L10N/Companion_Julienne/6.2/Books/a0000pKeyToMelee のバックアップ差分(No.1)


// Format_ver:0.0.2 (2008-12-12)
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Governing Attribute:Endurance
Parry melee attacks with shields and weapons. Successful blocks reduce damages.
A novice is fatigued by blocking, and hand-to-hand blocking against weapons has no effect. An apprentice is no longer fatigued by blocking. A journeyman's shield or weapon is no longer damaged when he blocks, and opponents may recoil when blocking with hand-to-hand. An expert blocking with shield has a chance to do a knockback counterattack, staggering the enemy if the shield blow connects. A master blocking with shield has an additional chance of disarming an enemy with a successful knockback counterattack.

Governing Attribute:Endurance
Maintain weapons and armor at top efficiency. Damaged weapons and armor are less effective.
A novice cannot repair magic items. Repair hammers last twice as long for apprentice. A journeyman can now repair magic items. An expert can repair items beyond their highest condition (to 125%). These expert improved weapons do extra damage, and expert-improved armor protects more. A mater never breaks repair hammers; one hammer lasts a lifetime.

Governing Attribute:Endurance
Make more effective use of Iron, Steel, Dwarven, Orcish, Ebony, Ebony, and Daedric armors. For a novice, heavy armor degrades rapidly with use (150% of normal rate). An apprentice's heavy armor degrades at normal rate. A journeyman's heavy armor degrades at a 50% slower rate. An expert's equipped heavy armor only encumbers him by 50%. A master's equipped heavy armor does not encumber him at all.

Governing Attribute:Strength
Deliver the crushing blows of mace and axe weapons more effectively. A novice does a Basic Power Attack with a damage bonus in all directions. An apprentice gains damage bonuses with the Mastery Standing Power Attack. A journeyman gains the Mastery Left and Right Power Attacks, and has a chance to disarm. An expert gains a Mastery Backwards Power Attack, and gains a chance of a knockdown. A master gains a Mastery Forward Power Attack, with a chance to paralyze.

Governing Attribute:Strength
Deliver the slashing and thrusting attacks of dagger and sword weapons more effectively. A novice does a Basic Power Attack with a damage bonus in all direction. An apprentice gains damage bonuses with a Mastery Standing Power Attack. A journeyman gains the Mastery Left and Right Power Attack, which have a chance to disarm. An expert gains a Mastery Backwards Power Attack, which has a chance of a knockdown. A master gains a Mastery Forward Power Attack, with a chance to paralyze.

Governing Attribute:Speed
Run and swim faster, and regenerate lost fatigue faster. A novice regenerates Fatigue slowly when running. An apprentice regenerates Fatigue 25% faster when running. A journeyman regenerates Fatigue 50 % faster when running. An expert regenerates Fatigue 75% faster when running. Running never reduces a master's regeneration of Fatigue.

Governing Attribute:Strength
Attack without weapons to damage and fatigue opponents. A novice does a Basic Power Attack with a damage bonus in all directions. An apprentice gains damage bonuses. A journeyman gains the Mastery Left and Right Power Attacks, and has a chance to disarm. An expert gains a Mastery Backwards Power Attacks, and has a chance to disarm. A master gains a Mastery Forward Power Attack, with a chance to paralyze, and, when blocking, gains a chance of a disarm on a knockback attack.

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