L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBHCArchiveBroadsheet01OtherDangerousBlackMarsh のバックアップソース(No.1)

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by Phineas Farnsworth<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/l_61x61.dds" width=61 height=61>et it be known, People of the Empire, that the following article has been written according to numerous rumors that have not been verified with the Empire's officials.<br>
There have been numerous reports of Argonians being "called back" to Black Marsh. It is currently unknown for what reason the Argonians are moving back to their home province. They apparently disappear into the swamps and are never seen again. Rest assured, Black Marsh has never showed any hostility towards the Empire and as such we, The Black Horse Courier, are convinced that they are not preparing an invasion.<br>
Many settlers sent to the Argonians' land have been lost in the swamps. Black Marsh has always been a dangerous place for those whose veins do not possess the blood of Argonians. It is a land filled with deadly diseases, undiscovered beasts and deadly swamps. The Legion has even recalled their men from Fort Swampmoth. Most likely, there was no need for a garrison in the region and it was too dangerous for the health of the soldiers. <br>
In other news, the relationship between Black Marsh and Morrowind has improved since King Helseth's decision to abolish slavery. Many of the Argonian slaves have returned to their homeland tribes.<br>


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