L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBHCArchiveBroadsheet01DBMurderInTheImperialPrison のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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By Larrus Varo
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Imperial Prison of Cyrodiil has been the theater of a successful assassination of one of the captives. The unknown assailant managed to infiltrate the Prison by a secret path and killed his target without being seen or heard by the many guards patrolling the cells since the Emperor's death.<br>
When asked who could have conducted the operation, Commander Philida told the Courier it might be enemies of the prisoner, whose identity will remain hidden :
<br> "That prisoner had many enemies. He was, after all one big criminal with one big mouth. A criminal like that has many enemies. But for having been able to infiltrate the Prison that way, and not leave a single clue of their identity, it must be a well organized group of assassins. No doubt in my mind, the Dark Brotherhood is behind this. Mark my words."<br>
It should be noted that the assassin has managed to escape the crime scene alive and is still roaming somewhere in Cyrodiil. The Black Horse Courier advises every Cyrodiil citizen to be cautious, and if they notice someone with any questionable behavior, please report it to your local Legion Fort or City Guard.<br>

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