L10N/BladeSong/1.1/Names/DIAL-01 のバックアップ(No.10)


FormID: 0201C4C4 AAATessSellSpecialItem1 DIAL Im looking for a certain scroll for sale.
FormID: 0201CB9A AAATessSellSpecialItem2 DIAL Is your shop open?
FormID: 02023FA0 AAATessGoodbyeGeneric DIAL Goodbye
FormID: 0202763B AAATessSellSpecialItem3 DIAL So then, how much are you selling it for?
FormID: 0202763C AAATessSellSpecialItem4 DIAL Are you trying to steal my money?
FormID: 02027640 AAATessSellSpecialItem6 DIAL What will you take for it?
FormID: 02027641 AAATessSellSpecialItem7 DIAL I'm sorry, its still just too much money.
FormID: 02027642 AAATessSellSpecialItem8 DIAL No thanks.
FormID: 02027643 AAATessSellSpecialItem9 DIAL Okay. Its a deal.
FormID: 02027D18 AAATessSellSpecialItem5 DIAL I've changed my mind, I can't afford it.
FormID: 020283F0 AAATessSellSpecialItem9a DIAL I'll try to get the money by then. Thanks.
FormID: 020283F1 AAATessSellSpecialItem9b DIAL What would you have me do?
FormID: 0202B3BC AAADamascusBattleA DIAL AAADamascusBattleA
FormID: 0202B3BD AAADamascusBattleB DIAL AAADamascusBattleB
FormID: 0202B3BE AAADamascusBattleC DIAL AAADamascusBattleC
FormID: 0202B3BF AATessBattleConA DIAL AATessBattleConA
FormID: 0202B3C0 AATessBattleConB DIAL AATessBattleConB
FormID: 0202B3C1 AATessBattleConC DIAL AATessBattleConC
FormID: 0202C83E AADagrukhaiLeaderA DIAL AADagrukhaiLeaderA
FormID: 0203652B AAATessSellSpecialItem9c DIAL Consider it done.
FormID: 0203652C AAATessSellSpecialItem9d DIAL I have reconsidered.
FormID: 0203652D AAATessSellSpecialItem9e DIAL I'm looking for a certain scroll for sale.
FormID: 0203652E AAATessSellSpecialItem9f DIAL I'm looking for a certain scroll for sale.
FormID: 0203652F AAATessSellSpecialItem9g DIAL About the scroll..
FormID: 02036530 AAATessSellSpecialItem9h DIAL Problem is, I can't afford that much gold.
FormID: 02036C05 AAHelpTessStoreA1 DIAL I have the goods you requested Tess.
FormID: 02036C06 AAHelpTessStoreA2 DIAL I dont yet have the goods.
FormID: 02036C07 AAHelpTessStoreA3 DIAL I have the goods you requested Tess.
FormID: 02036C08 AAHelpTessStoreA4 DIAL Thank you Tess. It's been a pleasure.
FormID: 02036C09 AAHelpTessStoreA5 DIAL Where would you like all of this put?
FormID: 02036C0A AAHelpTessStoreA6 DIAL I have the goods you requested Tess.
FormID: 02036C0B AAHelpTessStoreA7 DIAL Things will be ok with your store now?
FormID: 02036C0C AAHelpTessStoreA8 DIAL You don't seem like the shop keeper type..
FormID: 02036C0D AAHelpTessStoreA9 DIAL I dont seem to have any brooms in my pack
FormID: 02036C0E AAHelpTessStoreB1 DIAL How long have you had your store here?
FormID: 02036C0F AAHelpTessStoreB2 DIAL What did you do before that?
FormID: 0203730C AAATessCry DIAL AATessCry
FormID: 0203EDEF AAATessBattleEndA DIAL AAATessBattleEndA
FormID: 0203EDF0 AAATessBattleEndB DIAL AAATessBattleEndB
FormID: 0203EDF3 AAATessBattleEndC DIAL AAATessBattleEndC
FormID: 020438D7 AAAATessForcedSpeech DIAL AAAATessForcedSpeech
FormID: 02046202 AAATessCompanionA DIAL Follow me Tess, let's go home.
FormID: 02046203 AAATessCompanionB DIAL I need you to stay here here for a few
FormID: 02046204 AAATessCompanionC DIAL Tess, there are some things I need to do..
FormID: 02046205 AAATessCompanionD DIAL Let's move out, follow me.
FormID: 02046206 AAATessCompanionE DIAL Would you mind joining me for a while Tess
FormID: 02046207 AAATessCompanionF DIAL You'll need your armor, it'll be dangerous
FormID: 02046208 AAATessCompanionG DIAL Goodbye
FormID: 02046209 AAATessCompanionH DIAL Combat mode Tess.. follow my every move
FormID: 0204986A AAATessSellSpecialItem9i DIAL I'm ready to buy, I now have the gold.
FormID: 0204986B AAATessSellSpecialItem9j DIAL AAATessSellSpecialItem9j
FormID: 0204986C AAATessSellSpecialItem9k DIAL AAATessSellSpecialItem9k
FormID: 0204986D AAATessSellSpecialItem9l DIAL AAATessSellSpecialItem9l
FormID: 0204986E AAATessSellSpecialItem9m DIAL AAATessSellSpecialItem9m
FormID: 0204CF4C AAAATessShowAroundA DIAL Tess, here's the main living room area..
FormID: 0204CF4D AAAATessShowAroundB DIAL We have the dining room here..
FormID: 0204CF4E AAAATessShowAroundC DIAL Here's a bed for you to call your own
FormID: 0204CF4F AAAATessShowAroundD DIAL This is a great place to have a few drinks
FormID: 0204CF50 AAAATessShowAroundE DIAL Here's a new place I need to show you..
FormID: 0204DD05 AAATessCompanionI DIAL Things look safe for now, you can relax
FormID: 0204DD06 AAATessCompanionJ DIAL Let's go adventuring for a while..
FormID: 0204DD0A AAATessCompanionK DIAL Let's just get outta here for a few..
FormID: 0204E3DF AAATessCompanionL DIAL Lets do something else
FormID: 0204E3E1 AAATessCompanionM DIAL Let's go out on the town..
FormID: 0204E3E2 AAATessCompanionO DIAL Could we swap a few things?
FormID: 0204E3E3 AAATessCompanionN DIAL Let's just get outta here for a few..
FormID: 0204E3E4 AAATessCompanionP DIAL Never mind.
FormID: 02055E60 AAAZTessDialogTest DIAL Can I hear your dialog sample Tess?
FormID: 02069862 AAHelpTessStoreB3 DIAL I didn't mean to intrude, was just curious
FormID: 02069863 AAHelpTessStoreB4 DIAL Diram now lets me stay at the Inn for free
FormID: 02069F3C AAHelpTessStoreB5 DIAL They dont seem very friendly..
FormID: 02069F3D AAHelpTessStoreB6 DIAL It is a very powerfull scroll indeed.
FormID: 02069F3E AAHelpTessStoreB7 DIAL I came for the scroll, but then I met you.
FormID: 02069F3F AAHelpTessStoreB8 DIAL For the sake of good only do I draw blood.
FormID: 02069F40 AAHelpTessStoreB9 DIAL Is there any way I can help?
FormID: 02069FC6 AAAATessShowAroundF DIAL Tess, here's the main living room area..
FormID: 0206A618 AAHelpTessStoreC1 DIAL I want to help, maybe I can find Jongeron.
FormID: 0206A619 AAHelpTessStoreC2 DIAL I'll start there and see what I can find.
FormID: 0206A61A AAHelpTessStoreC3 DIAL Goodbye.
FormID: 0206A61B AAHelpTessStoreC4 DIAL not added yet
FormID: 0206A61C AAHelpTessStoreC5 DIAL AAHelpTessStoreC5
FormID: 02079BDC AAFinalVillageScene1 DIAL I havent been able to find Jongeron..
FormID: 02079BDD AAFinalVillageScene2 DIAL I'll search some more for him.
FormID: 02079BDE AAFinalVillageScene3 DIAL I have bad news Tess..
FormID: 02079BDF AAFinalVillageScene4 DIAL Im sorry, no he is not.. Jongeron is dead.
FormID: 02079BE0 AAFinalVillageScene5 DIAL It seems he was attacked by.. something..
FormID: 02079BE1 AAFinalVillageScene6 DIAL I was attacked after I found his body.
FormID: 02079BE2 AAFinalVillageScene7 DIAL The meanest looking Orc I've ever seen.
FormID: 02079BE3 AAFinalVillageScene8 DIAL Well whatever it was, it breaths no more.
FormID: 02079BE4 AAFinalVillageScene9 DIAL Dont be sorry..
FormID: 02079BE6 AAFinalVillageScene9a DIAL I am weary, and your ranting isn't helping.
FormID: 02079BE7 AAFinalVillageScene9b DIAL I like you too Tess. I.. like you alot.
FormID: 02079BE8 AAFinalVillageScene9c DIAL I would love to, Tess.
FormID: 02079BE9 AAFinalVillageScene9d DIAL Tommorow? Somethin' wrong with today??
FormID: 02079BEA AAFinalVillageScene9e DIAL What time would be best?
FormID: 02079BEB AAFinalVillageScene9f DIAL That would be fine, I look forward to it.
FormID: 0207A2CC AAFinalVillageScene9g DIAL Venison, why not just eat raw fish instead
FormID: 0207A2CD AAFinalVillageScene9h DIAL Tell me, what is it Tess?
FormID: 0207A2CE AAFinalVillageScene9i DIAL What now, travel to Oblivion for potatoes?
FormID: 0207A2CF AAFinalVillageScene9j DIAL I'll get the wine for the meal, no problem
FormID: 0207A2D0 AAFinalVillageScene9k DIAL Anything else? A dead bear as a go with?
FormID: 0207A2D5 AAFinalVillageScene9l DIAL Alright, until tomorrow night.. goodbye.
FormID: 0207A2D6 AAFinalVillageScene9m DIAL Talk about a sappy come on..
FormID: 0207A2D7 AAFinalVillageScene9n DIAL Yea ok. I got stuff to do if you dont mind
FormID: 0207B763 AAATessNMGeneric DIAL Never mind.
FormID: 02091AC2 AAGrenawONEa DIAL Im okay... Who are you?
FormID: 02091AC3 AAGrenawONEb DIAL I dont know.. Tess is still alive! Help me
FormID: 02091AC4 AAGrenawONEc DIAL The other villagers are all dead.
FormID: 02091AC5 AAGrenawONEd DIAL Tess is still alive! Please help me.
FormID: 02091AC6 AAGrenawONEe DIAL Who is this person? Where do I find him?
FormID: 02091AC7 AAGrenawONEf DIAL Alright. Im with you.
FormID: 02091AC8 AAGrenawONEg DIAL I can't just leave her here like this..
FormID: 02091AC9 AAGrenawONEh DIAL not yet done
FormID: 02091ACA AAGrenawTWOa DIAL What about Tess? You said you could help.
FormID: 02091ACB AAGrenawTWOb DIAL Go on.
FormID: 02091ACC AAGrenawTWOc DIAL What about the guy you said can help Tess?
FormID: 02091ACD AAGrenawTWOd DIAL Nice story.. What about the healer?
FormID: 02091ACE AAGrenawTWOe DIAL End of the story? Theres no time for this.
FormID: 02091ACF AAGrenawTWOf DIAL What happened?
FormID: 02091AD0 AAGrenawTWOg DIAL I will find Thomak then.
FormID: 02091AD1 AAGrenawTWOh DIAL AAGrenawTWOh
FormID: 02092887 AAGrenawAdressMen DIAL AAGrenawAdressMen
FormID: 02097A74 AAGrenawONEi DIAL AAGrenawONEi
FormID: 02097A75 AAGrenawONEj DIAL AAGrenawONEj
FormID: 02097A76 AAGrenawONEk DIAL AAGrenawONEk
FormID: 02097A77 AAGrenawONEl DIAL AAGrenawONEl
FormID: 020AED20 AAGrenawTWOi DIAL AAGrenawTWOi
FormID: 020AED21 AAGrenawTWOj DIAL AAGrenawTWOj
FormID: 020AED22 AAGrenawTWOk DIAL AAGrenawTWOk
FormID: 020B1CF8 AAThomakA DIAL I was sent to find you by Captain Grenaw..
__Captain Grenawに、貴方を捜すようにと言われました。
FormID: 020B1CF9 AAThomakB DIAL I.. Im sorry, I didnt mean to disturb you.

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