L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/FGC07Heirloom_OW のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 00035718	FGC07Heirloom	20	0	Biene Amelion has told me that she wishes for me to retrieve her grandfather's ceremonial sword and cuirass from their family tomb.
FormID: 00035718	FGC07Heirloom	25	0	To find the Amelion Tomb I am to cross to the other side of the river and head south staying next to the river bed. The entrance is right next to the river itself.
FormID: 00035718	FGC07Heirloom	30	0	
FormID: 00035718	FGC07Heirloom	40	0	I have decided to give Biene Amelion the money to pay off her debt. She has told me that I may keep the sword and armor, if I wish to retrieve them from the Amelion Family Tomb.
FormID: 00035718	FGC07Heirloom	40	1	I have decided to give Biene Amelion the money to pay off her debt. She has asked that I keep the sword and armor until a time that she may be able to repay me.
FormID: 00035718	FGC07Heirloom	50	0	I have given Biene Amelion her grandfather's ceremonial sword and armor so she may sell it in order to pay off her debt.

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