FormID: 01013E76 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 One of Uriel Septim's sons was murdered in the port city of Senchal.
__Uriel Septimの息子の一人はSenchalの港街で暗殺されました。
FormID: 01013E76 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 1 Many Khajiit were slaughtered by the Imperial Legion in the confusion which followed.
__その後、続いた混乱で多くのKhajiitがImperial Legionにより虐殺されました。
FormID: 01013E77 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 At the command of the Mane, the twenty kingdoms of the Confederacy raised armies to face down the daedric horde.
__command of the Maneにより、連合の20の王国がdaedraの大群に敢然と立ち向かうために軍を上げました。
FormID: 01013E77 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 1 Never before has Elsweyr had a standing army. I wonder where this will lead . . .
FormID: 01013E78 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 Many of the Imperial legions stationed in the province have been decimated in pitched battles with the daedric horde.
__地方に配属されたImperial legionの多くは、daedraの大群に対して激戦において壊滅しました。
__地方に配属されたImperial legionの多くは、daedraの大群に対して激戦の後、壊滅しました。
FormID: 01013E79 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 The white-walled city of Alabaster was overrun by the daedric horde and the population dragged screaming into the Oblivion Gate.
__白壁の街Alabasterはdaedraの大群により侵略され、そして、住民の叫び声はOblivion Gateへと飲み込まれていきました。
FormID: 01013E7A ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 Orcrest has rebelled against the Empire!
FormID: 01013E7A ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 1 The king commanded his troops slaughter the last remnant of the Imperial Legion as they were returning from closing a Gate.
__王はGateを閉じて帰還するImperial Legionの最後の生き残りを、彼の軍隊で虐殺したのです。
__Gateを閉じて帰還するImperial Legionの最後の生き残りを、王は彼の軍隊で虐殺したのです。
FormID: 01013E7B ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 Rumour has it the Mane, our great leader, (may his hair grow forever long), has kicked Ocato's enjoys out of the capital.
FormID: 01013E7C ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 One of the small jungle kingdoms of the south declared Mehrunes Dagon their god and joined forces with the Mythic Dawn.
__南の小さな密林の1国はMehrunes Dagonを彼等の神であると宣言し、Mythic Dawnと協力しました。
FormID: 01013E7D ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 Hail N'mzirr! The great hero of Riverhold who fell in battle closing the Oblivion Gate threatening our city!
__N'mzirr様万歳!我々の街を脅かしているOblivion Gateを閉じて戦死したRiverholdの偉大な英雄!
FormID: 01013E7E ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 Chancellor Ocato refused Queen Naghea's request to send Legion troops to protect Riverhold. The Khajiit stand alone! Again!
FormID: 01013E7F ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 0 Elsweyr is a confederacy of twenty kingdoms. Only Anequina and Pellitine are of any great size though,
FormID: 01013E7F ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 1 The rest are either city-states like Riverhold or small tribal kingdoms.
FormID: 01013E80 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 0 Khajiit prefer sweet foods - candies, cakes, puddings and sugarmeats. Our famous moon-sugar comes from the great jungle of Tenmar in the south.
FormID: 01013E81 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 0 The main cities of Elsweyr are Riverhold and Rimmen in the woodlands of the North,
FormID: 01013E81 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 1 Dune, Orcrest and Corinthe in the great central desert,
__great central desert(大中央砂漠)にはDune, OrcrestそしてCorintheがあります。
FormID: 01013E81 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 2 and Torval, Alabaster and Senchal in the southern jungle and coast.
__また、southern jungle(南部密林)とcoast(沿岸部)にはTorval、AlabasterそしてSenchalがあります。
FormID: 01013E82 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 0 The Mane rules the whole of Elsweyr from the great city of Torval in the south. The other lesser kings all pay him tribute.
FormID: 01013E82 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 1 His mane is so huge that his Warrior Guard must carry him around the palace on a palanquin.
__彼のたてがみは非常に長く大きいので、Warrior Guardが駕篭で彼を宮殿まで運ばなければなりません。
FormID: 01013E83 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 0 We Khajiit worship the phases of the moon as gods. For it is white Masser and red Secunda who give us our shape.
FormID: 01013E83 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 1 My clan mother bore a litter of man-shaped Khajiit like me, but her other litters included leopard men, elf-faces, and house-cats.
__私の一族の母は私のような人間の容姿をした子供達にうんざりしていました。でも、彼女の他の子供達はleopard men(豹人間)、elf-face(エルフ顔)やhouse-cat(飼い猫)など様々です。
FormID: 01013E84 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 0 There are many types of Khajiit, but we are all born of the same mothers.
FormID: 01013E84 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 1 I am Suthay-raht, the leonine Khajiit who walk on two legs. The Cathay-raht are similar but have jaguar hides.
FormID: 01013E84 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 2 The Ohmes-raht resemble the Valenwood Elves, except for their tails and furred bodies. Many tattoo their faces with feline markings.
__Ohmes-raht種は尻尾と体毛を除けばValenwood Elf達に似ていて、顔に猫のような模様の沢山の刺青を入れています。
FormID: 01013E84 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 3 The Seneche-raht are the tigers, and the Alfiq-raht the house-cats. They may look like animals but these too are Khajiit.
FormID: 01013E85 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 0 Our skirmishers and thieves tuck a piece of magical nightshade in our armor to increase their ability to skulk and hide.
FormID: 01013E86 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 If you get into trouble with the city guard, just mollify them with a bit of gold.
__city guardと揉め事になったのなら、いくらかのgoldで彼等をちょっとだけなだめてください。
FormID: 01013E86 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 1 Whatever you do, avoid the Cage, I've heard disturbing rumors about that place!
FormID: 01013E87 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 Queen Naghea is the ruler of the Riverhold. But it is sometimes hard to remember which Naghea is which, for all of our queens bear that title.
FormID: 01013E87 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 1 She pays tribute to the Mane in Torval who is the overlord of all the kingdoms in the Elsweyr Confederacy.
FormID: 01013E88 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 When Riverhold is under attack we withdraw higher and higher up into the city, collapsing the stairs and burning the bridges as we go.
FormID: 01013E88 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 1 The enemy must fight us all the way up the mountainside beneath a hail of arrows.
FormID: 01013E88 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 2 If all else fails we retreat deep into the catacombs beneath the castle.
FormID: 01014D82 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQMagesGuildTopic 0 I am the head of the Mages Guild here in Riverhold.
__私はここ、RiverholdのMages Guildの長です。
FormID: 01014D82 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQMagesGuildTopic 1 But it is only a small chapter, consisting of myself and my two apprentices Jo'Rasma and Jo'Faraq.
FormID: 01014D82 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQMagesGuildTopic 2 Visiting guild members may use the bed just off the main hall.
__訪れているguild memberはmain hallをちょっと出て、bedを使っているかもしれません。
FormID: 01014D83 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 0 Elsweyr is famed for its tribal mystics who wander the wild badlands and desert cities of Dune and Corinthe to the south.
FormID: 01014D84 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 Many of my brethren have embraced the daedric horde, desert mystics who would burn the cities and return all Elsweyr to the old tribal ways.
FormID: 01014D85 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 Riverhold is one of our most ancient pride holds. The cliffs are riddled with cavern-dens and deep passages
FormID: 01014D85 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 1 carved deep into the rock by the claws of a thousand thousand mothers, the ancestors of all our prides.
FormID: 01014D86 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRenrijraKrinTopic 0 I know little of them, but they believe they are our defenders.
FormID: 01016907 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 I have no family that I know of. Me and Z'tigi, who lives upstairs, were both slaves on a plantation in southern Morrowind.
FormID: 01016907 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 1 After we were liberated, we [QUOTE]borrowed[QUOTE] some of the owners gold and fled to Elsweyr. It was enough to buy this house.
FormID: 01016907 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 2 Although Z'tigi has since got messed up with a nasty crowd, the Renrijra Krin, and we don't talk much anymore.
FormID: 0101690A ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 My son, my dear, dear son, he's gone missing. I'm sick to death with worry. My husband has searched everywhere but can find no trace of him.
FormID: 0101690B ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 I came to Riverhold in search of long lost family after being freed from slavery in Morrowind.
FormID: 0101690B ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 1 I have since found a new family.
FormID: 0101690C ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 I have been searching for my son everywhere. He went missing a few days ago. I fear something awful has happened to him.
FormID: 0101690D ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 I am a member of the N'ri Pride, one of the most important families in Riverhold, kinsman of Queen Nahgea herself.
__私はN'ri Prideの一員で、RiverholdのNahgea女王自身の血族で最も重要な家族の一人です。
FormID: 0101690E ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 I am a former gladiator of the Arena circuit. It was where I met my lovely wife J'liqa.
__私はArena circuitの元剣闘士です。そこは愛しい妻のJ'liqaに出合った所です。
FormID: 0101690E ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 1 People in my homeland would scorn a marriage been Khajiit and Redguard, but here in Elsweyr no-one bats an eye.
FormID: 0101690F ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 I am the wife of Benrich. We were both gladiators in the Arena circuit. Now we run this weapons shop together.
__私はBenrichの妻です。私たちは共にArena circuitの剣闘士でした。今はこの武器屋を一緒に営んでいます。
FormID: 01016910 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 I was captured by the Khajiit as a girl when I strayed too far from my village in Valenwood.
FormID: 01016910 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 1 Now I must sleep on the floor and suffer the beatings of a cruel master.
FormID: 01016911 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 The Khajiit are a strange lot. Don't feed any of the stray Alfiq. I gave one some food and now it follows me around everywhere.
FormID: 01016912 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 My son Wajiq must not see you in here! He keeps me locked up in this tower, for he will not suffer a mangy old lion like me in his house.
FormID: 01016913 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 Riverhold is a trading town, mostly dealiing in wood, which we ship to Valenwood and the desert cities of the south.
FormID: 01016913 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 1 I also supply the nearby cities in Cyrodiil which rich carpets from Corinthe and fine brassware from Dune.
FormID: 01016914 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 The Hzir pride are a family of traders. We run caravans from the desert cities of central Elsweyr to the Imperial City.
__Hzir prideは交易商の一族です。私達は中心的なElsweyrの砂漠の街からImperial Cityまでキャラバンを営んでいます。
FormID: 01016915 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 House Therano was exiled from Morrowind during the early days of conflict with the Empire. We were accused of being spies.
__House Theranoは帝国との紛争の間もない頃にMorrowindから亡命してきました。私達はスパイであったとして非難されました。
FormID: 01016915 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 1 We went on to establish a trading company in Valenwood and the Summurset Isle.
__我々は、ValenwoodとSummurset Isleに商社を設立し続けました。
FormID: 01016916 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQBackgroundTopic 0 Orcrest, the mighty desert city is home of family . They call it the city of monsters. All are welcome there . . . who can survive the streets.
FormID: 0101C58E ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 Its a nice old town, but watch your step! You'd not be the first clumsy-footed traveler to tumble to his death.
FormID: 0101CC66 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 Its quite a horrid little city. Certainly not a place I would visit if business did not dictate otherwise.
FormID: 0101CC66 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 1 I'm a merchant, an agent for the Valenwood elves. The Bosmer would never send one of their own into Khajiit lands,
__私は、商人でValenwood elf達の巡回販売人です。BosmerはKhajiitの土地に彼等自身の一人を決して行かせません。
FormID: 0101CC66 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 2 the two nations are ancient enemies. But they have a strong demand for timber that only Elsweyr can supply.
FormID: 0101CC66 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 3 Why, I here you ask, does Valenwood need more wood? Ah, those foolish elves do not deign cut their own trees, so to build they must import!
FormID: 0101DA17 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRenrijraKrinTopic 0 Shhh. Not so loud! We don't talk about them.
FormID: 0101DA19 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQElsweyrTopic 0 I wouldn't travel much farther south if I were you. The woodlands quickly give way to rocky badlands and harsh deserts.
FormID: 0101DA1B ANQNQDRiverhold ANQImperialCrisisTopic 0 The countryside is in chaos. Most of the merchants in town are staying put till the Empire sorts it all out.
FormID: 010562C5 ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 If it is looking to buy a home in Riverhold it should speak with the Queen.
FormID: 01058EFF ANQNQDRiverhold ANQRiverholdTopic 0 I haul logs. I fight catmen. Makes Shom happy.