L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/MS10 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 00017838	MS10	205	0	I confronted Ulrich with the evidence I found and attempted to have him pay me, but he refused. Instead, he forcibly confiscated the evidence and placed a bounty on my head for threatening a city guardsman. The only other option now is to kill Ulrich myself.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	208	0	I've slain Ulrich Leland. At my first opportunity, I should go back and speak with Garrus.
__Ulrich Lelandを殺した。できるだけ早い内に戻ってきて、Garrusと話すべきだ。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	210	0	Llevana Nedaren told me about the plight of a good friend of hers, Aldos Othran. She explained how he was evicted from his home for non-payment of fines and expressed her hatred of Ulrich. I see no reason to get involved.
__Llevana Nedarenは、Aldos Othranという彼女の友達の苦境について語った。彼女は、どのようにして彼が罰金の不払いによって家から退去させられたかを、Ulrichへの憎しみを表して説明した。関わる理由が全く見出せない。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	220	0	I confronted Ulrich with the evidence I found, and he agreed to pay me a modest sum for it to stay hidden from the city.

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