L10N/Chapter_1_The_Dwarves_Of_The_Mountain/1.7/QuestStages/DMM0007 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 0100DEF9	DMM0007	10	0	I have heard from a member of the City that there has been a disastrous event over at the Guards Station. I should perhaps go and see if I can help...
__街の住人の話で、Guards Stationで悲惨な事件が起こったことを知った。そこへ向かい、何かできることがないかを確かめるべきかもしれない…
FormID: 0100DEF9	DMM0007	15	0	I have spoken to the Guard at the Guard Station, and he has told me after the avalanche occurred, a massive rock fell through the roof of the cave and crushed the second and third stories of the building. Unfortunately, in my current state, he deems me not able enough to enter. Maybe I should come back when I'm a little stronger...
__Guard StationのGuardと話した。彼の話によると、件の雪崩が発生したあとに、巨大な岩が洞窟の屋根をつきぬけ建物の2階と3階を襲ったということだ。あいにく、私の現在の強さでは、中に入っても足手まといになるだけだと彼は判断したようだ。もう少し経験をつんでここに戻ってくるべきかもしれない…
FormID: 0100DEF9	DMM0007	20	0	I have spoken to the Guard at the Guard Station, and he has told me after the avalanche occurred, a massive rock fell through the roof of the cave and crushed the second and third stories of the building. I asked if I could help, and he deems me fit enough to enter the dangerous building and see if I can help in anyway...
__Guard StationのGuardと話した。彼の話によると、件の雪崩が発生したあとに、巨大な岩が洞窟の屋根をつきぬけ建物の2階と3階を襲ったということだ。彼に助けになれないかと話した。彼は私なら危険な建物内に入っても大丈夫だと判断した。とにかく何かできることがないかを確かめよう…
FormID: 0100DEF9	DMM0007	30	0	Inside the Guard Station, Rescue workers are hard at work trying to move the massive amounts of rock blocking their path to those who remain trapped. I have spoken to the Leader of the Rescue team, and he has told me the rest of the Guards who were not hurt are in the basement, and they would know more about the building than he would...
__Guard Stationの中で、救助に当たっているGuard達が、取り残された者たちのいる部屋への道をふさいでいる巨大な岩を取り除こうと懸命につるはしを振るっていた。救助に当たっているGuard達のリーダーの話によると、傷を負っていない残りのGuard達は地下にいるとのことだ。そして彼らはこの建物について、より詳しいことを知っているだろうとのことだ…
FormID: 0100DEF9	DMM0007	40	0	I have talked with the rest of the Guards, and they believe the best way to help any survivors is to use an Emergency Hatch located in the basement, which leads to a Second Floor bedroom. Being the strongest, it seems I've drawn the short straw, and it's my job to head up there...
FormID: 0100DEF9	DMM0007	50	0	I have met a Guard who is fatally wounded, but before dying he gave me the key to the Captain's Stairwell. I must now check on the Captain's welfare...
FormID: 0100DEF9	DMM0007	60	0	I have found the Captain, but it is too late for him. His last words were about the King and his increasing paranoia about the outside world. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to think about it. I'd best get out of here as soon as possible; this building is becoming increasingly unstable, and I can hear more rocks piling up downstairs. I may have to find another way out, and fast!
FormID: 0100DEF9	DMM0007	65	0	I have reported back to the Dwarven City Guards and have told them the bad new. They thanked me for all I had done to help them, and they have offered to help me out if I ever need a favor. I'll have to remember that...
__Dwarven CityのGuard達に、悪い報せを済ませた。彼らは私の尽力に感謝の意を示し、何か助けが必要なときはいつでも力になると言ってくれた。その事を覚えておく必要があるだろう…
FormID: 0100DEF9	DMM0007	70	0	I have reported back to the Dwarven City Guards and have told them the bad new. They thanked me for all I had done to help them, and they have offered to help me out if I ever need a favor. I need to get to the Dwarven King, so they have offered to put in a good word for me with the King's Guards...
__Dwarven CityのGuard達に、悪い報せを済ませた。彼らは私の尽力に感謝の意を示し、何か助けが必要なときはいつでも力になると言ってくれた。Dwarfの王に会う必要があると彼らに伝えると、彼らは王の護衛に口利きをすることを申し出てくれた…

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