she needs ingredients that can only be found here in Cyrodiil.
__でもね、髭が生える症状にはちゃんと治療法もあるの! で、私が代わりにCyrodiilにある治療薬の材料を探しに来たってわけなの
FormID: 01005A4D 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet5 2 She has asked me to gather the ingredients. But I'm not skilled enough at fighting to survive in dangerous places on my own.
__姉さんは私に材料を集めるように頼んできたわ。 でも私にはこんな危険な場所を生き抜くすべなんてないの…
FormID: 01005A4D 1emmQuest1 0emmIntrogreet5 3 She promised that a friend of hers would come and help me. But I have waited here for weeks and no one has showed up.
__彼女は私を助けてくれる人をよこすって約束してくれたわ。 でも一週間以上たっても全然きてくれないの…
FormID: 010388C7 1emmQuest1 1emmTravel 0 Yes?
FormID: 01006130 1emmQuest1 1emmTravel 0 Yes? You do want us to stay together, right?
FormID: 01006143 1emmQuest1 2emmFight 0 Sure. Anything in particular you have in mind?
FormID: 010388C8 1emmQuest1 3emmHelp 0 Yeah?
FormID: 01006144 1emmQuest1 3emmHelp 0 If there's anything I can do for you, just tell me...
FormID: 010381D5 1emmQuest1 4emmChat 0 I don't know if I like this.
FormID: 01006145 1emmQuest1 4emmChat 0 Of course! Is there anything in particular that you'd like to discuss?
FormID: 01006139 1emmQuest1 1emmT2Armor 0 Alright!
FormID: 011349B5 1emmQuest1 1emmT2Armor 0 I guess we aren't exactly going for a nice stroll then.
FormID: 011349B6 1emmQuest1 1emmT2Armor 0 Back to work, I guess...
FormID: 0100613A 1emmQuest1 1emmT3Unarmor 0 A pleasant stroll without fighting? How nice!
__気楽にお散歩するのかな〜? いいね!
FormID: 011349B4 1emmQuest1 1emmT3Unarmor 0 Lovely! I don't particularly enjoy wearing armor all the time.
FormID: 011349B1 1emmQuest1 1emmT3Unarmor 0 Oh good, it will be nice to wear something that doesn't have blood all over it.
FormID: 011349B2 1emmQuest1 1emmT3Unarmor 0 At last! Something to wear that actually bends!
FormID: 011349B3 1emmQuest1 1emmT3Unarmor 0 About time! This stuff is heavy you know!
FormID: 0100613C 1emmQuest1 1emmT4aWait 0 Oh well...
FormID: 0100613D 1emmQuest1 1emmT4bGoHome 0 Are you sure? But... Oh well, don't stay away too long will you.
FormID: 01152ACA 1emmQuest1 1emmT7Sleep 0 Sure!
FormID: 01006140 1emmQuest1 1emmT7Sleep 0 Sure!
FormID: 01021081 1emmQuest1 6emmSkills 0 Just fine!
FormID: 01021080 1emmQuest1 6emmSkills 0 I'm learning more every day!
FormID: 0100613F 1emmQuest1 6emmSkills 0 Not bad. Not bad at all!
FormID: 0100613E 1emmQuest1 5emmInventory 0 Of course!
FormID: 010EBDF7 1emmQuest1 5emmInventory 0 You do take a lot of interest in my clothing, don't you?
FormID: 010EBDF8 1emmQuest1 5emmInventory 0 I hope you will give me something decent to wear this time!
FormID: 01006142 1emmQuest1 1emmT99Nmd 0 If you say so...
FormID: 01006EEE 1emmQuest1 1emmT8Escape 0 Sure... but I'd prefer us to stay together, of course.
__そう… 私はもう少しここに居たかったんだけど… いいのよ…
FormID: 01142588 1emmQuest1 1emmT9Home 0 What a lovely place! I always liked the Bruma houses.
FormID: 01142588 1emmQuest1 1emmT9Home 1 Hmm... it does need some improvement, don't you think so? Curtains... carpets... a more female touch.
FormID: 01142589 1emmQuest1 1emmT9Home 0 What a lovely place! I always liked the Cheydinhal houses. And, what a nice fireplace!
FormID: 01142589 1emmQuest1 1emmT9Home 1 Still... it does need some improvement, don't you think so? Curtains... carpets... a more female touch.
FormID: 0114258A 1emmQuest1 1emmT9Home 0 This is a good house! And so nicely situated close to the Great Oak. I just wish there was a fireplace somewhere.
FormID: 0114258A 1emmQuest1 1emmT9Home 1 Still... it does need some improvement, don't you think so? Curtains... carpets... a more female touch.
FormID: 01142587 1emmQuest1 1emmT9Home 0 Hmm... it does need some improvement, don't you think so? Curtains... carpets... a more female touch.

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