L10N/Companion_Julienne/6.2/Books/a000000pArtifact のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*本文 [#n27c1bd0]

**原文 [#rcda9286]
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Almace (Shortsword)
The legend tells us that the sword has deadly frost effect and a terrible huge white wolf 'Fenrir' has and guards it somewhere in Gnoll Mountain. No one has defeated the wolf nor obtained the sword. One thing known at present is that the wolf has a great weakness to fire. Nevertheless, no one will be able to beat it.

Laevateiin (Two Handed Sword)
The legend tells us that it was a holy sword that was brought to Imperials by the Nine in an ancient time. Perhaps, it lies somewhere in the I.C. Palace.

Lidill (Dagger)
The legend tells us that there is a horrible assassin guild in Tamriel and the sword belonged to one of the assassins who lived in Fort Farragut long ago. The fact is also known that the assassin liked to use a secret path to enter it.

Mjolnir (Hammer)
The legend tells us that the hammer belonged to the Nine in an ancient time and it fell onto Cloud Top.

Orna (Shortsword)

Penitence (Longsword)
The legend tells us that it is a holy sword that was brought by the Nine. It is supposed to be placed somewhere in Temple of The Ancestor Moth. It will grant you great blessing of The Nine when equipped.

Sacrifice (Bow)
The Legend tells us that the bow has been being inherited between high necromancers since ancient times.

Sword Of Death (Longsword)
The legend tells us that the sword had been brought by ancient evil gods before The Nine conquered Tamriel. It has horribly sharp edge but it always has brought its possessor misfortune. The previous one died a miserable death near the Shrine of Hermaeus Mora.

Tiamat (Two Handed Sword)
The legend tells us that the sword has deadly fire effect and a huge lizard 'Tiamat' has and guards it. The fact is also known that it was seen in Blackwood. No one has defeated the lizard nor obtained the sword. One thing known at present is that the lizard has a great weakness to frost. Nevertheless, no one will be able to beat it.

Wood Sprite's Bow (Bow)
The legend tells us that there is a lake where a wood-sprite lives. It is  south of Nisin Cave and northeast of Priory Of The Nine. There is a waterfall that goes down to the beautiful lake. The bow is supposed to be laid somewhere in the lake.


The legend tells us that the Nine granted seven stones to Cyrodill. The stones will reject those who do not deserve them. However, if you are allowed to have them, they will protect you from unholy power. Each of them is laid on the altar in the chapel of the Nine except for Heliotrope and Onyx. In the legend, the two stones were stolen and were used in an unholy experiment where necromancers tried to fuse the stones and weapons. The place where they are now is unknown. 


**訳文 [#xbc4cdea]
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Almace (ショートソード)
伝説によると、この非常に強力な冷気の魔法が付与された短剣はGnoll Mountainのどこかで'Fenrir'という白狼に守られているとの事です。未だかつてこの狼を倒し剣の入手に成功した人物はいません。現在までに得られた知見によってはっきりしているのは、この狼が炎を弱点としているという事だけです。それが判ったからと言って勝利を収めた者がいるわけでは無いのですが。

Laevateiin (両手剣)
伝説によると、これは古代にNineの神々の手によって帝国にもたらされた聖剣だとの事です。おそらくImperial Cityの宮殿のどこかに安置されているのではないでしょうか?

Lidill (短刀)
遠い昔、Tamrielには身の毛もよだつほど恐ろしい暗殺者ギルドがあり、そこに所属するアサシンの一人が好んでこの短刀を使っていたという伝説が残っています。彼のアジトはFort Farragutであり、いつも好んで秘密の入口から出入りしていたとの事です。

Mjolnir (戦鎚)
この戦鎚はかつてNineの所有物でしたが、いつしかCloud Topのどこかに落下して以来、そのままになっているとの言い伝えがあります。

Orna (ショートソード)

Penitence (ロングソード)
伝説によると、これはNineの神々によってもたらされた聖剣であるとの事。多分Temple of The Ancestor Mothのどこかに保管されているはずです。身に付けた者に大いなるNineの加護を与えると言われています。

Sacrifice (弓)

Sword Of Death (ロングソード)
NineがTamrielを掌握するより以前の時代、いにしえの邪神たちの手によってもたらされた伝説的な剣です。その切っ先は相手に畏怖を抱かせるほど鋭く強力な剣ですが、所有者に幸運をもたらす事はまずありません!ここ最近の所有者も同様で、Hermaeus Moraの聖地の近くで非業の死を遂げたとの噂です。

Tiamat (両手剣)

Wood Sprite's Bow (弓)
言い伝えによると、世界のどこかに樹木の妖精が住む湖が存在するとの事。Nisin Caveの南、Priory of The Nineの北東に位置しているらしいです。湖は清らかな水を湛え、ひとすじの滝が注ぎ込んでいるようです。きっと弓はこの湖のどこかに安置されている事でしょう。




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