L10N/Alternative_Beginnings/1.2.3/Books/ALBBaurusLetter のバックアップ(No.1)


ALBBaurusLetter Edit?

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<font face=5><br><br>Jauffre,<br><br>
Grave news, the Emperor Uriel Septim VII is dead, as are his sons! Assassins attacked the palace, and we fled the city via the old passages below the Bastion. Unfortunately the enemy was several steps ahead of us and has cut off our escape. All have perished, save myself and a prisoner who was freed by the hand of fate as we tried to get the Emperor to safety.
I do not know why, but I am compelled to trust this man with our last. I have tasked him with delivering the Amulet of Kings to you at Weynon Priory in the hope that something the Emperor told him rings true. Uriel trusted him enough to reveal that there is another heir and that you would know where to find him. He also told this prisoner something about a Prince of Destruction, and to "close shut the jaws of Oblivion". Neither myself nor the prisoner knew what that meant.
I will remain here in the Imperial City to attend to our Emperor's proper burial, and to try and learn what I can of this new enemy which has risen with such boldness to strike at the very heart of the Empire.
May the Nine guide our hand this day, and may they bless the journey of this prisoner with good fortune.<br>
<DIV align="right">-- Baurus<br>

訳文 Edit?

<div align="left"><div align="left"><font face=5><br><br>Jauffre殿<br><br><br><br>
重要な知らせです。Uriel Septim7世陛下と殿下はお亡くなりになりました!<br><br>
私は皇帝陛下が仰った「彼が帯びているという使命」を信じてWeynon修道院までthe Amulet of Kingsを彼に届けさせる事にしました。<br><br>
<DIV align="right">-- Baurus<br>

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