L10N/Companion_Vilja/3.0.1/Books/1emmArrowFletchingFormulas のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*1emmArrowFletchingFormulas [#q53df0b7]

**原文 [#z68f6ea0]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">Arrow Fletching for Dummies<br>
<div align="left">This is a collection of ingredients necessary for creating arrows of all different types, depending on the marksman's skills. Naturally, greater skill is required for higher quality arrows.<br>
Also, if you are simply upgrading arrows to the next level of quality, you can subtract five from the skill needed, and you will not need the ingredient.<br>
The number of ingredients needed for each arrow type is five, which will result in the creation of twenty arrows. If  you are upgrading existing arrows, you will need twenty of any lesser arrows than the ones you want to upgrade to.<br>
<font face=1>Iron: skill 25 + taproot<br>
Steel: skill 45 + mandrake root<br>
Silver: skill 50 + arrowroot<br>
Dwarven: skill 55 + bloodgrass<br>
Elven: skill 60 + dragon's tongue<br>
Glass: skill 65 + daedra silk<br>
Ebony: skill 70 + minotaur horn<br>
Daedric: skill 75 + clannfear claws<br>

**訳文 [#bb16d2cd]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">誰でも分かる矢のつくり方解説<br>
<div align="left">以下は、あらゆる種類の矢を作成するのに必要な素材の一覧です。作成可能な矢の種類はMarksmanのスキルに依存しており、高品質な矢を作成するには当然ながらより高いスキルが必要となります。<br>
<font face=1>Iron: 必要スキル 25 + taproot<br>
Steel: 必要スキル 45 + mandrake root<br>
Silver: 必要スキル 50 + arrowroot<br>
Dwarven: 必要スキル 55 + bloodgrass<br>
Elven: 必要スキル 60 + dragon's tongue<br>
Glass: 必要スキル 65 + daedra silk<br>
Ebony: 必要スキル 70 + minotaur horn<br>
Daedric: 必要スキル 75 + clannfear claws<br>


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