L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/Broadsheet01VampireNest のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*本文 [#a3ed5322]

**原文 [#b5ff1b56]
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Vampire Nest in the City!<br>
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A nest of vampires was recently discovered in the home of the Earl of Imbel. The Courier is shocked to learn that Earl Jakben, a local noble of previously unblemished reputation, is revealed to have one of these vampires! <br>
Responding to a tip by the Earl's servant, the Imperial Watch raided the Imbel estate and slew all of the foul creatures. Captain Quintilius has categorically denied the rumors that most of the terrible creatures of the night were already dead by the time the Watch arrived.

**訳文 [#r73d5e82]
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先日、Earl_of_Imbel邸でヴァンパイアの巣窟が発見された。かねてから清廉潔白な地元の貴族として親しまれていたEarl_Jakbenもヴァンパイアの一人であった事には、記者もショックを隠せなかった。 <br>

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