L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBHCArchiveBroadsheet01DANamira のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*本文 [#aeac1eb9]

**原文 [#rd404585]
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Nine Divines priests missing!<br>
By Redara Alleius<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/n_63x62.dds" width=63 height=62>ine Priests of Arkay were recently reported missing in Cyrodiil while on a mission to cleanse a ruin of a Daedric presence. After further investigation, the Black Horse Courier has learned they were sent to forgotten Ayleid ruins in the northern part of the Imperial Province. The Daedra Prince Namira has a hold over that place and its inhabitants, the Forgotten. The priests were tasked with cleansing the ruins and returning those poor souls lost within to the light of the Nine.<br>
The Forgotten dwell within the ruin in filth and darkness, as their Daedra Prince demands. Namira despises light and beauty, as some readers well know. For priests of Arkay to bring light and the word of the Nine to Her followers must surely have been a great insult.<br>
Legion soldiers have been sent to investigate their fate. The priests have been on their mission for two months and the other priests of Arkay we talked to fear for their holy brothers and sisters' fate<br>
One thing is certain if they have been murdered: To kill holy men of Arkay is a foul evil indeed. This outrage will not go unpunished! We task the Imperial Legion with finding the person or persons who will be responsible for these vicious murders and bring them to justice.<br>
This wanton bloodshed shall be eternally punished by the Nine.<br>
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About Namira<br>
This excerpt has been taken from the Book of Daedra, published by an anonymous author :<br>
[...]Namira, whose sphere is the ancient Darkness; known as the Spirit Daedra, ruler of sundry dark and shadowy spirits; associated with spiders, insects, slugs, and other repulsive creatures which inspire mortals with an instinctive revulsion.[...]<br>


**訳文 [#acabd426]
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Nine Divinesの僧侶達、行方不明に!<br>
記者: Redara Alleius<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds" width=70 height=61>rkayに仕えるNineの僧侶達が、Daedraの遺跡を清める使命の遂行中に行方不明になったとの報告が入った。Black Horse Courierが更に調査を行った所、彼らは帝国領土の北部にある、忘れ去られたAyleid遺跡に派遣されていた事が分かった。Daedra Prince Namiraがその地とそこに住むForgottenと呼ばれる人々を支配している。僧侶達には、遺跡を浄化し、彼らの哀れな魂をNineの光明の下に取り戻すという使命が課せられていた。<br>
Forgotten達は、彼らの奉ずるDaedra Princeの要求通り、泥と闇に沈んだ遺跡に住んでいる。ご存知の読者もいる事と思うが、Namiraは光と美を嫌悪している。彼女の信者の元に光とNineの言葉をもたらす事は、Arkayの僧侶にとって耐え難い侮辱だったに違いない。<br>
もし彼らが殺されたのであれば、一つ確かな事がある: Arkayの聖職者を殺す事は邪悪の極みであるという事だ。この暴虐非道の行いが裁かれずにいていいはずがない!Imperial Legionには、この悪意に満ちた殺人事件の犯人を見つけ出し、正義の下に裁きを与える使命が課せられている。<br>
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以下は、著者不明の書物、The Book of Daedraからの抜粋である:<br>



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