L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBroadsheetDBImperialPrisonMassacre のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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**原文 [#ua8a9670]
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Failed assassination attempt leads to the death of prison guards.<br>
By Larrus Varo
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Imperial Prison of Cyrodiil has been the theater of a massacre when an assassination attempt on a prisoner partly succeeded. Several prison guards and legionnaires guarding the prison cells died in the attempt. The unknown assailant, who managed to infiltrate the Imperial Dungeons, certainly didn't act as planned, according to Imperial Legion Commander Adamus Philida:
<br> "The assassination was thoroughly planned but the assassin made a mistake. He must have been spotted by our guards, otherwise we would have only found the body of the prisoner."<br>
When asked who could have conducted the operation, Commander Philida told the Courier it might be enemies of the prisoner, whose identity will not be revealed:
<br>"That prisoner had many enemies. He was, after all, one big criminal with one big mouth. A criminal like that has many enemies. But for having been able to infiltrate the Imperial Prison and make a slaughter, the person who did this must not be part of a group of well organized assassins, like the Dark Brotherhood."<br>
It should be noted that the murderer has managed to escape the crime scene alive and is still roaming somewhere in Cyrodiil. The Black Horse Courier advises every Cyrodiil citizen to be cautious, and if they notice someone with questionable behavior, please report it to your local Legion fort or city guard.<br>
May the Nines guide the poor souls of those brave men who died and may the murderer be found, punished and executed for his foul crimes.<br>


**訳文 [#j7a97ada]
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記者: Larrus Varo
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/c_59x61.dds" width=59 height=61>yrodiilのImperial Prisonが、ある囚人暗殺計画の失敗から、虐殺の舞台となってしまった。牢屋の警備についていた数名の看守と兵士がこの事件の犠牲となった。Imperial Dungeonsへの侵入に成功したこの加害者は、しかし、計画通りに事を運ぶ事はできなかったようだと帝国軍司令官のAdamus Philida氏は語る:
<br>「あの囚人にはたくさんの敵がいた。彼は結局の所、大口を持った大犯罪者だったわけだ。ああいう犯罪者には敵も多いものだ。しかしこのImperial Prisonへの侵入に成功しておきながら、大量殺戮を行わざるを得ない状況を招いたとなると、この人物がよく組織された暗殺者グループの一員であるとは考えにくい、そう、例えばDark Brotherhoodのような。」<br>
注目すべきは、この暗殺者は犯行現場から逃走し、今もなおCyrodiilのどこかに潜んでいる、という点である。Black Horse CourierはCyrodiilの全市民に注意を呼びかけると共に、もし何か少しでも不審な行動を取る人物がいた場合、最寄のLegion FortあるいはCity Guardに報告する様に要請するものである。<br>



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