L10N/Chapter_1_The_Dwarves_Of_The_Mountain/1.7/QuestStages/DMM0013 のバックアップ(No.3)


FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 10 0 I must now go to the Dwarven City and make my way into the King's Chamber. I must be careful to act as much like a Dwarf as possible; if I were to be found out, the consequences could be fatal...
__Dwarven Cityへと行き、King's Chamberへと侵入しなければならない。細心の注意を払って、できるだけDwarfであるかのように振舞う必要がある。もしDwarfでないことが露見したら、命を落とす結果になりうる…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 20 0 I've discovered why the Guards are so loyal to the King; it seems he's been feeding lies to them about the outside world, making us out to be vicious savages, hell-bent on destroying their lives. He's given me the mission to round up the few Dwarves that were [QUOTE]kidnapped[QUOTE] after the avalanche. He says there are ten in total; I've already met five, and he's given me the list of the other five as well. It destroys me to do this, but I have to bring them back to the Mines, even by force, if it comes to that...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 21 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as Borgak in his underground home in the West Weald; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
__West Wealdにある地下の住処でBorgakという名のDwarfを見つけ出し力づくで取り押さえた。忘れずに、彼を鉱山へと送り返すために意識を失った彼の身体に向け、呪文を唱えなければならない。すぐに他のDwarf達も見つけ出し、王のもとへ戻り報告しなければならない…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 22 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as Drakk at his shack in Blackwood; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 23 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as Grunk at Olav's Tap and Tack in Bruma; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
__West Wealdの地下の住処でGrunkという名のDwarfを見つけ出し力づくで取り押さえた。忘れずに、彼を鉱山へと送り返すために意識を失った彼の身体に向け、呪文を唱えなければならない。すぐに他のDwarf達も見つけ出し、王のもとへ戻り報告しなければならない…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 24 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as Torgan in his tent in the Nibenay Basin; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
__Nibenay BasinでTorganという名のDwarfを見つけ出し力づくで取り押さえた。忘れずに、彼を鉱山へと送り返すために意識を失った彼の身体に向け、呪文を唱えなければならない。すぐに他のDwarf達も見つけ出し、王のもとへ戻り報告しなければならない…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 25 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as Porgg in a riverbank cave near the City Isle; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
__City Isleの近くの川岸の洞窟でPorggという名のDwarfを見つけ出し力づくで取り押さえた。忘れずに、彼を鉱山へと送り返すために意識を失った彼の身体に向け、呪文を唱えなければならない。すぐに他のDwarf達も見つけ出し、王のもとへ戻り報告しなければならない…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 26 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as Gork at the Elven Ruin in the Colovian Highlands; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
__Colovian HighlandsにElfが住んでいる廃墟でGorkという名のDwarfを見つけ出し力づくで取り押さえた。忘れずに、彼を鉱山へと送り返すために意識を失った彼の身体に向け、呪文を唱えなければならない。すぐに他のDwarf達も見つけ出し、王のもとへ戻り報告しなければならない…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 27 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as Morgal at his campsite near Shadeleaf Copse; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
__Shadeleaf Copseの近くで野営していたMorgalという名のDwarfを見つけ出し力づくで取り押さえた。忘れずに、彼を鉱山へと送り返すために意識を失った彼の身体に向け、呪文を唱えなければならない。すぐに他のDwarf達も見つけ出し、王のもとへ戻り報告しなければならない…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 28 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as Strogg at his cottage in the Valus Mountains; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
__Valus MountainsにあるコテージでStroggという名のDwarfを見つけ出し力づくで取り押さえた。忘れずに、彼を鉱山へと送り返すために意識を失った彼の身体に向け、呪文を唱えなければならない。すぐに他のDwarf達も見つけ出し、王のもとへ戻り報告しなければならない…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 29 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as Agog at his Treehome high above the Great Forest; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
__Great Forestからずっと高台にある樹上の家でAgogという名のDwarfを見つけ出し力づくで取り押さえた。忘れずに、彼を鉱山へと送り返すために意識を失った彼の身体に向け、呪文を唱えなければならない。すぐに他のDwarf達も見つけ出し、王のもとへ戻り報告しなければならない…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 30 0 I have tracked down and subdued the Dwarf known as [QUOTE]The Seacaptain[QUOTE] at his oceanside shack on the Gold Coast; I must remember to cast the spell upon his unconscious body to send him back to the Mines. I should track down the others as soon as possible, and report back to the King...
__Gold Coastの海岸に立つ小屋で[QUOTE]Seacaptain[QUOTE]として知られるDwarfを見つけ出し力づくで取り押さえた。忘れずに、彼を鉱山へと送り返すために意識を失った彼の身体に向け、呪文を唱えなければならない。すぐに他のDwarf達も見つけ出し、王のもとへ戻り報告しなければならない…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 35 0 I have tracked down all ten missing Dwarves. I can tell that Bigg'ns had absolutely nothing to do with them leaving the Mines; they were happy with where they were, and returning them was wrong, but I must continue my charade for the King until I can find a way to stop him. I should return to the King and see what he has to say about my work...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 40 0 After what he called [QUOTE]a job well done[QUOTE], the Dwarven King has invited me to have a drink with him in his high security Private Quarters. This could be a very good chance at finding out anything more about the King and any possible weaknesses...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 45 0 The King has personally asked me to serve the drinks; perhaps this is a good time to take advantage of his false sense of security. I should pour out the drinks as usual, but I could sneak away and search the house for anything useful to [QUOTE]add[QUOTE] to his glass...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 50 0 Now that I've poured the glasses, I should sneak around and see if I can find anything interesting. I cannot let him see me; if he does, my disguise is ruined, and it's all over for everyone...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 55 0 I have found a Research Journal in the King's Cellar written by the botanist Dwarf Drakk; it speaks of different fungal growths found in the mountain, but concentrates primarily on three different types, one of which can cause drowsiness upon consumption. This would be ideal to use in the King's drink, but the details have been torn from the book, and the other fungi could be potentially fatal, for me or the King. I must look for those extra pages, so as not to use the wrong one...
__King's Cellarにて、植物学者であるDwarfのDrakkによって書かれた調査記録を発見した。その調査記録には、この山で見られる、異なるキノコの成長について書かれている。しかし主に3種が集中して繁殖する。そのうちの1種は摂取することによって、眠気を引き起こす。この種が、王が口にするのに理想的なものだ。しかし、詳細については書かれたと思しき部分は破れていてない。そしてその他2種のキノコを、グラスに混入させるのは私にとっても王にとっても、破滅的な結果をもたらしうる。それらを使うことのないよう、詳細が記されているであろうページの破片を探さなければ…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 56 0 I have found what appears to be one of the fungi mentioned in the Research Journal, but without knowing exactly which fungus it is, it would be careless of me to just take a chance. I'd best find the rest of the notes before harvesting this plants fungus...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 60 0 I have now found all three missing pages from the Research Journal, and using the clues, I hope I have a much better chance of choosing the right fungus. I must use the Adenosine Spore Cap, and put the King to sleep; if I use the Kindel Spore Cap, he will enter an unstoppable rage and obliterate me, and if I use the Pyromore Spore Cap, I will end up killing him, and never find out where his madness originated...
__調査記録から欠けていた3つのページ片を全て見つけた。この手がかりを元に、適切なキノコを選び取る、より大きな可能性を得た。私がグラスに混入させるべきキノコは、Adenosine Spore Capだ。そして王を眠りに落とすのだ。もし、Kindel Spore Capを混入させたら、彼は止めることのできない逆上状態に陥り、私を消し去ってしまうだろう。そしてもし、Pyromore Spore Capを混入させたら、彼を殺めることとなり、彼の狂気がもたらされた真相は闇に消えるだろう…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 65 0 I have added one of the fungi to the King's Crystal Goblet; I just hope I picked the correct one...
__王のCrystal Gobletに、3種のうちの1つのキノコを混入させた。適切なものを選んだことをただ願う…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 66 0 I have added one of the fungi to the King's Crystal Goblet; I just hope I picked the correct one...
__王のCrystal Gobletに、3種のうちの1つのキノコを混入させた。適切なものを選んだことをただ願う…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 67 0 I have added one of the fungi to the King's Crystal Goblet; I just hope I picked the correct one...
__王のCrystal Gobletに、3種のうちの1つのキノコを混入させた。適切なものを選んだことをただ願う…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 68 0 Oh no! I've used the wrong one, and now the King is dead! Now the secret of his power and his insanity will never be revealed...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 69 0 Oh no! I've used the wrong one, and the King has entered an unstoppable rage! I am no match for his insane level of power, and my death is inevitable; may the Gods have mercy on my soul...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 70 0 Success! I've correctly used the Adenosine Spore Cap, and the King has fallen into a deep, harmless sleep. I'd best be quiet; I don't know how deep the sleep is, but now I can explore the house more thoroughly. He dropped a key on the floor; I wonder what it unlocks? I remember there being a locked door in the cellar...
__成功だ!私は正しくAdenosine Spore Capを用い、王は深く、そして痛みのない眠りに落ちた。それでも私は静かに行動すべきだ、彼の眠りの深さは私にはわからないのだから。しかし、今やこの家を徹底的に探索することができる。彼は床に鍵を落とした。この鍵でどの扉を開けることができるのだろう?確か地下貯蔵室に鍵のかかった扉があったはずだ…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 75 0 I have entered what appears to be a dungeon of sorts. The smell of human neglect enters my nose, and I can tell this is not a happy place. Perhaps there is something or someone here that can tell me more about this constantly deepening situation...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 80 0 After reading the Jailor's Ledger, I now realize where that spell sent all of those Dwarves I captured; straight to this septic excuse for a prison. After browsing down the list even further, I've discovered the names of both Brogg and Sickle! I thought they were safe with the Geomancer; I guess not. I should talk to the Jailor about releasing them immediately...
__Jailor's Ledgerを読み終えた今、私が取り押さえたDwarf達が、私の呪文を受けどこに飛ばされたのかがわかった。腐臭を放つ刑務所の悪い見本とも言えるここへと飛ばされたのだ。そのリストを読み進めると、BroggとSickleの名前も見つけた!彼らはGeomancerのもとで無事だと思っていたのだがどうやら間違っていたらしい。彼らをただちに解放するよう、Jailorと話をしなければ…
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 85 0 With the Jailor dead, I can enter further into the Prison and try and find Brogg, and hopefully release him, along with Sickle and the others...
FormID: 01053FE2 DMM0013 90 0 I have found Brogg, and the others, and apart from being disgruntled about his current predicament, he seems okay. He and Sickle were captured by Guards on Blizzard Peak, but how that was possible remains a mystery. It seems Brogg has overheard the Jailor talking about the King's real plans for the Mines, which is an effort to find some sort of powerful object; something even more powerful than him. It may be our only hope of stopping him, and finding out what went wrong with him...
__Brogg、そして他のDwarf達を発見した。苦しい状況に置かれたことに対して不満げであることを除けば、彼は万事問題ない調子に見えた。BroggとSickleはBlizzard PeakにてGuard達に捕らえられた。しかし何故それが可能だったのかはいまだに謎だ。BroggはJailorが鉱山に関する王の本当の企てについて話しているのを耳にしたらしい。その企てとは、ある種の力に満ちた物体の探索に手を尽くすことだそうだ。そして、その物体とは王自身よりも強力な力を備えたものである、と。その物体を我々が手に入れることが、彼を止め、そして彼に何が起こったかを知るための唯一のチャンスかもしれない…

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