L10N/Cyrodiil_Upgrade_Resource_Pack/1.4.8/Books/CUOBookWitchesSpellBook06 のバックアップ(No.2)


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Spell Book
Curse of Ill Health
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To make a subject slowly die of natural causes, simply drop 2 parts spider poison in to a cauldron containing any type of mushroom and some blackberries. Leave until the full moon has passed then poor over the spell book page that is to absorb the curse. 
Ensure the correct protective charms are used at all times.

訳文 Edit

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Spell Book
Curse of Ill Health(病の呪い)
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 対象を緩慢な自然死に導くには、何らかの茸とクロイチゴ少々を煮立てている大釜に、Spider Poison二滴を落とすだけでよい。満月が過ぎ去るまで待った後、Spell Bookに呪いが染み込んだことを精査するべし。

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