題名 †
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原文 †
Memo to Judge Advocate General
As a personal favor, can you have George Thomo of Anvil arrested and thrown in the Imperial prison until such time as I ask for his release. The crime is unimportant but I suggest something that carries a sentence of 20 years or more. Murder might be a good crime to charge him with.
Many thanks, I will send you a token of my appreciation as usual.
Duke of Nibenay
訳文 †
君を見込んでの個人的な依頼であるが、AnvilのGeorge Thomoを逮捕・投獄し、私が許可するまで決して釈放しないで欲しい。彼に着せる罪状は何でも構わないが、20年かそれ以上の長い刑期が望ましい。殺人罪などどうだろうか。