L10N/Lore_Dialogue_300_Updated/2.3/Dialogue/LoreDialogueQuest-06 のバックアップ(No.5)


FormID: 01002ACE LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraClannfear 1 Their claws have modest magical properties, and are prized by alchemists.
FormID: 01002AD0 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesClaymore 0 Highland Bretons were the first to use the very heavy two-handed sword called the claymore.
__HighlandのBreton達がクレイモアと呼ばれた非常に重いtwo-handed swordを最初に使用しました
__HighlandのBreton達がclaymoreと呼ばれた非常に重いtwo-handed swordを最初に使用しました
FormID: 01002AD0 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesClaymore 1 Powerful Redguards were quick to adopt these massive shock weapons to their heroic melee styles.
FormID: 01002AD0 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesClaymore 2 Not suitable for use by close order troops, the claymore is favored by the solitary hero-adventurer.
FormID: 01002AD0 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesClaymore 3 Particularly against great beasts and otherworldly creatures.
FormID: 01002AD3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicConjuration 0 The conjuration discipline is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Conjuration.
FormID: 01002AD3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicConjuration 1 The conjuration spells summon magical items and beings from the outer realms to serve the caster.
FormID: 01002AD3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicConjuration 2 Conjuring effects include the mental domination of mundane and magical creatures, summoning of otherworldly weapons and armor...
FormID: 01002AD3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicConjuration 3 ...and summoning of Daedric servants and powers to serve and protect the caster.
FormID: 01002AD7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraDaedroth 0 The daedroth are the crocodile-headed Daedric minions of the Daedra Lord Molag Bal.
__daedrothはワニの頭を持つDaedra Lord Molag Balの手先です
FormID: 01002AD7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraDaedroth 1 Daedra hearts have modest magical properties, and are also available at reasonable prices and with considerably less excitement from alchemists.
__Daedra heartは多少の魔法特性があり、また、手頃な価格でalchemistsから手軽に利用されます。
FormID: 01002AD7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraDaedroth 2 Their teeth are also popular for mages and alchemists.
FormID: 01002BB8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreAAThankYou 0 No problem. Need anything else?
FormID: 01002BB9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreAAThankYou 0 No problem. If you'll excuse me, I'm quite busy...
FormID: 010032BC LoreDialogueQuest LoreAldmeri 0 I ask myself... Do I like you enough to tell you about this?
FormID: 010032BD LoreDialogueQuest LoreAldmeris 0 If I liked you better, then I might tell you.
FormID: 010032BE LoreDialogueQuest LoreAlmalexia 0 This is not something I would tell the likes of you.
FormID: 010032BF LoreDialogueQuest LoreApparatus 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032C0 LoreDialogueQuest LoreArmor 0 Nothing I would tell to you. Get lost.
FormID: 010032C2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreArmorStyles 0 This is not something I would tell the likes of you.
FormID: 010032C3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreArmorTypes 0 If I liked you better, then I might tell you.
FormID: 010032C4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBirthsign 0 When we are better friends. Ask again.
FormID: 010032C5 LoreDialogueQuest LoreCamonnaTong 0 Concerning this, I can only speak to a friend
FormID: 010032C6 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedra 0 I don't know if I should talk to you about that.
FormID: 010032C7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDisease 0 This is not something I would tell the likes of you.
FormID: 010032C8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDwemerRuins 0 This is not something I would tell the likes of you.
FormID: 010032C9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreEnchanters 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032CA LoreDialogueQuest LoreGems 0 Nothing I would tell to you. Get lost.
FormID: 010032CB LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsDarkBrotherhood 0 If I liked you better, then I might tell you.
FormID: 010032CC LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsFightersGuild 0 I ask myself... Do I like you enough to tell you about this?
FormID: 010032CD LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsMagesGuild 0 When we are better friends, ask again.
FormID: 010032CE LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsThievesGuild 0 Some words should be shared only by friends.
FormID: 010032CF LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumanoidRaces 0 I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable telling you.
FormID: 010032D0 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumans 0 This is not something I would tell the likes of you.
FormID: 010032D1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreImperialCulture 0 When we are better friends, ask again.
FormID: 010032D2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreImperialLegion 0 This is not something I would tell the likes of you.
FormID: 010032D3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredients 0 Some words should be shared only by friends.
FormID: 010032D4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicAlteration 0 Some words should be shared only by friends.
FormID: 010032D5 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicConjuration 0 I ask myself... Do I like you enough to tell you about this?
FormID: 010032D6 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestructionSpells 0 I don't trust you enough to talk about that.
FormID: 010032D7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicIllusionSpells 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032D8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicMysticismSpells 0 Nothing I would tell to you. Get lost.
FormID: 010032D9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestorationSpells 0 If I liked you better, then I might tell you.
FormID: 010032DA LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivines 0 I don't trust you enough to talk about that.
FormID: 010032DB LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaces 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032DC LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaArmorer 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032DD LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaAthletics 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032DE LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaAxe 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032DF LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaBlock 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032E0 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaBluntWeapons 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032E1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaHandtoHand 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032E2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaHeavyArmor 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032E3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaLongBlades 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032E4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicAlchemy 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032E5 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicAlteration 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032E6 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicConjuration 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032E7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicDestruction 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032E9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicIllusion 0 This is not something I would tell the likes of you.
FormID: 010032EA LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicMysticism 0 This is not something I would tell the likes of you.
FormID: 010032EB LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicRestoration 0 This is not something I would tell the likes of you.
FormID: 010032ED LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillStealthLightArmor 0 If I liked you better, then I might tell you.
FormID: 010032EE LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillStealthMarksman 0 If I liked you better, then I might tell you.
FormID: 010032EF LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillStealthMercantile 0 If I liked you better, then I might tell you.
FormID: 010032F0 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillStealthSecurity 0 If I liked you better, then I might tell you.
FormID: 010032F1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillStealthShortBlades 0 I ask myself... Do I like you enough to tell you about this?
FormID: 010032F2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillStealthSneak 0 I ask myself... Do I like you enough to tell you about this?
FormID: 010032F3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillStealthSpeechcraft 0 I ask myself... Do I like you enough to tell you about this?
FormID: 010032F4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreUndeadCreatures 0 I ask myself... Do I like you enough to tell you about this?
FormID: 010032F5 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterials 0 Nothing I would tell to you. Get lost.
FormID: 010032F6 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponRepair 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 010032F7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypes 0 I'm not telling you that. Anything else?
FormID: 01003E71 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceDunmer 0 We Dunmer are the dark-skinned Elven peoples of the Eastern Empire.
FormID: 01003E71 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceDunmer 1 Dunmer means [QUOTE]dark elf.[QUOTE] [QUOTE]Dark[QUOTE] in this sense is variously understood to mean [QUOTE]dark-skinned,[QUOTE] [QUOTE]gloomy,[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]ill-favored by fate.[QUOTE]
FormID: 01003E71 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceDunmer 2 The Dunmer and our national character embrace these various connotations with enthusiasm.
FormID: 01003E71 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceDunmer 3 In the Empire, [QUOTE]Dark Elves[QUOTE] is the common usage, but in our Morrowind homeland, and among their Aldmeri brethren, we call ourselves the [QUOTE]Dunmer[QUOTE].
FormID: 01003E74 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesDagger 0 Every culture produces some variant on the short multi-purpose weapon called the dagger.
FormID: 01003E74 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesDagger 1 Dagger weapons differ dramatically in quality and effectiveness.
FormID: 01003E74 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesDagger 2 They are further differentiated by a wide variety of enchantments commonly placed on these easily concealed weapons.
FormID: 01003E74 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesDagger 3 Daedric and glass daggers are shockingly efficient weapons, despite their small size and low mass.
FormID: 01003E76 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaBlock 0 The block discipline is the skill of parrying melee attacks with shields or a weapon.
FormID: 01003E76 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaBlock 1 A successful block reduces damage. Those who are superior at blocking can even use this skill offensively.
FormID: 01003E78 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaBluntWeapons 0 Clubs and staves are cheap, easy-to-master, all-purpose weapons for travelers and militias.
FormID: 01003E78 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaBluntWeapons 1 The mace and morningstar are one-handed, the warhammer is two-handed, slow, and heavy.
FormID: 01003E78 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillCombaBluntWeapons 2 All three are proper weapons for professional warriors. Rank them by effectiveness as club, staff, mace, morningstar, and warhammer.
FormID: 01003E7A LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesBattleAxe 0 The term 'battle axe' includes all very heavy axes used two-handed.
FormID: 01003E7A LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesBattleAxe 1 Most battle axes are double-bladed, but the Nordic battle axe has a single blade.
FormID: 01003E7A LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesBattleAxe 2 The great mass and efficiency of the battle axe enables a strong warrior to penetrate heavy armor.
FormID: 01003E7A LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesBattleAxe 3 The battle axe is also a powerful shock weapon against massed, lightly armored opponents.
FormID: 01003E7B LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 0 I dont like you enough to tell you that.
FormID: 01003E7D LoreDialogueQuest LoreDagothUr 0 The Devil Dagoth Ur is dead, and all his kin. And the Blight has gone, too, and the skies are blue over Red Mountain.
FormID: 01003E7F LoreDialogueQuest LoreAlmalexia 0 I have heard rumors here say Almalexia is no longer in Mournhold, and she plans to be gone indefinitely.
FormID: 01003E7F LoreDialogueQuest LoreAlmalexia 1 They say she exhausted her body and spirit in the war against Dagoth Ur, but now she plans to travel in disguise among the people.

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