FormID: 010510B7 WFMQ11B 0 0
FormID: 010510B7 WFMQ11B 10 0 I am being sent to prevent a raid on the city before it happens. To that end, I must at least kill the two ring leaders, Delena and Dirth. It seems odd that an organization like the knights can only find one person to deal with this threat. I wonder what the rest of them are doing?
FormID: 010510B7 WFMQ11B 100 0
FormID: 010510B7 WFMQ11B 20 0 Two up, two dead. Time to head back to Ophia.
FormID: 010510B7 WFMQ11B 20 1 That takes care of Dirth. Now where might Delena be?
FormID: 010510B7 WFMQ11B 30 0 With Delena and Dirth dead, I have completed what I came here to do.
FormID: 010510B7 WFMQ11B 30 1 That takes care of Delena. Time to find Dirth and complete this job.
FormID: 010510B7 WFMQ11B 40 0 I have prevented the raid on Windfall that Dirth and Delena were planning. Ophia wants to talk to me when I am ready for my next job.