FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 10 0 I've tried to speak with Karizzy, but she refused to talk.
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 100 0 Do'leandra thanked me for recovering the [QUOTE]Moon Sugar[QUOTE].
__「Moon Sugar」を入手し、Do'leandraから感謝された。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 15 0 [QUOTE]To dawn[QUOTE] refers to [QUOTE]the east[QUOTE]. A hint of direction.
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 16 0 The people of High Rock, Bretons, like myself.
__High Rockに住む人々といえば、私のようなBretonを指すのだろう。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 16 1 [QUOTE]Partmer[QUOTE] is a mistyping of [QUOTE]part mer[QUOTE], the citizens of High Rock who are said to be [QUOTE]part mer[QUOTE] due to their ancestry.
__「Partmer」は「Part mer」の誤字だ。High Rockの住民たちはその起源に由来して「part mer(エルフ種から分かれた者たち)」と呼ばれる。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 17 0 Concealed-Gone-Wild could be a metaphor for Ayleid.
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 18 0 [QUOTE]He-Who-Knew the Tongues[QUOTE] could either mean someone who once met a Greybeard, or is a Greybeard. Of the Greybeards only Hjalfi Early-Beard visited Cyrodiil, but an unknown number had met Greybeards in the past.
__「He-Who-Knew the Tongues」はかつてGreybeardに会った誰か、あるいはGreybeard本人を示すと思われる。Cyrodiilに来た事のあるGreybeardはHjalti Early-Beardだけだが、過去に彼に会ったことのある人間は数限りなく存在する。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 19 0 Nareyla, one of the Daedra beings part of Cyrodiil's Guild Guide, spoke of a great tree in her city.
__CyrodiilのGuild Guideを担うDaedraの一人Nareylaから、彼女のいる街にある大木の事について話を聞いた。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 20 0 Do'leandra thinks that [QUOTE]Concealed-Gone-Wild[QUOTE] refers to a hidden weapon, like a Pahmar-raht in a cage.
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 21 0 Ahtize asked what once was concealed or hidden, but is now wild. She didn't had an answer, though.
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 22 0 Concerning [QUOTE]to dawn[QUOTE] Do'leandra thinks it refers to a direction.
__Do'leandraは「to dawn(夜明けへ)」を方角を指し示すキーワードだと考えているようだ。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 23 0 Tyrru mentioned that some consider his tribe to have gone wild. A sentiment he disagrees with.
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 24 0 When asked about [QUOTE]Concealed-gone-Wild[QUOTE] Karashivuel told me that you can disappear by making a potion out of Bloodgrass and Daedra Silk. She suggested that I should look around places known for the use of alchemy or illusion magic - like [QUOTE]Braveel[QUOTE].
__「Concealed-gone-Wild(隠され-野に去った)」の一節についてKarashivuelに尋ねてみると、BloodgrassとDaedra Silkを使って魔法薬を作れば良いと言われた。「Braveel」のような、錬金術とillusion魔法で知られる都市を当たってみればどうかとアドバイスされた。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 25 0 Tesserayiel reassured me that the Stranded Light has nothing to do with the Mythic Dawn, and suggested that [QUOTE]to dawn[QUOTE] may refer to a Mythic Dawn hideout.
__Tesserayielはthe Stranded LightはMythic Dawnとは一切関係ないと念押しした上で「to dawn(夜明けに向かって)」はMythic Dawnの隠れ家を指しているのではないかと言った。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 26 0 Karashivuel said that [QUOTE]to dawn[QUOTE] could also refer to [QUOTE]the beginning[QUOTE]. Nirn was stabilized at the first tower, Adamantide Tower, in today's High Rock.
__Karashivuelは「to dawn(夜明けに向かって)」は「the beginning(はじまり)」を指す可能性もあると言った。世界の始まり、Nirnのは最初の塔Adamantide Tower(現在のHigh Rock)にて安定を得たという。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 27 0 Teshekru said that she's a Daedra Seducer, not a [QUOTE]Dawn Seducer[QUOTE]. While many daedric beings are labeled as Seducer, she doesn't know of any labeled [QUOTE]Dawn Seducer[QUOTE]. Maybe an Azura worshipper knows more?
__自分は「Dawn Seducer」ではなくDaedra SeducerであるとTeshekruは言った。Seducerとして分類されるDaedraは数多くあるが、「Dawn Seducer」という種族は全く知らないとの事だ。Azuraの信者たちなら詳しい情報を知っているだろうか?
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 28 0 Teshekru told me a story that Bretons have some elven ancestors, therefore they are [QUOTE]part mer[QUOTE].
__Teshekruから聞いた話によると、BretonはElfを祖先としており、それゆえに「part mer(Merから分かたれた者たち)と呼ばれるそうだ。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 29 0 Ahtize never heard of an elvish folk called [QUOTE]Partmer[QUOTE]. She knows Altmer, Falmer, Chimer, Dunmer, Dwemer, Falmer, Maormer and Orsimer. According to her it may refer to the [QUOTE]left handed elves[QUOTE] of Yokuda, of which she doesn't know the name.
__「Partmer」などというElf種族は聞いたことがないとAhtizeは言った。彼女が知っているのはAltmerにFalmer、ChimerにDunmer、DwemerにFalmer、Maormer、そしてOrismerだけだと。彼女によると、Partmerが指し示すのはYokudaにいるとされる「left handed elves(左利きのElfたち」だろうとの事だ。もっとも、彼女は彼らの種族の名前を知らないらしいのだが。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 30 0 Zerreshju said that [QUOTE]part[QUOTE] is not an elvish word, so it may be a simple mispelling of [QUOTE]Falmer[QUOTE].
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 31 0 Jo'beala thinks that [QUOTE]he-who-knew-the-tongue[QUOTE] could refer to a Greybeard, or someone who met a Greybeard once. Greybeards are Nords proficient in [QUOTE]tongue magic[QUOTE]. While there are lot of people who have met a Greybeard, only one ever stepped into Cyrodiil: Hjalfi Early-Beard.
__Jo'bealaの考えでは、「he-who-knew-the-tongue」というのはGreybeardか、もしくはGreybeardが会った人物のどちらかを指すのかもしれないとのこと。Greybeardとは「tongue magic(弁論術)」に長けた口達者なNordを指す言葉だ。Greybeardに会ったことのある人物は数多いが、Cyrodiilに訪れたことのあるGreybeardはただ一人、Hjalfi Early-Beardただ一人のみだ。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 32 0 Teshekru said that everyone who experienced a passionate kiss once know more than one tongue. She doesn't know who could be described in the riddle. Maybe one of a famous pair of lovers?
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 33 0 Do'leandra said that [QUOTE]tongue[QUOTE] could be a landmark, like a fjord.
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 34 0 Karashivuel told me a story that she once met a man able to use a kind of [QUOTE]tongue magic[QUOTE]. Though she ripped out his tongue, ate his guts, and later lost the necklace she made out of his tongue.
__Karashivuelはかつて、ある種の「tonge magic(弁舌術)」を使う男に出会ったことがあるそうだ。その男の腸を貪い、舌を引きちぎって首飾りにしたそうだ。もっともその首飾りは失くしてしまったようだが。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 35 0 Do'leandra wonders why a tree was mentioned. Maybe an important landmark in Cyrodiil, or a county of Cyrodiil?
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 36 0 Tesserayiel told me that Nareyla said something about a revered tree in the city she now serves as Guild Guide.
__Tesserayielによると、今はGuild Guideとして働いているNareylaが、彼女の働く街で信仰を集めている木について何か話していたらしい。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 37 0 According to Kanaane the greatest tree is the Tree of Shades in the Shivering Isles.
__Kanaaneによると、世界で一番巨大な木はShivering IslesのTree of Shadesだとのことだ。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 38 0 Jo'beala told me that there are a lot of [QUOTE]great trees[QUOTE] in Valenwood, although she thinks the stories surrounding them are overexaggerated. They didn't move out of the Khajiiti axes' way.
__Jo'bealaの話によると、Valenwood1には「great trees(大樹)」が数多く存在するとの事だ。彼女自身はそれらの大樹にまつわる物語の数々を誇張されたものだと考えているようであるが。彼らはKhajiiti達による伐採にも動じなかったそうだ。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 5 0 Do'leandra asked me to retrieve something a Renrijra Krin courier hid somewhere in Cyrodiil. She gave me a key and a riddle, describing the place.
__Do'leandraから、とあるRenrijra Krinの配達人がCyrodiilのどこかに隠した品物を入手するよう依頼され、謎掛けの文言と鍵を受け取った。この謎掛けを解けば隠し場所が分かる。
FormID: 030436F7 bgOQ9Moonlight 50 0 I've found some [QUOTE]strange powder[QUOTE] in the chest, which was hidden in Lipsand Tarn.
__Lipsand Tarnの遺跡に隠されたchestの中から「strange powder(奇妙な粉)」を見つけた。