L10N/Chapter_2_The_Society_Of_The_Atronach/1.0/QuestStages/aaaSOTAQuest03 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 5 0 I should check on Cinder to see if she is okay after her ordeal...
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 10 0 Cinder has asked me to return her to where the Merchant captured her. After talking to the Merchant, it seems Cinder was wandering west of Bruma, in the direction of the Hermaeus Mora shrine; perhaps if I go there, I can get a better idea of where she was being drawn towards by [QUOTE]others like her[QUOTE]...
__Cinderは私に対して、商人が彼女を連れ出した場所へと、連れ戻してほしいと頼んだ。商人に話を聞いたところ、CinderはBrumaの西、Hermaeus Shrineの方角へと歩いていたようだ。おそらく、そこへ向かえば、彼女がどこで、"彼女の仲間"と出会うことができたかについて手がかりを得ることができるだろう…
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 15 0 After talking to one of the worshippers at the Hermaeus Mora shrine, he says that there is an entire city in a valley west of the Shrine; he says to get down there, I should follow the path south of the shrine until I reach a series of signposts, which should lead me safely down the hill. The strangest thing is, I never knew there was a city around here...
__Hermaeus Mora Shrineにて、礼拝者の1人と話した。彼はShrineの西の谷間に、街としての機能をすべて備えた、とある街が存在すると言う。そこに行くためには、Shrineの南の道を行き、一連の道しるべに従えば、安全に丘をおり、街へとたどり着けるとのことだ。何より奇妙なことは、私はその近辺に街があることを、全く知らなかったということだ…
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 20 0 Well, I've followed the path to the Old Mine, and the worshipper was right; there is an entire city down here! For the life of me, I've never once heard of this city before; I guess I should head inside and try to learn more about it...
__さて、Old Mineへと続く途をたどった。先ほどの礼拝者の言っていたことは正しかった。そこには、そっくりそのまま1つの街が存在した!命をかけてもいい、私はこの街について、人が話題にするのを聞いたことすら、決してない。どうやらこの街の中へと向かい、この街のことについてもっと知ってみる必要があるようだ…
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 25 0 After meeting with a very stern scholar, he has refused me access to the city of Spectrum. But, purely just to make me go away, he has given me the opportunity to gain access to the city; I am to visit his original home and bring back a collection of prized books...
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 30 0 I've found the books Calihan was asking for; I should bring them back to him as soon as possible...
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 35 0 After returning Calihan's books, he has graciously opened the way into Spectrum for me; it's about time I worked out what this city is all about...
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 40 0 I have spoken with one of the townsfolk, and with them was an Atronach of the likes I've never seen before, and was very tame and friendly; this must definitely be where Cinder has been trying to get to. They have directed me to the Castle, where a woman by the name of Cecelia can tell me more about the Atronachs...
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 45 0 Cecelia is willing to accept me into the Society Of The Atronach, but first she says I am going to have to prove myself by completing a few tasks; first, I must prove I can handle an Atronach, and to prove that, I must bring her salts of each type of Atronach - five Fire Salts, five Frost Salts, and five Void Salts...
__Ceceliaは、私がSociety Of The Atronachの成員になることについて前向きであった。しかし、まず私はいくつかの課題をこなすことによって自らの適正を証明しなければならない、と彼女は言った。1つ目の課題はでは、私がAtronachを扱うことができることを証明しなければならない。その証明のために、私は彼女の元に、各タイプのAtronachのSaltを持っていかなければならない。5つのFire Salt、5つのFrost Salt、そして5つのVoid Saltだ…
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 50 0 Cecelia has taught me a new spell which allows me to get Cinder's attention should she stop following me; along with this, she has given me a new task. It seems she was trying to develop a stronger armor for the city's Atronachs, but it appears to have gained a form of sentience, and has fled the city; I need to track it down at Lipsand Tarn, and defeat it, before it hurts somebody...
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 55 0 I've defeated the armor at Lipsand Tarn, and it seems the sentience has finally left it. It's a shame to have to do this, but it could have hurt someone; I should return to Cecelia and tell her the news of her armor...
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 60 0 Cecelia has taught me a new spell which allows me to call Cinder to my side at any time; along with this, she has given me my final task. She wants to test my loyalty to the Society, and asks me to help out Gentil, one of the merchants in town, who is looking for a very special item; I can get more details when I go and talk to her...
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 65 0 Cecelia has heard about how I helped Gentil find the gemstone she has been looking for, and has agreed that I finally meet the standards to be a part of The Society Of The Atronach; she has officially made me a member, gave me a nice selection of gemstones she thought I could make better use of, plus, she finally perfected her new Atronach Armor, and gave Cinder her first finished set...

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