L10N/Battle_for_Morrowind/1.4/Books/01AgreementUnsigned のバックアップソース(No.1)

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                  Document produced by The Province of Morrowind: 

Here, in front of the free people of Cyrodiil, as the highest representative of the Empire after the unfortunate and untimely death of our beloved Emperor Uriel Septim, I agree to the requests put forward by the people of Morrowind:

Here below, with my signature I free the above mentioned Province from all its bounds to the Empire.

From now on the Province of Morrowind will not be obliged to host Imperial troops any longer, it will be free to get an independent form of government, and it will be free to trade with whichever country it desires even without the previous acquisition of a permit from a representative of the Empire.

In the Nine we trust,

Sign below:


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