L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBroadsheetMQKvatchDestroyed のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*本文 [#pd108001]

**原文 [#p1dc4b48]
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City lies in ruins!<br>
By Larrus Varo<br>
<DIV align="left">"<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61>t was a peaceful night like any other in the city. My family and I were sleeping quietly when we heard the sound of an explosion outside. At first I thought it was from the Mages Guild next door, since they could get noisy sometimes with their experiments. When I looked through the window, I thought I was in a nightmare. Buildings were on fire, citizens were slaughtered on the spot by humanoid-like soldiers. My house caught fire and half the roof crashed down, killing my two sons. My husband and I got out and tried to make our way to the chapel, where a priest was urging us to get inside. My husband got hit by a fireball and burned before my eyes as I made it to the chapel. My life lies in ruin, just like Kvatch. I don't know if I'm willing to stay alive now. I could just kill myself."<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>his is the story of Lenka Valus, a Kvatch survivor. She is not the only one to have lost relatives and friends. The number of citizens lost is estimated at 15,000, which is three quarters of the city's entire population, according to the last census done in 3E 425. The Kvatch guard and the Imperial Legion report having lost over two thousand men and many more wounded.<br>
During the night of the 28th of the Last Seed, the survivors claim to have seen a huge portal-like door being erected in front of the city walls. From the portal came Daedra accompanied by a gigantic siege machine that was used to destroy the walls and allow the Daedric forces to enter the city and begin their slaughter.<br>
Thankfully, the siege has been lifted with the help of someone now known as the Hero of Kvatch. The said hero single-handedly dealt with the Oblivion Gate that blocked the way to the city. After having destroyed the Gate, the Kvatch counter-attack begun with the remaining Kvatch guards, the Imperial Legion and the Hero led by Captain Savlian Matius of the Kvatch city guards. The combined counter-attack forces managed to send all the Daedric invaders back to Oblivion and lift the siege. Alas, the Count of Kvatch, Ormellius Goldwine, died a heroic death while trying to hold off the Daedras from getting in the castle.<br> 
High Chancellor Ocato has declared that the Empire is in mourning. As such, public funerals will be held in the neighboring cities of Anvil and Skingrad. In the rest of the Empire counts, barons, lords, kings and ladies shall respect a day of grief in their respective cities. High Chancellor Ocato has called an urgent council meeting to decide what to do about the situation.<br>
Whether the Oblivion Gate which opened the day following our great and beloved Emperor Uriel Septim VII's death is still a coincidence or not, it still needs to be studied by our Empire's high representatives.<br>
It is a very sad day for the Empire, but our unity shall make us succeed. Akatosh, we shall honor our dead and call to you when help will be needed. We shall honor your year.<br>

**訳文 [#s5c3a384]
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記事:Larrus Varo<br>
<DIV align="left">「<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/m_65x62.dds" width=65 height=62>ages Guildの人たちかしら?最初はそう思いました。その日は、いつもと同じような静かな夜でしたが、家族全員が寝静まる中、外で何かの爆発音がしたのです。Mage Guildの隣人たちは実験でたまに騒々しい音を立てるので、またかと思いました。しかし、窓越しに見た外の光景はまるで悪夢のようでした。炎上する建物、市民を虐殺する人型の怪物たち…。やがて火の手はわが家にも襲いかかってきました。屋根は炎に巻かれて崩れ落ち、巻き添えとなった二人の息子達は命を落としました。私と夫は外へと飛び出し、避難のために教会へと向かいました。教会に行けば神父様が匿ってくれる、そう考えたのです。結局、私だけは何とか生きて教会まで辿り着けましたが、夫のほうは目の前で火球に焼かれて亡くなりました。ああ、今の私の心境は、荒れ果てたKvatchそのものです。生きていく希望も定かではありません。出来ることなら、死にたい…。」<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/k_61x61.dds" width=61 height=61>vatchからの生還者Lenka Valusから得られた証言である。家族や友人を失ったのは彼女だけではない。行方不明者数はおよそ15,000にものぼる。これは、3E 425年に調査されたこの街の人口の、およそ4分の3に相当する。また、Kvatch guardとImperial Legionの死者はおよそ2,000人との報告が出ており、負傷者数はさらに多いという。<br>
Last Seed 28日の夜に何が起きたのか?生還者たちの話によると、巨大なportalの姿をした扉が城壁の目の前に出現したの事だ。そして、そのportalから巨大なsiege machineを引き連れたDaedraの軍勢が沸き出てきたのだと言う。そして城壁はsiege machineによって破られ、街の中にDaedraの軍勢がなだれ込んだ。<br>
しかし敵からの侵略は幸運にもKvatchの英雄の活躍によって食い止められた。彼こそが、街へと続く道に立ち塞がっていたOblivion Gateをたった一人で閉じた人物である。そして、いよいよ反撃が開始された。Kvatch guardsの隊長Savlian Matiusに率いられたguardsの生き残りたちと、Imperial Legionと、Kvatchの英雄。三者が力を合わせた結果、Daedricの侵略者達をOblivionに追い返す事が出来た。ああ!しかし、Ormellius Goldwine伯爵は名誉の最期を遂げねばならなかった。伯爵は城内にてDaedraと交戦中に命を落とされたのだ。<br> 
偉大にして親愛なる我らが皇帝Uriel Septim VII世陛下の死とOblivion Gateの出現との因果関係はまだはっきりしていない。結論を得るには、帝国最高の学識者達による調査の結果を待たねばならないだろう。<br>

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