L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/MS23_OW のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 0001D21C	MS23	50	0	After searching Roland's home, I've found a letter written to Roland from his girlfriend. It mentions a cabin where the two would meet. I think this may be where Roland could be hiding. I should head out there immediately before he has a chance to escape. The cabin is east of the Imperial City in the Great Forest. If I follow the road leading to Cheydinhal I should eventually find a path leading to the cabin.
FormID: 0001D21C	MS23	80	0	Roland tells me that he thought his lover was having an affair, so he followed her one night on a walk. He came across Seridur draining the blood from her neck. Roland says he attacked Seridur, and in the chaos, Roland's lover was killed. Seridur got away. Knowing Seridur was a respected member of the Imperial City, he panicked and ran to the cabin here to collect his thoughts and decide what to do next. I need to decide what to do about this.
FormID: 0001D21C	MS23	85	0	I've discovered that Seridur makes the occasional visit to a place called Memorial Cave. It's a burial site for many heroes that died in past wars. Seridur supposedly has a relative interred there. Perhaps I should go investigate. Memorial Cave is due east of the Arcane University and on the shoreline of the eastern edge of Lake Rumare.

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