L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBHCArchiveBroadsheet01OtherMorrowindTroubles のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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By Viconia<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61>t is not a safe time in the land of the Dunmer. The Great Houses are in upheaval. To the west, House Redoran is besieged by the Nords of Skyrim. For more information about Skyrim's invasion, refer to our previous article "Skyrim Invades Morrowind!"<br>
King Helseth, Morrowind's young ruler, has made an alliance with House Dres to wage a final war against what is left of House Indoril. Nothing more is known about the current state of the wars in Morrowind. The Black Horse Courier will be the first to inform you, the People, what will be the outcome of the current troubles in Morrowind.<br>
The House Wars had started before Skyrim's invasion. When King Helseth came to power, his first decision was to remove legal slavery in Morrowind. The reaction from the Great Houses who were still ruling by the ancestral Dunmer traditions was bloody, as it was expected.<br>
Finally, the Nerevarine left Morrowind for an expedition to Akavir. Nothing is known about the reasons of this unexpected voyage.<br>


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