FormID: 0200A832 1H3P2Dragon4 DIAL I don't have much choice.
FormID: 0200A834 1H3P2Dragon4a DIAL Repeat the riddle, please.
FormID: 0200A836 1H3P2Dragon4b DIAL A mudcrab?
FormID: 0200A839 1H3P2Dragon4c DIAL A dragonfly?
FormID: 0200A83C 1H3P2Dragon4d1 DIAL A man?
FormID: 0200A83E 1H3P2Dragon4d2 DIAL A woman?
FormID: 0200A840 1H3P2Dragon4e DIAL There is no such thing!
FormID: 0200A843 1H3P2Dragon5 DIAL Fine. Give me the next one.
FormID: 0200A845 1H3P2Dragon5a DIAL Repeat that again, please?
FormID: 0200A847 1H3P2Dragon5d DIAL Sharks?
FormID: 0200A84D 1H3P2Dragon5e DIAL Storms?
FormID: 0200A851 1H3P2Dragon6 DIAL Then let's finish this.
FormID: 0200A853 1H3P2Dragon6a DIAL Tell me again.
FormID: 0200A855 1H3P2Dragon6b DIAL Love
FormID: 0200A858 1H3P2Dragon6c DIAL Life itself
FormID: 0200A85C 1H3P2Dragon6d DIAL Light
FormID: 0200A85F 1H3P2Dragon6e DIAL Breath
FormID: 0200A861 1H3P2Dragon7 DIAL Does that mean I was correct?
FormID: 0200A863 1H3P2Dragon8 DIAL But I have questions...
FormID: 0200AE53 0H2DublinOUt DIAL 0H2DublinOUt
FormID: 0200AE59 0H2InarEnd1 DIAL <tell him everything>
FormID: 0200C1D4 HOD03WKTalk DIAL HOD03WKTalk
FormID: 0200C1D9 HOD03WKTalk2 DIAL HOD03WKTalk2
FormID: 0200C1DA HOD03WKTalk3 DIAL HOD03WKTalk3
FormID: 0200C1DF 0H3P4WinterTalks1 DIAL Slow down. Who are you, really?
FormID: 0200C1E1 0H3P4WinterTalks2 DIAL Let me guess. The Heart of the Dead.
FormID: 0200C1E3 0H3P4WinterTalks3a DIAL But what is the Heart?
FormID: 0200C1E4 0H3P4WinterTalks3b DIAL Who was Yurn, exactly?
FormID: 0200C1E6 0H3P4WinterTalks3d DIAL So what now?
FormID: 0200C1E9 0H3P4WinterTalks3c DIAL What was that temple back there?
FormID: 0200C1EB 0H3P4WinterTalks3c2 DIAL I'm sorry.
FormID: 0200C1ED 0H3P4WinterTalks3c1 DIAL He was weak to succumb.
FormID: 0200CE88 cmCannotHeal DIAL cmCannotHeal
FormID: 0200CE8B cmFollowMeRelax DIAL -Follow me and relax
FormID: 0200CF1E 001CloudTemple DIAL Comes the King
FormID: 0200D251 1H3P2Raven1 DIAL The boots will only let me go.
FormID: 0200D253 1H3P2Dublin1 DIAL The boots will only let me through.
FormID: 0200D890 0H3Inar1 DIAL Where does the information come from?
FormID: 0200DF72 0H3Guard1 DIAL I'm here for the Gala.
FormID: 0200DF76 0H3Guard2 DIAL What's happening?
FormID: 0200FB01 0H3WinterGala1 DIAL 0H3WinterGala1
FormID: 0200FB03 0H3WinterGala1b DIAL You don't know me.
FormID: 0200FB05 0H3WinterGala1c DIAL Greedy is as Greedy does.
FormID: 0200FB07 0H3WinterGala1d DIAL What exactly is the Heart?
FormID: 0200FB09 0H3WinterGala1e DIAL It's a trinket to talk to the dead.
FormID: 02010208 0H3WinterGala1f DIAL What is it?
FormID: 02010214 0HGenRaven1 DIAL Test make Horny
FormID: 020108E9 0H3Raven1 DIAL You know why I'm here.
FormID: 020108EB 0HGenRaven2 DIAL Test Me Sad
FormID: 02010FD8 0H3Raven2 DIAL How do you know how to open the lock?
FormID: 02010FDA 0H3Raven3 DIAL Dublin can create a distraction.
FormID: 02010FE2 0H3Dublin1 DIAL Of course.
FormID: 02010FE4 0H3Dublin2 DIAL Kat says she can open it.
FormID: 02013A21 0H3Raven3b DIAL 0H3Raven3b
FormID: 02014982 0H4P11Winter5b DIAL Sorry, but I work alone.
FormID: 02014EC2 0H3P2Raven1 DIAL 0H3P2Raven1
FormID: 02014EC4 0H3P2Raven2a DIAL Sure.
FormID: 02014EC5 0H3P2Raven2b DIAL I don't think so.
FormID: 02015C88 0H3P2Dublin1 DIAL 0H3P2Dublin1
FormID: 02015C8A 0H3P2Dublin2a DIAL I tried. Obviously didn't work.
FormID: 02015C8C 0H3P2Dublin2b DIAL Kat was supposed to bring you.
FormID: 02015C8E 0H3P2Dubln2c DIAL Barney?
FormID: 02015C90 0H3Raven4a DIAL What about Dublin?
FormID: 02015C94 0H3P2Raven3 DIAL Wait. Where's Dublin?
FormID: 02015C96 0H3P2Raven3a DIAL My thoughts exactly.
FormID: 02015C99 0H3P2Raven3b DIAL You just left him there, didn't you?
FormID: 02015CA0 HOD03Argument DIAL HOD03Argument
FormID: 02015CAE HOD03RavenNo DIAL HOD03RavenNo
FormID: 02015CB0 HOD03DublinNo DIAL HOD03DublinNo
FormID: 02015CB4 0H3P3Raven1 DIAL 0H3P3Raven1
FormID: 02015CB8 0H3P3Raven2Raven DIAL You're right. It should be destroyed.
FormID: 02015CC1 0H3P3Raven2Dublin DIAL He needs it. I'm going to help him.
FormID: 02015CC5 0H3P3Dublin1 DIAL Yes I did.
FormID: 02015FBB 0H2DublinDisposition DIAL What do you think of me?
FormID: 020160C8 HOD03WKEnd1 DIAL HOD03WKEnd1
FormID: 020160CA HOD03WKEnd2 DIAL HOD03WKEnd2
FormID: 020160CC HOD03WKEnd3 DIAL HOD03WKEnd3
FormID: 020160CE HOD03WKEnd4 DIAL HOD03WKEnd4
FormID: 0201711E 0H2DublinAdvice DIAL Advice
FormID: 020190C0 0H4P1Winter1a DIAL What happened?
FormID: 020190C2 0H4P1Winter1b DIAL How did you find me?
FormID: 020190C4 0H4P1Winter1c DIAL I take it you know where [QUOTE]here[QUOTE] is.
FormID: 02019850 0H4P1Winter2a DIAL Why are we in Morrowind?
FormID: 02019852 0H4P1Winter2b DIAL How do you know so much about Yurn?
FormID: 02019854 0H4P1Winter2b1 DIAL A professor hired me.
FormID: 02019856 0H4P1Winter2b2 DIAL He said he translated Yurn's diary.
FormID: 02019858 0H4P1Winter2c DIAL Why is the Heart so dangerous?
FormID: 0201985A 0H4P1Winter2d DIAL Where is Kat?
FormID: 0201985C 0H4P1Winter2e DIAL Where is Dublin?
FormID: 0201985E 0H4P1Winter2f DIAL What will you do after?
FormID: 02019860 0H4P1Winter2g DIAL So now we get the Heart.
FormID: 0201BDFA cmItemRepair2 DIAL -Repair
FormID: 0201C441 002Winter1 DIAL 002Winter1
FormID: 0201C92C 002Winter2 DIAL Are you threatening me?
FormID: 0201C93A 02Winter1b DIAL I could ask the same of you.
FormID: 0201C93D 02Winter1c DIAL I don't have to explain myself.
FormID: 0201D31E 0H2Inar1 DIAL I've been chasing ghosts all day.
FormID: 0201D323 0H2InarWinterInfo DIAL What do you know of a pale elf?
FormID: 0201D325 0H2InarGarikInfo DIAL I met a dark man in the caverns.
FormID: 0201DDB9 0H4P2Winter1a DIAL Attacked?
FormID: 0201DDBC 0H4P2Winter1b DIAL I've seen them in other places.
FormID: 02021179 1H3P2Collector2 DIAL I had to kill him.
FormID: 02021310 0H2Phin1 DIAL Song of the Three
FormID: 02021384 0H3ChatDublin1b1 DIAL What happened?
FormID: 02021385 0H3ChatDublin1c DIAL You were mercenaries.
FormID: 02021386 0H3ChatDublin1d1 DIAL What happened?
FormID: 02021387 0H3ChatDublin1e1 DIAL I'm sorry.
FormID: 02021388 0H3ChatDublin1b2 DIAL Stop whining. We all have it tough.
FormID: 0202138E 0H3ChatDublin1e2 DIAL Wow, you need to get over it.
FormID: 02021391 0H3ChatDublin1d2 DIAL Not strong enough, apparently.
FormID: 02021393 0H3ChatDublin2a DIAL You delved into the dark arts?
FormID: 02021394 0H3ChatDublin2b1 DIAL That seems strange.
FormID: 02021395 0H3ChatDublin2b2 DIAL You should have given up.
FormID: 02021396 0H3ChatDublin2c1 DIAL I'm glad you were there.
FormID: 02021397 0H3ChatDublin2c2 DIAL You had nothing before I came along
FormID: 02021398 0H3ChatDublin2d DIAL 0H3ChatDublin2d
FormID: 02021BDC 0H30CompanionDis DIAL What do you think of me?
FormID: 020221D0 0H2Dublin1 DIAL 0H2Dublin1
FormID: 020221D2 0H2Dublin1b DIAL What's it to you?
FormID: 020221D4 0H2Dublin2 DIAL 0H2Dublin2
FormID: 020221D5 0H2Dublin1c DIAL Everyone keeps asking me that.
FormID: 020221D7 0H2Dublin1b2 DIAL Yes I am.
FormID: 02022BA8 0H2Phin2 DIAL So you have it?
FormID: 02022BAA 0H2Phin3 DIAL Ok, I'll buy it.
FormID: 02022BAC 0H2Phin4 DIAL I'm not spending that much.
FormID: 02023094 0H2Dublin3 DIAL What do you have in mind?
FormID: 02023096 0H2Dublin3b DIAL Sure.
FormID: 02023098 0H2DublinHeart DIAL How do you know of the Heart?
FormID: 0202309A 0H2DublinEye DIAL What is the trinket?
FormID: 0202309C 0H2Dublin3bNo DIAL I work alone.
FormID: 020230AB 0H2Dublin4 DIAL You have the symbol?
FormID: 0202378A 1H3P2Dragon5b1 DIAL Ice?
FormID: 0202D84F 0H4P3Inar01 DIAL 0H4P3Inar1
FormID: 0202F580 0H4P3Inar02 DIAL Let us go.
FormID: 0202F582 0H4P3Inar03 DIAL Others?
FormID: 0202F9E4 0H2DublinNoSwim DIAL 0H2DublinNoSwim
FormID: 0202FBFF 0H4P9Kat0 DIAL Kat, it's me.
FormID: 0202FC00 0H4P9Kat00 DIAL Kat...
FormID: 0202FCCA 0H4P3Inar04 DIAL So let me go.
FormID: 0202FCCC 0H4P3Inar05 DIAL You never were going to pay me.
FormID: 02030443 0H4P3Inar06 DIAL Who are you, really?
FormID: 02030445 0H4P3Inar07 DIAL You're... Ayleid?
FormID: 02030447 0H4P3Inar08a DIAL What are you going to do?
FormID: 02030449 0H4P3Inar09a DIAL Your brother?
FormID: 0203044B 0H4P3Inar10a DIAL You know of Wintermoon.
FormID: 0203044D 0H4P3Inar10b DIAL Yurn became the White King?
FormID: 0203044F 0H4P3Inar11a DIAL Why are you doing this?
FormID: 02030452 0H4P3Inar12a DIAL You're mad.
FormID: 02030458 0H4P3Inar11b DIAL You kept them as slaves!
FormID: 0203045A 0H4P3Inar12b DIAL ...sacrifice?
FormID: 0203045E 0H4P4Inar1a DIAL If you harm her...
FormID: 02030497 0H4P9Dublin0 DIAL Dublin...