L10N/Companion_Julienne/6.2/Books/a000000pMystinaDestructiveSpell のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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You can not use these spells without the staff "Unexhausted Sorcery". You need to equip it. You can use the spells only while you equip it, otherwise no effect will occur.

Meteor (one target)
Meteor Shower (targets)
Allow you to call meteorites from the sky onto a target/targets. The above two spells are quite dangerous and deadly, and their explosion spreads widely. Also they will damage yourself/yourselves  as well as enemies if you are in the area.

Celestial Judgement (a target)
Celestial Storm (targets)
Allow you to call thunderbolt from the sky onto a target/targets. The above two spells damage a target/targets  even more than Meteor/Meteor Shower. However, the lightning strike does not spread so widely as Meteorites. Thus, it would be safer to use these than Meteor/Meteor Shower.

Tornado (targets)
Blows away your enemies to the sky, and then, they fall and crash onto earth.

The above spells can be used only outdoors. They require your Destruction skill level to be Master, and also require a huge quantity of Magicka.

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