L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/Broadsheet01Assassination のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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**原文 [#f5397fce]
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Elder Council Named as Regents!
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/e_78x61.dds" width=78 height=61>mperor Uriel Septim VII is dead, at the age of 87, having ruled Tamriel for 65 years. He was killed by assassins unknown. At the same time, in separate locations, the late emperor's three sons and heirs (Crown Prince Geldall, 56; Prince Enman, 55; Prince Ebel, 53] were slain by other assassins. An investigation into the identity and motives of the assassins is under way, but the Elder Council, Imperial Guard, and Blades Guard have forbidden the publication of reports and rumors concerning the event until further notice.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/b_60x61.dds" width=60 height=61>y ancient precedent, the Elder Council rules the empire until a new emperor is crowned. No direct heirs survive, and the council has proposed no list of candidates. Chancellor Ocato, Imperial Battlemage, speaking for the Elder Council, presented an appeal to the empire's citizens for calm, and asked that the people remember the Emperor, his sons, and the Elder Council in their prayers.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/e_78x61.dds" width=78 height=61>mperor Uriel's early reign was marked by peace and prosperity. The Empress Caula Voria bore him three healthy sons, was a loving companion to the Emperor, and a great favorite of the people. However, the emperor and the empire suffered terribly during the Imperial Simulacrum (3E 389-399], when he was held captive in Oblivion while the usurper Jagar Tharn assumed his appearance and ruled in his stead. Emperor Uriel was finally rescued and restored and the impostor defeated by the agency of the sorceress Ria Silmane and her shadowy prot?? but the affairs of the empire were in great disorder, and Empress Caula Voria, exhausted by her ordeal, withdrew from public life.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/e_78x61.dds" width=78 height=61>mperor Uriel's early reign was marked by peace and prosperity. The Empress Caula Voria bore him three healthy sons, was a loving companion to the Emperor, and a great favorite of the people. However, the emperor and the empire suffered terribly during the Imperial Simulacrum (3E 389-399], when he was held captive in Oblivion while the usurper Jagar Tharn assumed his appearance and ruled in his stead. Emperor Uriel was finally rescued and restored and the impostor defeated by the agency of the sorceress Ria Silmane and her shadowy prot&#65533;&#65533;, but the affairs of the empire were in great disorder, and Empress Caula Voria, exhausted by her ordeal, withdrew from public life.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he decades following the Restoration were once again peaceful and prosperous, but increasing political tensions among the petty states of northwest Tamriel finally erupted in the Wars of the Iliac Bays, resulting in the establishment of the modern borders of Daggerfall, Sentinel, Wayrest, and Orsinium, and culminating with the remarkable events associated with the Warp in the West.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he latter years of the Emperor's reign have seen a flourishing of Imperial influence in the provinces, and with the fortunate resolution of the religious wars and the Vvardenfell Crisis, and with the wise and firm guidance of King Helseth and his mother, Queen Barenziah, an extension of high Imperial culture even into the more remote parts of Morrowind.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Emperor's murder, and the murder of his three sons, is a terrible crime, and a great tragedy for the Empire. Battlemage Ocato assures us that all the resources of the Elder Council, the Legions, the Guard, the Arcane University, and the Imperial Battle College are being employed to bring the assassins to justice. But, in the meantime, the greatest tribute we citizens can offer to the memory of our beloved Emperor is to go earnestly and diligently about our daily affairs, honoring the life of the great Empire he loved so much, and served so faithfully for so long.

**訳文 [#c7b8ef84]
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/u_66x62.dds" width=66 height=62>riel_Septim_VII世皇帝陛下が逝去された。65年にわたりTamrielを治め、享年87歳であった。正体不明の暗殺団によって殺害された。同時に、別の場所で、皇帝の3人の息子[Geldall皇太子56歳、Enman皇子55歳、Ebel皇子53歳]も他の暗殺者たちによって殺害されている。暗殺団の身元と動機は捜査中であるが、元老院、近衛隊、およびBlades隊は、追って告知があるまで、この事件に関する報道と風説の流布を禁止した。
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds" width=70 height=61>ncient(古代の)慣習により、新しい皇帝が即位するまでは、元老院が帝国を代理統治する。直系の後継者が断絶したため、元老院は候補者の指名をできないでいる。帝国軍のバトルメイジでもあるOcato議長は元老院を代表して、帝国市民に平静を呼びかけ、亡き皇帝陛下と皇子殿下、そして元老院のために祈りを捧げるよう訴えた。
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/u_66x62.dds" width=66 height=62>riel皇帝陛下の初期の治世は、平和と繁栄の時代であった。Caula_Voria皇后陛下は、3人の元気な息子をもうけ、皇帝陛下の良き伴侶として、人民からも絶大な支持を得ていた。しかしながら、皇帝陛下と帝国は偽帝時代(Imperial_Simulacrum)[3E389年-399年]の間に、厳しい経験をすることとなった。皇帝陛下はOblivionに幽閉され、簒奪者Jagar_Tharnが皇帝に成りすまし、帝国を支配した。女魔道士Ria_Silmaneと彼女の支援を受けた人物の働きにより、皇帝陛下はついに救出され、偽帝は敗北した。だが、帝国は混乱状態であり、心身ともに疲れ果てたCaula_Voria皇后陛下は、公務より退くこととなった。
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/r_73x62.dds" width=73 height=62>estoration(皇帝復位)後の数十年は平和と繁栄の時代が再来したが、Tamrielの北西における小国間の政治的緊張の増加は、Iliac湾戦争(Wars of the Iliac Bays)に発展したが、Daggerfall、Sentinel、Wayrest、Orsiniumという新しい領邦の成立により決着を見た。その総決算が、西部の歪み(Warp in the West)という驚くべき出来事であった。
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he_latter_years(晩年)の陛下の治世では、帝国の影響力が各方面に浸透していった。そして、Vvardenfell危機(Vvardenfell Crisis)と宗教戦争を平定すると、Helseth王とその母、Barenziah女王の賢明強固な指導力を借りて、遥か遠方のMorrowindの一部にまで帝国の文化を拡大させた。
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/u_66x62.dds" width=66 height=62>riel皇帝陛下と3人の皇子の暗殺は卑劣な犯行であるとともに、帝国にとって大いなる悲劇だ。Ocato議長は、元老院、軍、警備隊、Arcane_University、そして帝国軍大学校が総力を結集し、暗殺者に正義の鉄槌を下すと宣言した。しかし、一方で、我ら市民が日々の生活を勤勉に過ごし、皇帝陛下が愛してやまなかった偉大な帝国を誇りに思い、末永く誠実に奉仕することが、敬愛する皇帝陛下に送る最大の弔辞であろう。

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