L10N/Companion_Julienne/6.2/Books/a00pACBookDead のバックアップソース(No.1)

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Death is the one thing the human being has never been able to avoid. Death evenly comes to everyone whether he is virtuous or not, intelligent or not, strong or not...
They say it is the Providence of God. 


I have ever been looking for alchemic method to avoid death called the Providence of God by the foolish. There must be the way to avoid fate. I'm the one who is the most intelligent. It must be possible only for me to beat death even though impossible for the foolish calling themselves the devout. 

Source of human is electric energy. Therefore, if the energy is not exhausted, human being must be able to live permanently. I have already succeeded in finishing the medicine which can enable creatures to be resurrected. It is the only one thing I found strange that the resurrected creature, which is my dog, gets stronger and less clever. I don't know what happened. But it is probably little important. I am going to drink it and let my wife and daughter drink it. My family lives permanently with fame of my name. There has ever been nobody who tries to understand me.  Chosen one is always lonely like me. It is this thing that should be called the Providence of God. This medicine will change everything.


This is a diary found at an old fort. It must be the one written by an ancient alchemist. Probably, it can be concluded that this is the beginning of necromancy. His way is now known as beginner's method of necromancy, not resurrection. 

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