L10N/Battle_for_Morrowind/1.4/Books/02letter のバックアップ差分(No.1)

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Dear Sister,

I wish you could be here in Greystone with me, finally Phillius asked me to marry him!!
He has been so romantic! He took me to the river bank, next to his house down in Bluewaters... he looked straight into my eyes and said: "you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, compared to your beauty the brightness of the sun is only the light of a candle and the blue Ocean is only a shallow pond... I love you" he said, "will you marry me?".  
Useless to say that I could not feel my legs in that moment... I was so excited! I kissed him and answered yes of course.
Now we have to arrange everything for the marriage, I think that next month should be fine... please come here as soon as possible, I am looking forward to telling you everything about my beloved!




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