L10N/Chapter_1_The_Dwarves_Of_The_Mountain/1.7/Books/DMM0013JailorsLedger のバックアップソース(No.1)

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<font face=5>This is a recording of the current cell occupation of the following imprisoned criminals, including name and reason for incarceration;<br>
Prison Cell 1 - Vorgg (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Multiple accounts of assault and murder<br>
Prison Cell 2 - Borgak (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion<br>
Prison Cell 3 - Drakk (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion<br>
Prison Cell 4 - Grunk (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion, Drunk and Disorderly, Consorting with Bigg'ns<br>
Prison Cell 5 - Torgan (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion<br>
Prison Cell 6 - Porgg (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion<br>
Prison Cell 7 - Gork (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion, Consorting with Bigg'ns<br>
Prison Cell 8 - Morgal (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion<br>
Prison Cell 9 - Strogg (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion<br>
Prison Cell 10 - Agog (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion<br>
Prison Cell 11 - "The Seacaptain" (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Desertion<br>
Prison Cell 12 - UNOCCUPIED<br>
Reason for Incarceration - UNOCCUPIED<br>
Prison Cell 13 - UNOCCUPIED<br>
Reason for Incarceration - UNOCCUPIED<br>
Prison Cell 14 - Brogg (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Being found in a Restricted Area, Desertion<br>
Prison Cell 15 - "Sickle" (Dwarf)<br>
Reason for Incarceration - Being found in a Restricted Area, Desertion<br>

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