L10N/Bard_of_Cyrodiil/2.0/Dialogue/00Chanson のバックアップ(No.2)


FormID: 01007CC3 00Chanson GREETING 0 (Chanson stares at you silently as you try to engage him)
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 0 What's the difference between a wagon full of dead goblins and a wagon full of cannonballs?
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 1 You can't use a pitchfork on the cannonballs.
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 2 That's a good one, huh, here's another.
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 3 How many goblins does it take to cobble a street?
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 4 It depends on how small you chop them up.
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 5 Goblin chunks! Ha!
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 6 How do you make a dead goblin float?
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 7 Take your foot off its head!
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 8 That's a good one.
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 9 What's the difference between a wine rack and a rack full of goblin heads?
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 10 I don't have a wine rack in my basement.
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 11 It's true, I don't drink wine...How about one more.
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 12 What's the difference between a watermelon and a dead goblin?
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 13 A watermelon floats.
FormID: 01008A83 00Chanson Jokes 14 Heheh...(sigh) I hate goblins.
FormID: 01008A89 00Chanson Jokes1 0 Nords, big, strong, great warriors...but dumb as oxen. Say, you don't have any Nordic blood in you, do you?
FormID: 01008A8B 00Chanson NordYes 0 Well, then how about some nice orc jokes?
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 0 Well then, listen to this one
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 1 How do you see a twinkle in a Nord's eye? Shine a lantern through his ear.
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 2 Or here's one: Two Nordic women find a mirror lying in the street.
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 3 The first picks it up and says, [QUOTE]Hey, I know the person in this picture![QUOTE]
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 4 The second one grabs it from her hand and says, [QUOTE]You idiot, that's me![QUOTE]
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 5 Hey, what do Nords and wine bottles have in common? Their both empty from the neck up.
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 6 Did you hear about the Nord who was killed while drinking milk? The cow fell on him.
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 7 Or how about this one: What do you call a Nord with two brain cells? Pregnant
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 8 An Orc and a Nord jump of Dive Rock at the same time, which one will hit first? The Orc, because the Nord has to ask for directions.
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 9 Why would you give a Nord a fortify intelligence potion? So his horse won't outsmart him.
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 10 OK, one more. A man sees a Nordic woman walking by with two large bags and asks her what they hold.
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 11 [QUOTE]Chickens[QUOTE], she replies.
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 12 [QUOTE]Oh, if I can guess how many chickens are in your bags, can I have one of them?[QUOTE] he asks.
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 13 [QUOTE]I'll do you even better than that, if you can guess how many chickens I have, you can have BOTH of them![QUOTE]
FormID: 01008A8D 00Chanson NordNo 14 Ha Ha...Nords are stupid.
FormID: 01009162 00Chanson Jokes2 0 How about some orc jo...waitaminnit...you're pretty ugly...are you an orc?
FormID: 01009166 00Chanson OrcNo 0 Good, 'cause I got some good orc jokes.
FormID: 01009166 00Chanson OrcNo 1 What's dumber than an Orc building a house underwater? A Nord trying to burn it down.
FormID: 01009166 00Chanson OrcNo 2 How can you tell when an Orc is going to say something stupid? He opens his mouth.
FormID: 01009166 00Chanson OrcNo 3 Two Orcs are walking through the forest. One says, [QUOTE]Look at that dead hawk.[QUOTE] The other one looks up and says, [QUOTE]Where?[QUOTE]
FormID: 01009166 00Chanson OrcNo 4 Why did the Orc sell his bow? So he could buy some arrows!
FormID: 01009166 00Chanson OrcNo 5 Why did the chicken cross the road? So it could show the Orc how!
FormID: 01009166 00Chanson OrcNo 6 Why are Orc jokes always one-liners? So Nords can understand them.
FormID: 01009166 00Chanson OrcNo 7 Those were good yes?
FormID: 01009165 00Chanson OrcYes 0 I thought so. Well, how'd you like to hear some Nord jokes?

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