L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBroadsheetArenaChampion のバックアップソース(No.1)

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by Phineas Farnsworth<br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Arena's Blue Team declared that they have crowned their new Champion. After a spectacular match in which the new Champion faced and defeated three opponents at once, including the favored Yellow Champion, the Arena officials declared that the rising star would now represent the Blue Team along with the Grand-Champion, the Gray Prince. No comments have been made as to what will happen now between the Champion and the Grand-Champion. Will the Imperial City Arena announce a Grand-Championship Match? The Black Horse Courier will let you know. Prepare your purses!<br>
<DIV align="center">About the Imperial City Arena<br>
<DIV align="left">This iconic structure was built during the First Era under direction of the first Blademaster, Gaiden Shinji of the Order of the Diagna. Shinji envisioned a place where warriors of all professions could prove their worth. Today, the Arena still follows this tradition and is one of the main sources of entertainment for Tamriel.<br>
<DIV align="center">About Gaiden Shinji<br>
"The best techniques are passed on by the survivors."
<DIV align="left">Hero of the First Era and leader of the Order of Diagna, Gaiden Shinji is one of the most famous warriors of Tamriel. With his knightly order, he assaulted and laid siege to Orsinium for thirty years before being killed on the field of battle. The Imperial City Arena ensures that his name and legacy lives on.


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