L10N/Alternative_Beginnings/1.2.2/Dialogue/MQInfoGeneral のバックアップ差分(No.2)

FormID: 0018B1F6	MQInfoGeneral	INFOGENERAL	0	The assassinations. What else is there to talk about? Perfectly planned and executed... the Blades perfectly useless... a complete disaster.	
FormID: 0018B1F7	MQInfoGeneral	INFOGENERAL	0	We're all talking about the emperor's murder. We have no emperor. And no heir. That's never happened before. I suppose we should all be worried.	
FormID: 0018B1F9	MQInfoGeneral	INFOGENERAL	0	I think we're in for some hard times. The death of Uriel Septim and his heirs changes everything.	
FormID: 0018B1FA	MQInfoGeneral	INFOGENERAL	0	The Emperor and his three sons, dead, right under the noses of the Imperial Guard. It's a disgrace.	
__ Imperial Guardの目と鼻の先で、皇帝陛下とご子息が殺されるとは。なんという惨劇だ。

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