L10N/Companion_Julienne/6.2/Books/a0000pKeyToSskillMercantile のバックアップソース(No.1)

// Format_ver:0.0.2 (2008-12-12)
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Governing Attribute:Personality
Get better deals when buying or spelling goods. For a novice, the value of an item he sells is reduced by the worn condition of the item. For an apprentice, the value of an item he sells is not affected by the worn condition of the item. A journeyman can buy and sell any object to any vendor, even if he normally does not deal in that type of wares. An expert can invest in a shop, giving the merchant money to permanently increase his shop's available gold by 500. For a master, all shops in the world always have 500 more gold available for barter.


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