L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emVCGeneral-02 のバックアップ(No.2)


FormID: 0118E358 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Don't you think it's rather strange to have a house with lots of beds, a long table and no fireplace!
FormID: 0107EB42 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I've heard some strange stories about Count Hassildor. I'm sure they couldn't be true, though.
FormID: 0107EB41 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I love walking by Salmo's place. The smell of his bread baking is amazing.
FormID: 0107EB43 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Hammer and Tongs is a good place to get your armor repaired. Just don't go early in the morning. Agnete usually isn't feeling so well then.
__武具を修理するならHammer and Tongsはいいお店よ。でもあまり朝早くには行かない方がいいわ。朝のAgneteはあまり機嫌が良くないからね。
FormID: 0118E35E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was in Skingrad, Gunder of Colovian Traders tried to teach me how to kiss. Ha! I taught him how to smack somebody very hard in the face.
__Skingrad にいた頃、Colovian Traders の Gunder からキスの手ほどきを押し売りされそうになったものよ。ふんっ!あの人にはお返しに顔面ビンタを教えてやったわ!
FormID: 0104D87E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm not sure I like Eyja.. The way she smiles and calls you [QUOTE]Milord[QUOTE] all the time. No, I do not like it.
FormID: 0104D87D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm not sure I like Eyja.. The way she smiles and calls you [QUOTE]Milady[QUOTE] all the time. Have you ever heard her call me [QUOTE]Milady[QUOTE]? No, I don't like it!
FormID: 0107A011 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think we should buy some wine while we are here!
FormID: 0119CCE2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wouldn't want to swim in the canals - the water doesn't look that nice to me.
FormID: 01109CAE 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Somehow, Aylied ruins are beautiful... in their own scary way.
FormID: 01109CBA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know the name of this ruin?
FormID: 01109CB9 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know the name of this mine?
FormID: 01109CB8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know the name of this fort?
FormID: 01109CB7 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me running around killing goblins.
FormID: 01109CBB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me chasing bandits.
FormID: 01109CB6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Pardon me for asking, but aren't you even a tad bit afraid of daedras?
FormID: 01109CB5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had known that I would spend my time killing daedras!
FormID: 01109CB4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had known that I would spend my time killing vampires.
FormID: 01109CB3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother would have said if she had seen me in a necromancers' lair.
FormID: 01109CAD 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I hate the smell of sewers.
FormID: 01109CB2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Well, I do prefer bandits to vampires and undeads. And there's usually some good loot at places like this.
FormID: 010E8E10 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Did you know that Neeshka has been in Solstheim and that she actually knows my friend Britt? She said she prefers the sandstorms in Ald-ruhn, though.
FormID: 010E8E0F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 If you and I ever visit Morrowind, maybe Neeshka could tag along. I bet she would like that.
FormID: 010CCEEA 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I asked Rhianna if she would help us to gather ingredients for Melinda. She said she'd be quite happy to do so!
FormID: 010CCEEB 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I asked Neeshka if she would help us to gather ingredients for Melinda. She said she'd be quite happy to do so!
FormID: 011905A1 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I asked Fergus if he would help us to gather ingredients for Melinda. He said he'd be quite happy to do so!
__Melinda の為の素材集めに力を貸して欲しいって Fergus に頼んだわ。彼、喜んで手伝ってくれるって!
FormID: 010BF3F6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 One day I would like you to tell me all about what you and Neeshka did in Morrowind. I keep asking her but she just grins at me.
FormID: 010CCEEC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I asked Stoker if he would help us to gather ingredients for Melinda. He said he'd be quite happy to do so!
FormID: 010CCEED 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I asked Arren if he would help us to gather ingredients for Melinda. He said he'd be quite happy to do so!
FormID: 010F2B64 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Arren is an excellent storyteller, but sometimes I get the feeling he might be bragging a bit.
FormID: 010F2B63 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Arren is really nice, but sometimes he makes me a little nervous with all this hyperactivity
FormID: 010CC804 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Have you seen how Arren sits down and sort of... floats in the air? I wonder how he does that trick?
FormID: 010BF3F5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange that I never met Arren while I was staying in Chorrol. I don't think I would ever had forgotten him if I had seen him before!
FormID: 010CA5C8 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You and Rhianna must have had a lot of fun together as children. One of these days I hope you'll tell me more about it.
FormID: 01188A53 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I told a friend that [QUOTE]Ten Commands: Nine Divines[QUOTE] was the worst piece of crap I ever read.But she said a book called [QUOTE]Silken Flames[QUOTE] was even worse.
__友達にTen Commands: Nine Divinesはいまだかつてないぐらいの駄作って批評したら、[QUOTE]Silken Flames[QUOTE]もいい勝負よ、って言われたわ。
FormID: 010F8456 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You and Sonia must have had a great time together. One of these days I hope you'll tell me all about it.
FormID: 010F8454 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Sonia is very beautiful, don't you think so?
FormID: 010F8457 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Strange that I never met Sonia when I was staying in Bruma.
FormID: 011905A3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Fergus is quite handsome, don't you think so?
__Fergus ってすごくハンサムよね。あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 011905A4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I used to be a little embarrassed over my accent,but Fergus has taught me not to think of it. He is right - he has an accent,too, and I quite like it
__以前は自分の訛りを少し恥ずかしく思っていたけれど、 Fergus が気にするなって言ってくれたわ。確かに彼の言う事は正しいと思ったわ。彼にも私と同じように訛りがあったけれど、私は彼の訛りがとても好きだったから。
FormID: 01190C93 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, I'm really glad that Fergus is traveling with us. He is funny, and witty, and I think I can convince him to teach me how to whistle.
__Fergus が旅に同行してくれて本当に嬉しいわ。彼は愉快でウィットに富んでるし、説得次第では口笛の吹き方を教えてくれるかも知れないもの。
FormID: 01190C96 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Tell me, how much do you know about Fergus? He's really nice company, but I don't think he is telling all his secrets... at least not to me.
__ねぇ、あなたは Fergus の事をどれだけ知ってる?彼は本当に素敵な旅仲間だと思うけれど、秘密を全部打ち明けてくれてはいないと思うの…。少なくとも私に対してはね。
FormID: 011905A5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder if Fergus could teach me how to whistle?
__Fergus が口笛の吹き方を教えてくれたらいいのになぁ。
FormID: 011905A6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Fergus has taught me how to whistle! Just listen to this! Pfui... pfffuiii.... pfuii...
__Fergus から口笛の吹き方を教えてもらったわ!聞いてみて!ピュー…プヒュー…ヒュー…。
FormID: 011905A2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Fergus is an excellent storyteller, but sometimes I get the feeling he might be bragging just a tad a bit.
__Fergus はお話が上手よね。でもちょっと自慢し過ぎじゃないかしらって時々思うわ。
FormID: 010BF3F3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 What's the deal with those leather gloves Stoker keeps on wearing? I asked him, but he didn't reply.
FormID: 010BF3F2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Saerileth is a very nice girl, but sometimes I find her accent a bit hard to understand.
FormID: 010BF3F4 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'd like to know more about the differences between a dunmer and a drow. Viconia looks a lot like a dunmer to me... a very beautiful dunmer, that is.
FormID: 010D4A88 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm glad that Modryn Oreyn will run the day-to-day business of the Fighters Guild. That leaves more time for you and I to go adventuring!
__Modryn OreynがFighters Guildの日常業務をこなしてくれるのは嬉しいわ。おかげであなたと一緒の時間も増えるし、冒険にも出かけられるもの!

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