L10N/HFCastle/1.1.2/QuestStages/HCRequiem のバックアップ(No.7)


FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 10 0 Ignatius revealed that the journal of the original Master of Hoarfrost Castle - Master Furius Hoarfrost - had been found in the keep during its restoration. He says he believes it holds answers to the mysteries surrounding the haunting of the castle, and wants to show it to me. He has been keeping it in his chambers in the sleeping quarters.
__IgnatiusはHoarfrost城初代城主−Furius Hoarfrost−の日記が、修復中に城塞の中で発見されたことを告白した。彼はそれが、城の呪いをめぐる謎の答えになると思っており、それを私に見せたいと言う。彼は居住区画の彼の部屋に、それをずっと保管していた。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 20 0 Ignatius was about to show me Master Furius Hoarfrost's journal when Captain Palenix burst in and informed us that some undead beasts have come up through the secret passage in my master bedroom to attack the keep! He and the guardsmen drove them back, but he dares not spare the men from their guard duty to pursue them into the caverns beneath the keep. Palenix has joined with me, and together we will destroy the revenants ourselves.
__IgnatiusがFurius Hoarfrostの日記を見せようとした時、部屋に飛び込んできたPalenix隊長が、亡者達が城主の寝室の隠し通路から城塞内に進入してきたと告げた。彼と部下達は亡者達を撃退したが、彼は追撃のために部下を地下に送り込むことはできないという。私はPalenixと組み、自ら亡者達を討ち果たすことにした。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 30 0 Captain Palenix and I have destroyed the zombies in the caverns beneath Hoarfrost Keep, although 'destroyed' may not be the right word, if the Captain's fears prove true. He swears that these revenants are the remains of his - and the other guards' - parents; that they have returned to haunt us all. Palenix wants to return to Ignatius with me to report what happened. If this journal Ignatius found does have answers to the mystery of this 'haunting', then reading it would be a good next step, in any case.
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 40 0 Steward Ignatius has given me Furius Hoarfrost's journal. He wishes to discuss its contents once I have read it.
__IgnatiusはFurius Hoarfrostの日記を私に手渡した。彼は私がそれを読んだ後、内容について話し合いたがっている。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 50 0 According to Furius Hoarfrost's journal, he tried to petition the god Arkay to preserve his family and retainers from harm at the hands of the nearby hostile Lords at the time. He created an item he called a 'Conduit' to help his plea reach the gods - only it was not Arkay who responded, but the Daedric Prince Meridia; incensed at the way Furius worded his petition. Meridia cursed him, his family and all his retainers to an eternity of undeath: haunting Hoarfrost Castle. I should discuss this with Ignatius.
__Furius Hoarfrostの日記によれば、彼は当時、近隣の敵対する領主達の攻撃から彼の家族や従者達を保護するよう、Arkay神に祈願しようとしていた。彼は、彼の嘆願が神に達するのを補助するため、『Conduit』と呼ばれる祭器を作成した…だがそれに応えたのはArkayではなく、Daedric PrinceのMeridiaであり、Furiusの祈願の言葉に怒りでもって報いた。Meridiaは彼と彼の家族、そして従者のすべてを呪い、不死の怪物に変えた上でHoarfrost城に縛りつけた。この事についてIgnatiusと話し合わなくてはならない。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 60 0 Ignatius believes that the key to lifting the curse that binds the previous occupants of Hoarfrost Castle to their haunting of the place lies with the 'Conduit' described by Furius Hoarfrost in his journal. The Conduit is apparently hidden in a place Furius called the 'Inverted Cathedral', but Ignatius doesn't know what or where that might be. He recommended asking Captain Palenix - who was a child at the castle at the time the journal was written - if he has any ideas.
__Ignatiusは、Furius Hoarfrostが彼の日記において『Conduit(導管)』と記載したものこそが、Hoarfrost城のかつての城主をこの地に縛りつける呪いの鍵であると確信しているという。ConduitはFuriusが『Inverted Cathedral(ひっくり返った聖堂)』と呼ぶ場所に隠されているものと思われるが、Ignatiusはその場所が何処かは知らないという。彼はPalenix隊長…日記に書かれた当時の城の子供…に、何か知っている事はないか尋ねる事を勧めた。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 70 0 Captain Palenix told me of how - as a child - he saw Furius Hoarfrost sneaking from the castle, and followed him to a ruin which sounds like it fits the name of the 'Inverted Cathedral'. This was on the day that the occupants of the castle - save for the children - were cursed with undeath, so it sounds like it is indeed the hiding place mentioned in Furius' journal. Palenix showed me on my map where the ruin is located; in the mountains north of Hoarfrost Castle.
__Palenix隊長は、子供の頃Furius Hoarfrostがこっそり城を出る所を見つけ、『Inverted Cathedral(ひっくり返った聖堂)』と言う呼び名にふさわしい廃墟まで後をつけていった時の事を話した。それは、子供を除いた城の全住人に不死の呪いが下された日のことで、その事からもFuriusの日記で言及された隠し場所であると思われる。Furiusは遺跡の位置を地図上に示した…それはHoarfrost城北の山中にある。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 80 0 I found a note pinned to a locked door in the 'Inverted Cathedral' ruins - written in a ghostly hand. I think it was left by Furius Hoarfrost... after his death. If I'm understanding it correctly, the Conduit is in the next room, and 'grasping it tightly' will transport me back to the castle, where I fill find Furius. It sounds like destroying him while I am in possession of the Conduit will free him and his family from haunting Hoarfrost Castle.
__『Inverted Cathedral』の廃墟の中、閉ざされた扉に幽鬼によって記されたとおぼしき覚書きが留められているのを見つけた。おそらくこれはFurius Hoarfrostにより書かれたものだろう…彼が幽鬼と化した後に。私の理解が正しければ扉の先の部屋にConduitがあり、そして『強くそれを握る』事により城に、Furiusのいる所に送り返される。そして、Conduitを所持した状態で彼を滅ぼせば、彼と彼の家族はHoarfrost城の呪いから解放されると思われる。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 90 0 I found the 'Hoarfrost Conduit' Furius Hoarfrost wrote of. It is a sphere alright, but it does not look like a 'simple sphere of crystal' as Furius described it. Perhaps it has taken on a different nature since Furius' death. I feel strange when I look at it; as if it calls out to me to 'use' it somehow - as if it begs to be gripped tightly in my hands. Maybe I could ask Estirdalin to study the item first, and better divine its purpose... Or I could simply take a chance...
__Furius Hoarfrostが記したところの『Hoarfrost Conduit』を発見した。それは確かに球体であったが、Furiusの記述にあったような『何の変哲もない水晶玉』のようは見えない。おそらく、それはFuriusの死以来異なる性質のものに変じたのであろう。それを目にした時、奇妙な感覚を覚えた。まるでそれが、自らを『使う』ことを懇願しているかのような、私の手で強く握りしめられる事を切望しているような。Estirdalinに調査してもらえば、より詳しい使い道がわかるだろう。あるいは…このまま自分に賭けて、これを使ってみてもいいかもしれない…。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 100 0 I gripped the Hoarfrost Conduit tightly in my hand, and was teleported somewhere, to a strange chamber. I think it is somewhere inside Hoarfrost Castle. There is a lich here: I think it is Furius Hoarfrost - perhaps the same lich I faced when first driving the undead from the castle. I must destroy him - and hopefully now that I have the Conduit with me, this will be his final death.
__Hoarfrost Conduitを強く握りしめた瞬間、どこか別の場所に転送された。Hoarfrost城内のどこかだと思われる奇妙な部屋に。そこには一体のLichがいた。Furius Hoarfrost…おそらく最初に城から亡者達を追いはらった時に対面したのと同じLichが。私は彼を滅さねばならない…そして、Conduitが我が手にある今、それは彼の真の死となるであろう。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 110 0 Furius Hoarfrost, in his lich form, is dead once more. There was an occasion before now when I thought him dead and gone, of course. Perhaps I should speak with Ignatius to see if he has any idea how we can be sure that the haunting of the castle is over.
__Lichと化したFurius Hoarfrostは再びの死を迎えた。もちろん、彼が滅んだと見えたのはこれが初めてではない。城の呪いが本当に終わりを告げた事を確かめるために、Ignatiusと会って話さねばならない。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 120 0 Steward Ignatius has suggested asking Prior Faric his opinion on whether the curse on Hoarfrost Castle has been lifted. He says that if anyone can tell us this for sure, it will be Prior Faric.
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 130 0 Prior Faric assures me that the castle is now free of the curse Furius Hoarfrost brought upon it all those years ago. The haunting is over. I should give Steward Ignatius the news.
__Faric神父は城が今や、かつてFurius Hoarfrostがもたらした呪いから完全に解き放たれたことを保証した。祟りは終わった。Ignatiusにこの事を伝えよう。
FormID: 0100C720 HCRequiem 140 0 Ignatius was overjoyed at the news that the undead have been driven from Hoarfrost Castle for good. He wished me many years of happiness in my hard-won castle.

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