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Directed to all citizens of the Empire<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/w_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>ritten by High Chancellor Ocato<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/m_65x62.dds" width=65 height=62>y closest friends and allies, members of the Imperium, citizens of majestic Tamriel: There comes a time in each era when its people and their Empire are challenged, forced to find themselves or find themselves lacking. The First Era saw the age of the Imperial Interregnum, the rule of Tamriel by Akiviri potentates; the Second Era the struggle of Tiber Septim himself to unify Tamriel under one Empire - a struggle that, in many ways, continues to this very day.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>his Era, this day, we have met our struggle, our challenge - we have fought the Daedra of Oblivion with the greatest degree of valor and strength, bringing with us victories that will go unforgotten for an eternity. We fought against the greatest threat ever seen by our Empire, we fought for not just our lives but our very souls, we fought not as an Empire of men but as a people joined together in one grand alliance with indescribable courage and sacrifice. My friends, we fought and we won.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/b_60x61.dds" width=60 height=61>ut this is not, as some have suggested, a day of celebration. This is a day for reflection. More so now that our days as an Empire have come to an end. The last of the Septims, Martin, has given his own life to see the Daedra defeated and banished from Tamriel forever. He transcended his bonds as a mortal man, becoming an avatar for Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time, and left us with an image of his form forever inside the Temple of the One.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/w_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>e now face the task of becoming an Empire with no Emperor, of entering into an uncharted territory without a single figure at our helm. But we stand not alone. The Hero of Kvatch, who has since reclaimed the Amulet of Kings with the help of the Blades and engaged in battle with the mortal servants of Mehrunes Dagon, has been crowned the Champion of Cyrodiil with the blessing of myself, the Elder Council, and all the Divines. <br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61>n this individual rests my utmost confidence to defend Tamriel from any threat that may engage us again. This individual answered my call - and indeed, all of Tamriel's - to become a hero and enter the annals of legend. Let their deeds be a reminder to all generations, present and future, of the untapped potential that rests in all of us.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/w_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>e stand now at the precipice, an endless land of possibilities stretched out before us. Never can we forget, however, the countless lives that were lost defending our homes and our lives, and countless more that have lost loved ones, family - things that no amount of gold can replace. This is a day of reflection, to mourn and respect all we have lost, a season of rest to gather ourselves before we must meet our next challenge. <br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/o_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>ur freedom and peace cannot exist without supreme vigilance, and complacency and timidity will not bring a solution. Our future will be made only through our own action, and I pray that we prove worthy of the opportunity the Divines have given us.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>his day can be seen as the greatest in our history. It has seen the final end to the threat that the Planes of Oblivion have posed to Tamriel. It has seen the end of an Empire and the beginning of something newer, something much greater and more coherent than anything before. This day has seen what will be the beginning of national peace, when the provinces of Tamriel fight no longer like petty children - and this peace we must have, for it is what all the men and women who have died in this war have given their lives in the pursuit of. This day is the culmination of everything we have fought for, and the beginning of a world without the terror and oppression of Daedric forces. <br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>his day, we have made history - and rest assured, this will be the beginning to a greater history than that of anything else before us.<br>


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