FormID: 0001E724 MQ02 101 0 I found Jauffre and gave him the Amulet of Kings for a small fee. That will be the end of it; I don't care to get involved in this affair any further.
__Jauffreを見つけ、わずかな金と引換にAmulet of Kingsを渡した。これで終わりだ。これ以上この件に関わりたくはない。
FormID: 0001E724 MQ02 101 1 I found Jauffre and gave him the Amulet of Kings, and that will be the end of it. I don't care to get involved in this affair any further.
__Jauffreを見つけ、Amulet of Kingsを渡した事で、この件は終わりだ。これ以上この件に関わりたくはない。
FormID: 0001E724 MQ02 105 0 I've managed to provoke Jauffre into attacking me by convincing him that it was I who assassinated the Emperor.
FormID: 0001E724 MQ02 110 0 I've slain Jauffre, and ditched the Amulet of Kings. I don't want its trouble following me any further.
__Jauffreを殺害し、Amulet of Kingsを捨てた。これ以上、面倒が続くことは望んではいない。