FormID: 0102A1A6 PTArgDoorNoExitScript Messagebox 4 0 I have agreed to watch Hides-Her-Mind while she performs the ritual. I can't leave now.
FormID: 010557C0 PTArgReetulScript Messagebox 8 0 Reetul seems to be unconscious, but alive. You can't try to wake him up while you are in combat.
FormID: 010557C0 PTArgReetulScript Messagebox 10 0 Reetul seems to be unconscious, but alive. Do you want to try to wake him up?
FormID: 010557C0 PTArgReetulScript Messagebox 10 1 Slap him in the face
FormID: 010557C0 PTArgReetulScript Messagebox 10 2 Do nothing