FormID: 010016E3 HCScreamer GREETING 0 Are you... having doubts about hiring the Highland Company as guards?
__貴方様は…衛兵としてHighland Companyを雇うことに、何か疑問でもお持ちなのでしょうか?
FormID: 010016E3 HCScreamer GREETING 1 Palenix told you their story, did he not? I'm sure you can see how invested they are in this castle - it was their home, after all.
__Palenixは彼らの過去についてお話しになりませんでしたか? 彼らがどれほどこの城に思い入れを持っているか、貴方様はきっとおわかり下さると私は確信しております。ここは彼らの故郷なのですから、文字通り。
FormID: 010016E3 HCScreamer GREETING 2 I can say without reservation that I'd entrust my life to them. This should be obvious, since I recommended them for a job that involves just that!
FormID: 010016E3 HCScreamer GREETING 3 And I'll put it to you another way: I don't know of anywhere else we might hire guards from.
FormID: 010016E3 HCScreamer GREETING 4 It's up to you, of course, but we will remain vulnerable here - and quite bereft of services - until we have guardsmen in residence.
FormID: 010016E4 HCScreamer GREETING 0 Ah: it's you again. Is Screamer still... screaming?
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 0 Master Hoarfrost! I've heard word that Screamer has been silenced. Your work, I'm guessing?
__城主殿か! Screamerが遂に黙ったと聞いたよ。お前さんの仕業だな、そうだろ?
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 1 Impressive work, I must say - and... I must also say... that is - I have a confession to make.
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 10 He was taking the Steward job there - despite our warnings about the place. And now it's happened again... revenants in the keep...
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 11 It's the... undead, don't you see? Can't you see why they terrify us?
__そう…死人だ。分からんか? 何故、我々が奴らを怖れるのか。
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 12 We all have our... fears of Hoarfrost Castle - but... no; we were children then! We are warriors now.
__皆、抱えてる…Hoarfrost城でのかつての恐怖を。だが…あのときの我々はただの子供だった。今は違う! 戦士となったんだ!
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 13 It is well past time we faced our fears and returned to our old home - and we shall guard it as such: with our lives!
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 14 That is... assuming you'll take us on, of course. But look: here's the payment due to you for dealing with Screamer.
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 15 Think it over and talk to me again if you wish to discuss taking us on as guards. We are quite willing and able.
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 2 It's true that we were awaiting a shipment of restorative potions, but that is not all that kept us from going down there to face Screamer.
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 3 Look; I don't know how much old Ignatius told you, so I'll just give you the whole story.
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 4 We - all of us here in the Highland Company - lost our parents at Hoarfrost Castle. We grew up there; children of castle staff.
__我々は…Highland Companyの全員がHoarfrost Castle城で両親を失ってる。我々はあの城で育った。皆城の使用人の子供なんだ。
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 5 We still don't know what happened, but... but one day, our parents came to us, suddenly changed into... into undead things!
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 6 Our own parents came after us; tried to... kill us... Our own parents!
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 7 We... got away somehow - well... most of us. And then we were all at the orphanage together. That's how we met Ignatius; he used to work there.
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 8 We all stayed together after leaving the orphanage, and formed the Highland Company. It was soon after that that Ignatius came to visit us.
__我々は成人して孤児院を出た後、一緒にHighland Companyを結成した。Ignatiusが我々を訪ねて来たのはそのすぐ後だ。
FormID: 010016E5 HCScreamer GREETING 9 He told us that the undead had been driven out of Hoarfrost Castle by the Callonus family, who had taken possession of the place.
FormID: 010016E6 HCScreamer GREETING 0 We are willing to guard Hoarfrost Castle with our lives - if you'll have us. What do you say?
FormID: 010016E9 HCScreamer HCScreamerS40Yes 0 Excellent. I trust Ignatius will make the arrangements? We shall depart for the castle at once.
FormID: 010016E9 HCScreamer HCScreamerS40Yes 1 Alright men! Pack up your things and prepare to move out!
__総員、荷物をまとめろ! 引越しの準備だ!
FormID: 010016E9 HCScreamer HCScreamerS40Yes 2 We're going home...
FormID: 010016EA HCScreamer HCScreamerS40No 0 It's up to you, of course. We shall be here if you change your mind, though.
FormID: 010016EB HCScreamer GREETING 0 Good to see you, Master Hoarfrost. Do you need something?
FormID: 010044E4 HCScreamer GREETING 0 So, the Highland Company is working for us now; very good. For the first time since I was driven from the castle, I think I can relax a little.
__そして、今やHighland Companyが私どものために城を護っております、ありがたい事に。私が城を逐われて以来初めて、多少なりとも寛ぐことができるというものです。
FormID: 010044E4 HCScreamer GREETING 1 Now we're free to approach people to fill the other castle staff positions, since the castle we're trying to woo them to will be secure.
FormID: 010044E4 HCScreamer GREETING 2 You might remember me mentioning that we need a blacksmith, priest, and mage-assistant to round out the castle staff...
FormID: 010044E4 HCScreamer GREETING 3 Oh! I did forget to mention earlier though - because it seems so obvious, really - but we really need someone to cook and clean, too.
__ああ! 私としたことがあまりにも当たり前の事なのですっかり失念しておりましたが、炊事と掃除洗濯にも誰か人が必要ですな。
FormID: 010044E4 HCScreamer GREETING 4 It's a substantial job for a place this size; and one best performed as one's sole job, rather than shared out amongst the rest of the staff.
FormID: 010044E4 HCScreamer GREETING 5 I'm sure we'll encounter someone suited to the job at some point in our usual business; cooks and housekeepers are hardly in short supply.
FormID: 010044E4 HCScreamer GREETING 6 Back to the other positions, though. I have the perfect candidates in mind for each, but feel free to approach them in any order you wish.
FormID: 010044E4 HCScreamer GREETING 7 Just let me know when you wish to discuss the various candidates.
FormID: 01011F79 HCScreamer GREETING 0 Let me know how things go with Captain Palenix. It's... understandable if he's reluctant at first, but I believe he'll come through for us.