L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Dialogue/LingDBRazjirrQuest のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 02004EF6	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	Greetings Brother. Care to help this poor one solve a problem with his old friend? I can provide compensation.	
FormID: 02004EF7	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	Greetings Sister. Care to help this poor one solve a problem with his old friend? I can provide compensation.	
FormID: 02004EF8	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	My duties prevent me from leaving the sanctuary. But I want to help an old friend of mine. Can you help me?	
FormID: 02004EF9	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	Once you have freed my friend and killed the inquisitor then I will be very happy.	
FormID: 02004EFA	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	0	Before I joined the family I was a member of the group called the Renrijjra Krin. We were fighting to reclaim our homelands against the aggression of the Imperials.	
__familyに加わる前、私はRenrijjra Krinと呼ばれるグループの一員だった。私達はImperial達の侵略に対し、故国を取り戻すために戦っていた。
FormID: 02004EFA	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	1	I was eventually approached by a speaker of the Dark Brotherhood and decided that my skills could best be used with this organisation. But I still kept watch on what my old friends were doing.	
__結局、Dark BrotherhoodのSpeakerに勧誘されて、この組織と共に私の技術を使うことが最良だと思ったわけだ。だが、私はまだ旧友がしていたことを見守り続けた。
FormID: 02004EFA	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	2	A few weeks ago one of my former friends was captured by an Imperial Inquisitor named Vilete Gesidia. He threw my friend into the dungeon under Bravil. Unfortunately, my work with the Brotherhood prevents me from going to his rescue.	
__数週間前に、私の元友人の一人がVilete GesidiaというImperial Inquisitorによって捕らえられてな。そいつは私の友人をBravilの牢屋に投獄したんだ。残念ながら、私はBrotherhoodでの仕事があり、彼の救出に行くことができない。
FormID: 02004EFA	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	3	You however are not required to remain within the sanctuary. You could head to Bravil and do the job that I wish I could do. Would you be willing to help me? I would reward you well.	
FormID: 02004EFB	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	0	Raz'jirr often talks about his old friends from the Renrijjra Krin. A sentimental fool if you ask me. The family of the Dark Brotherhood are the only friends that you need.	
__Raz'jirrはよく、Renrijjra Krinの旧友の事を話している。私に聞くのは野暮ってもんだ。Dark Brotherhoodの家族はあなたに必要な唯一の友人達なんだから。
FormID: 02004EFB	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	1	He places far too much emphasis upon his nationalistic tendencies. I would never agree to be roped into helping him out.	
FormID: 02004EFB	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	2	If someone needed me to kill their siblings though...	
FormID: 02004EFC	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	0	I ordered Raz'jirr not to attempt rescuing his old comrade or assassinating the officer who arrested him. I told him that it was because he needed to remain in the sanctuary in case there are any contracts that I need to assign to him.	
FormID: 02004EFC	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	1	But really it is because he is just not skilled enough to attempt it. Trying to free someone from the castle dungeon? Good luck trying to fight your way out of that. I also doubt whether he would be able to reach the Imperial he wants killed.	
FormID: 02004EFC	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	2	If you wanted to free the prisoner from the dungeons you would need to find some way to get the jailors to let him go, and if you wanted to assassinate the Inquisitor your best bet would be to wait until he was outside the castle.	
FormID: 02004EFE	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	0	I think it is an honourable thing what Raz'jirr is trying to do. When we join the family we start a new chapter in our lives, but to forget about the previous ones completely? That is not a smart thing to do, I think.	
FormID: 02004F01	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRazDecline	0	This one is not useful at all.	
FormID: 02004F02	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRazAccept	0	This one is most useful. I look forward to hearing some good news very soon.	
FormID: 02004F03	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	0	You can find my old friend in the Bravil dungeon. I do not know what the best way to get him out would be, but trying to fight all of the guards would be quite hard.	
FormID: 02004F05	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteTopic	0	Yes, that is the one. An Inquisitor of the Renrijra Krin working under the Counts of Bravil and Leyawiin. He has been working particularly hard to crush our freedom. I hope you kill him slowly and painfully.	
__あぁ、俺がそうだ。BravilとLeyawiinのCountsの下で働くRenrijra KrinのInquisitorだ。奴は俺達の解放運動をつぶすために、特に一生懸命働いている。あんたがゆっくり苦しませながら奴を殺すことを願っているよ。
FormID: 02004F06	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteTopic	0	Never heard of him. Is he some sort of entertainer where you are from?	
FormID: 02004F07	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteTopic	0	That is the name of the one who Raz'jirr hates. Are you going to try and kill him? It isn't an official contract so you won't have the support of the Dark Brotherhood if you try.	
__それはRaz'jirrが憎む者の名前だ。彼を殺すつもりなのか?それは公式の契約ではなく、したがって、やろうとするならDark Brotherhoodの支援を受ける事は出来ないだろう。
FormID: 02004F08	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteTopic	0	Some Imperial down south. Raz'jirr has a grudge against him for arresting his friend. Although personally I think he had the grudge before that incident occured.	
FormID: 02004F09	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	Can you believe that they are making me stay in the Servant's Quarters because there is no room elsewhere? I am a official in the service of Count Bravil and Count Leyawiin. I deserve better than this.	
__どこにも部屋の空きが無いと言う理由で彼らが私をServant's Quartersに滞在させているなんて信じられるか?私はCount BravilとCount Leyawiinの公益担当局者だぞ。もっと良い待遇を受けるに値するのに。
FormID: 02004F0A	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	It is really dusty and smelly down here. I cannot believe the gall in trying to shut me down here. Once I catch the leaders of the Renrijjra Krin I'll be living the high life, just you wait and see.	
__ここは本当に埃っぽくて、ひどい匂いだ。ここに私を閉じ込めるなんて、信じられなくてイライラする。私がRenrijjra Krinのリーダーを捕まえたら、もっと贅沢な生活をするぞ。今に見ていろ。
FormID: 02004F0B	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	I have been forced to stay in the Servant's Quarters of Castle Bravil until I am ready to head to Elsweyr again. My clothes are becoming all dirty, I just know it. When I'm in charge of the Inquisition against the Renrijjra Krin things will be different.	
__再びElsweyrに向かう用意が整うまで、Castle BravilのServant's Quartersに滞在することを余儀なくされている。私の服は全て汚れてしまった事をまさに知った。私がRenrijjra Krinに対するInquisitionを担当していたならば、事態は変わっていただろう。
FormID: 02004F0C	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	Hello there fellow traveller. I'm just passing between Bravil and Leyawiin on some important business. I'm on quite a tight schedule so I hope you won't keep me too long.	
FormID: 02004F0D	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	If you'll excuse me I'm attending to Lady Alessia Caro regarding important regional matters. Please don't take up much of my time.	
__申し訳ありませんが、私は重要な地域問題に関してLady Alessia Caroのお世話をしています。どうかお手間をとらせないようにお願いします。
FormID: 02004F11	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteTopic	0	Vilete Gesida is currently residing as guest of the castle. Unfortunately since we lack the appropriate accomodation for him he has had to stay in the servants quarters.	
__Vilete Gesidaは現在、城の客人として住まわれています。申し訳ないことに、私達の不手際により適切なおもてなしが出来ず、彼は使用人の部屋に泊まらなければなりませんでした。
FormID: 02004F12	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteTopic	0	That is I, were you looking for me?	
FormID: 02004F13	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteTopic	0	Vilete Gesidia has been a strong campaigner against the criminal activities of the Renrijra Krin. I hear that he recently arrested one of their lieutenants. I applaud the effort that he is doing. It helps to keep all of us safe.	
__Vilete GesidiaはRenrijra Krinの犯罪行為に対する激しい反対者です。彼が最近、彼らの副官のうちの1人を捕らえたと聞いています。彼の努力に拍手を送りたいですね。我々全員が安全になる事への手助けになりますし。
FormID: 02004F14	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteTopic	0	Vilete Gesidia is currently employed by the County of Bravil as an Inquisitor of the Renrijra Krin. I am happy to report that he has been making good progress, and just recently arrested one of their members.	
__Vilete Gesidiaは現在、Renrijra KrinのInquisitorとしてCounty of Bravilに雇われています。彼は良い成果を上げており、最近、彼らのメンバーのひとりを捕らえたとの報せは喜ばしい事ですね。
FormID: 02004F16	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBMoreVilete	0	I'm sorry, but I don't think I should be discussing him in any more detail with you. I'm sure why you would be interested in him any way.	
FormID: 02004F17	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBMoreVilete	0	Well, he currently spends most of his time in the servants quarters studying the Renrijjra Krin, but he also spends quite a bit of time in the Great Hall. On Loredas he travels to Leyawiin to attend the Countess Alessia Caro.	
__それで、今は時間の大部分を使用人宿舎でRenrijjra Krinの研究をしつつ過ごしていますが、Great Hallでも結構な時間を過ごしています。Loredas(土曜日)にはCountess Alessia Caroに付き添い、Leyawiinに旅をします。
FormID: 02004F17	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBMoreVilete	1	I believe he leaves at eight am in the morning. He then returns to Castle Bravil on Sundas. He seems a little upset about how he was forced to stay in the servant's quarters.	
__彼は確か朝の午前8時に旅立ちます。それから、Sundas(日曜日)にCastle Bravilへ戻ってきます。彼はやむを得ず使用人宿舎に泊まっている事に少し気を悪くしているように見えますね。
FormID: 02004F19	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRenrijjraKrin	0	The Renrijra Krin are a group of freedom fighters attempting to free the Khajiit homeland from the grip of the Imperials. This places them in direct conflict with the cities of Bravil and Leyawiin.	
__Renrijra KrinはKhajiitの祖国をImperialsの手から解放しようとしている解放の徒達のグループだ。ここはBravilとLeyawiinの街との直接衝突する者達の場所となっている。
FormID: 02004F19	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRenrijjraKrin	1	The despicable Countess of Leyawiin is a racist, she was the one who suggested that Vilete Gesidia be hired as an Inquisitor in the first place. His loyalties probably lie with her. He is a rasict as well.	
__卑劣なCountess of Leyawiinは人種差別主義者で、彼女はVilete GesidiaをInquisitorとして最初に雇い入れることを提案した人物だ。彼の忠誠は恐らく彼女によるものだろう。彼はまた、人種差別主義者でもある。
FormID: 02004F1A	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRenrijjraKrin	0	I was imprisoned in here for being a member of the Renrijra Krin. We were set up by that dog Vilete Gesidia. Soon he will start the torture, I hope to spit on his face when he does.	
__Renrijra Krinの一員だからここに投獄されたのだ。我々はVilete Gesidiaの犬野郎にはめられた。奴はまもなく拷問を始めるだろう。始まったら奴の顔に唾をはきかけてやるさ。
FormID: 02004F1E	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRenrijjraKrin	0	The Renrijra Krin are a group composed primarily of Khajiit but they accept members of other races. They claim they are interested in freeing Elswyr from Imperial authority, but that is just a cover for their true motives.	
__Renrijra Krinは主にKhajiitから構成されたグループだが、彼らは他の種族のメンバーを受け入れている。彼らはElswyrを帝国当局から解放したいと主張しているが、本当の目的をただ隠したいだけなのだ。
FormID: 02004F1E	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRenrijjraKrin	1	They really just a large skooma smuggling ring. I'll admit there are some who value their independance more than their skooma, but too many of them are more interesting in just turning a profit, or smoking it themselves.	
FormID: 02004F1E	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRenrijjraKrin	2	I am committed to hunting down and stopping them whereever they hide. I will not allow their drugs to run rampant through our streets. I have already had some success.	
FormID: 02004F1F	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteTopic	0	Hisss. He imprisoned me. If I could find a way to scratch out his eyes I would do so.	
FormID: 02004F21	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBMurderVilete	0	What? What are you talking about.	
FormID: 02004F23	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBMurderVilete2	0	You're an agent of the Renrijra Krin? So they've sent an assassin after me have they. We'll I'm afraid you won't be taking my life today.	
__お前はRenrijra Krinのエージェントか?なるほど、奴らは俺を狙って暗殺者を差し向けたのか。だが、残念だったな。今日、俺の命は取れないと思うぞ。
FormID: 02004F25	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteDeal	0	You mean you don't plan on killing me? You're willing to betray the ones who payed you to kill me?	
FormID: 02004F27	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteKill	0	You'll not take my life today.	
FormID: 02004F2B	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRenrijjraKrin	0	We currently have a prisoner of the Renrijra Krin named Jinger held right here in the dungeons. I'm afraid that nobody is allowed to visit him at the moment.	
__現在、Jingerと言う名のRenrijra Krinの囚人をまさにここの牢獄にに捕らえている。残念ながら、しばらくはいかなる者も面会は出来ない事になっている。
FormID: 02004F2C	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBJingerTopic	0	What is your enquiry about the prisoner?	
FormID: 02004F2E	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBJingerBribe	0	At least you are straight up about it. Allow me to make myself clear. I will not accept bribes from someone like you. This prisoner is to leave the cells only with orders from Vilete Gesidia himself.	
__少なくとも、あなたはそれに関しては正直です。はっきりと言わしてもらおう。お前のような者から賄賂を受け取るつもりはない。この囚人がこの場所から出れるのはVilete Gesidia自身からの命令だけだ。
FormID: 02004F2E	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBJingerBribe	1	Of course if you were able to persuade me better then perhaps we might be able to talk about it again.	
FormID: 02004F2F	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBJingerBribe	0	I see you don't like to beat around the bush. 500 gold and the prisoner walks free. Your choice.	
FormID: 02004F31	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBJingerNevermind	0	Very well.	
FormID: 02004F33	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBJingerOrders	0	Let me see those...hmm, they seem to be in order. Very well, I'll allow you to escort the prisoner out.	
FormID: 02004F36	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBJingerNoPay500	0	If you aren't willing to pay then the prisoner stays locked up.	
FormID: 02004F37	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBJingerPay500	0	A pleasure doing business with you. Here is the key to the dungeon doors.	
FormID: 02004F38	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBJingerPay500	0	You don't even have 500 gold. Try bribing me when you do.	
FormID: 02004F3A	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteDeal2	0	Oh of course, gold will be alright won't it?	
FormID: 02004F3D	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteOrders	0	You mean the Khajiit prisoner? I should have seen this coming. Serves me right for not demanding a bodyguard. They turned me down the first time.	
FormID: 02004F3D	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteOrders	1	Very well, I'll write some papers ordering his release right right now. Take them. I'm skipping town, you won't have any problems from me again.	
FormID: 02004F3D	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteOrders	1	Very well, I'll write some papers ordering his release right now. Take them. I'm skipping town, you won't have any problems from me again.	
FormID: 02004F3D	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteOrders	2	Although, if you truly are an assassin, perhaps later on you might want to come see me in Anvil...I may have a way that I can use your skills. If you don't want to though that is fine though.	
FormID: 02004F3E	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteGold	0	Okay, I have 400 on me at the moment. Take it all. I'm skipping town, don't worry, you'll won't have any problems from me again.	
FormID: 02004F3E	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteGold	1	I realise it is a little strange to ask, but since you decided not to kill me...could you choose not to free that Renrijra Krin prisoner? You know, just tell whoever sent you that you couldn't do it?	
__こんなことを頼むのは少し変かもしれない、だが、お前は俺を殺さないと決めた...Renrijra Krinの囚人を釈放しない選択をしてくれないだろうか?ただ誰が送ったにしても、それをしなかった事をどうやって分かりえようか?
FormID: 02004F3E	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBVileteGold	2	I realise that you don't owe me anything...but well, see me later on in Anvil if you want. I might be able to use your skills.	
FormID: 02004F40	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	You, you're the one who was trying to kill me before, come back to finish the job have you?	
FormID: 02004F42	LingDBRazjirrQuest	GREETING	0	My door, why has it been opened? You are here to rescue me yes? Then I thank you. I will head to safety now.	
FormID: 02004F44	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRazjirrSent	0	My old friend Raz'jirr is still alive? After he disappeared I thought he had been imprisoned and executed. If you see him again then thank him for me. And I thank you as well.	
FormID: 02004F45	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	0	My old friend Jinger is now free. You have been very kind in helping me. I promised you that I would reward you and so I shall. I have been saving up money from my contracts. It is yours.	
FormID: 02004F45	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBOldFriend	1	And what of the dog Vilete Gesidia, I assume you killed him as well.	
__それと、Vilete Gesidiaの犬野郎はどうだ、当然、奴を殺したんだろう。
FormID: 02004F49	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRazLiveVilete	0	What? Why not? Eh, it doesn't matter. I'm sure I will find some way to get him eventually. Well, thank you for trying anyway.	
FormID: 02004F4A	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRazLieVilete	0	Good, I hope he squealed before you ended his life. I have an extra thank you for doing that. I've not been able to use this ring, but perhaps you may find some use for it.	
FormID: 02004F4B	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRazKillVilete	0	Good, I hope he squealed before you ended his life. I have an extra thank you for doing that. I've not been able to use this ring, but perhaps you may find some use for it.	
FormID: 020051CB	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRazFailQuest	0	It is not your fault, those damn Bravil guards are to blame. You tried your hardest I am sure.	
__あんたのせいじゃない。奴らの忌々しいBravil guard達が悪いのだ。あんたは難しいことをやってくれたと思っているよ。
FormID: 020051CC	LingDBRazjirrQuest	LingDBRazFailNevermind	0	Okay.	

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